Patriot Business Owner Declairs Her Store A 'muslim-free Zone' (i Would Too!)

Muslims need to be boycotted, shunned, ostracized, whatever it takes to drive the sick, perverted, murderous bastards out of this country before their cancer spreads beyond manageability.
Muslims need to be boycotted, shunned, ostracized, whatever it takes to drive the sick, perverted, murderous bastards out of this country before their cancer spreads beyond manageability.
I agree. Best to start the purge now!
“While many might view the policy as extreme, it should be noted that the establishment appears to serve as a purely private establishment.”

Where if that's the case the establishment is not a 'business' subject to public accommodates laws whose members are at liberty to exercise their ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity.

Consequently the OP is a liar, unsurprisingly – as the owner of the private establishment is not denying service to patrons based on religion as a business serving the general public, rather she's disallowing membership to a private organization predicated on religion, however inane and unwarranted.
Now this business owner has the right idea. Let's face it, these type people called Muslims are dangerous to society and is a threat to our traditional American values and heritage. We need more business owners to jump on board this womans ideology and shut these Muslims out.

Edit: Should be 'Declare' in thread title.

Controversial Owner Declares Her Store a Muslim-Free Zone Find Out Her Reasoning

Um...Sounds familar.

Muslims need to be boycotted, shunned, ostracized, whatever it takes to drive the sick, perverted, murderous bastards out of this country before their cancer spreads beyond manageability.
You're way too late.......there are already 3 million muslims in the U.S ......and we breed like rabbits. ...... :eusa_angel:
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How is this even enforcable? Muslims don't all go out wearing dishdashas and abayas 24/7.
This is not healthy... At first not serving the Muslims, then what? Segregation? And who comes after Muslims? Back to good old discrimination days?
I understand that radical Islam is a threat, but radicals of any religion are a threat. It's the radical part that is dangerous, not the religion itself.
Even though the OP lied - again - the sentiment is actually very unpatriotic and unAmerican.

OTOH, the US gives lip service to equality and multiculturalism but as Stat's graphics show, many of us are racist and terrified of anyone who is different.
“While many might view the policy as extreme, it should be noted that the establishment appears to serve as a purely private establishment.”

Where if that's the case the establishment is not a 'business' subject to public accommodates laws whose members are at liberty to exercise their ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity.

Consequently the OP is a liar, unsurprisingly – as the owner of the private establishment is not denying service to patrons based on religion as a business serving the general public, rather she's disallowing membership to a private organization predicated on religion, however inane and unwarranted.

Don't expect facts to impact opinion among the usual low-information RWs.
No objection from their fellow conservatives @Mac1958


Once again you tag me as if I were avoiding a topic. I had not visited this thread.

Why do you keep doing that?

But if my opinion is this important to you, I'll be happy to provide it: I support the right of a business owner to be a bigot. If the business were in my town and I had been a customer, I would stop giving them business, and I'll bet that's what will happen here. If the business owner wants only fellow bigots as customers, that's perfectly fine with me. They can wallow in their misery together. Birds of a feather and all.

I like knowing who the bigots are, and this provides me with clear proof on this guy.

Kinda creepy the way you keep tagging me, but whatever works for you. I guess I'll take it as a complement.

Muslims need to be boycotted, shunned, ostracized, whatever it takes to drive the sick, perverted, murderous bastards out of this country before their cancer spreads beyond manageability.
You're way too late.......there are already 3 million muslims in the U.S ......and we breed like rabbits. ...... :eusa_angel:
everybody but you!

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