Patriot Front Group Has Data Leaked Exposing Suspect Videos, Outing Members and Even More Questions of Federal Infiltration

LOL, the “Patriot Front”, they should call themselves G.I. Glo: A Real American Homo.
"The tiki torch gang was outed as total lib front group trying to pose as evil rightwingers"
I did not know that.
The Tikitorch-Jews-Won't-Replace-Us marchers were a 'lib front group'?
A 'false-flag' op?

How do you know that poster Man?
Is there an authoritative source we all can read to better understand how you came to assert such?

More on the Government-Sponsored ‘Patriot Front’ Showing More Government Ties

25 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft

We first saw this group in Khakis and blue jackets in Washington D.C. this past fall. Since then they have shown up in Chicago and at the March for Life Rally in D.C.

Today we have more on the Patriot Front which looks like just another Deep State government-supported group.

After looking at the individuals who attended the Patriot Front in Chicago we were able to determine that this group was government-sponsored. It was not some ad hoc group that came out of nowhere. We released the following piece where we shared our observations.
One of our observations was that this group is more fit than groups like the KKK. This upset the Patriot Front members and we know this from items we located that they shared with each other after our article was released.
We released a report yesterday on the Patriot Front with more information on its government ties. We identified the young founder of the group who happened to be in Charlottesville as well.
We have now identified other individuals in the Patriot Front. One member by the name of James Julius Johnson, aka Tyler WA, appears to be the subject matter expert on weapons and the fitness coordinator for the group. This group has no patience for the overweight.

It’s a shame the US government doesn’t take the time to arrest and indict bad guys and instead infiltrates and backs groups it can use to set up Americans with crimes.

Hmm..., Has anyone put this much effort into identifying Antifa and BLM thugs?
It looks like something off SNL. No true patriot men act like this. Then when they think they are off camera they talk about "loving Nazi's!" Come on how stupid do you think we are?
Just as Jusse Smollett falsely demonstrated white racism by creating a lie one cold night in Chicago, it looks like the DOJ / FBI had to create a cadre of "White Supremacists" to show that they were right about "White Supremacists" being an existential threat to the country. The regime already has Antifa made up mostly of spoiled white kids operating as a violent militia of the regime on their payroll.
The imagery of "Patriot Front" is deliberately reminiscent of the Hitler Youth: an emphasis on health and fitness; conformity in dress; and an obsession with ritualistic, synchronized demonstrations. The purpose is to smear the rest of us as Nazis" or "White Supremacists".
American Patriotism is individualistic and inclusive. You can find Hispanic, Asian, African American and Jewish MAGA supporters, as there was on January 6th. All sizes and shapes and ages, both men and women.
Why do neo nazis get uptight when they are recognised as nazis ? Why do they structure these complex narratives in order to distance themselves from nazis ?

Why not just own their nazism ?
Why do neo nazis get uptight when they are recognised as nazis ? Why do they structure these complex narratives in order to distance themselves from nazis ?

Why not just own their nazism ?
Because it takes more than a spurious charge from a butthurt leftist retard.

But that's all you are, so that's all you've got, and you're dismissed.

Mysterious Patriot Front Group Has Data Leaked Exposing Suspect Videos, Outing Members and Even More Questions of Federal Infiltration

23 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
So the mysterious Patriot Front group had its data leaked online this weekend.
Here is one videos where the members repeat Nazi slogans after they believe the cameras kept rolling following a staged video shoot.
Watch this…

Unicorn Riot, a far left group has identified Thomas Rousseau as its founder. Rousseau allegedly took part in the tiki-torch march in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The idiots were posing for photos at their training sessions. Are they really that stupid?
Now their pictures are all over the internet.
Count the feds.

Hmm... Did they film this in Jim Comey's or Chris Wray's basement?
Seems the FBI and DOJ have been weaponized by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists, now they're raising a Nazi army, the globalists are culling the human race, and communism is taking over the world.
Crowd size counting techniques of that photo indicate 17 members. Let's say 12 are Federal informers or agents and there's probably about 5 newbies that don't really know what it's all about and will soon or have already quit.
So there's about six actual members
These clowns will eventually be infiltrated and their identities, data, etc. will be exposed. Watch these cocktail roaches scurry into hiding places now,
This is a failed pathetic Psyop.
As long as there are morons like this, there will always be a boogeyman.
Clowns....the whole lot of them.
Normally these guys are about 5’6”, 250lb with buzzcuts. Maybe they upped the standards or have some type of agility/PT test to get in these days.
These clowns and those like them are the “boogeyman” that Corn-Pop, the Quisling Media, FBI, DOJ and others say exist to overthrow this country. And if 40% of the country leans Left, then 40% of the country believes that.
Those very same people, with urging and propaganda from the Left and aforementioned agencies, lump pissed off and concerned parents as being right wing zealot and terrorist with those groups.

Antifa and the FBI will continue to impersonate right-wing extremists to make them look bad..when all radical right-wingers want is to save their country from darkies

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