Patriot Front Group Has Data Leaked Exposing Suspect Videos, Outing Members and Even More Questions of Federal Infiltration

You got caught saying something stupid. Own it.
You people are always talking about Marxists, yet really at home with most any radical anti-American assholes in the country, especially if you get to dress up and carry guns.
Tell me all about it you closeted fascist. Or am I wrong about that? Nope.
Folks can you all not see how impossibly fucking stupid this intellectual abortion genuinely is, I gauge its maturity level in the vicinity of 12-20 years of age, he clearly does not know or understand what he actually represents, he and virtually every other street democrat, do not even know they are fascist, that woke is fascist, that one political orientation applied via force to every aspect of any society, where you cancel or otherwise suspend, or obstruct ability to be educated, entertained, or even to work based almost exclusively upon conformity with their "one political orientation," is textbook fascism!

He is absolutely clueless how very closely aligned he, his list of approved friends, and their political orientation are, to Nazi Germany! ;)
Folks can you all not see how impossibly fucking stupid this intellectual abortion genuinely is, I gauge its maturity level in the vicinity of 12-20 years of age, he clearly does not know or understand what he actually represents, he and virtually every other street democrat, do not even know they are fascist, that woke is fascist, that one political orientation applied via force to every aspect of any society, where you cancel or otherwise suspend, or obstruct ability to be educated, entertained, or even to work based almost exclusively upon conformity with their "one political orientation," is textbook fascism!

He is absolutely clueless how very closely aligned he, his list of approved friends, and their political orientation are, to Nazi Germany! ;)
Maybe you live in a more fkd up neighborhood, community or area than many of us, and we just are having the same troubles as you, witnessing the same things as you. Maybe your boogeymen are where you find them, but not across the country or maybe it's just you. I don't meet these devils in Lowes or even Walmart in Jackson.
You people are always talking about Marxists, yet really at home with most any radical anti-American assholes in the country, especially if you get to dress up and carry guns.
No, we don't like to hang out with leftists.
Maybe you live in a more fkd up neighborhood, community or area than many of us, and we just are having the same troubles as you, witnessing the same things as you. Maybe your boogeymen are where you find them, but not across the country or maybe it's just you. I don't meet these devils in Lowes or even Walmart in Jackson.
No, you're just impossibly fucking stupid, everyone of you retards prance about online, insulting real Americans as being fascists, you sub-morons use this entirely as a pejorative, oblivious as to just what fascism is, you merely parrot what you have heard from fascist democrat venues, who knowing you to be intellectual abortions, also know you are incapable of learning, or exercising circumspection, and thus clueless as to exactly what it is you tools are bearding for, daily, and in all interactions, and that would be fascism!

I have explained in exacting detail to you little fucktards what fascism is, and what fascism is is not even remotely related to Trump, or Americans who supported him, whom unlike your ruined self, believe in life, liberty, freedom, free expression, and a two party republican political system, which is in point of fact, an exact 180 degree opposite of what you animals so stupidly toe suck, which would be one political party ruling in absolutism over ever fucking vestige of your ugly lives!

You, and all like you, are textbook examples of fascist, fascists censor free speech, mandate compulsory conformity, and viciously, savagely target all who dissent, depriving them of obtaining educations, working, feeding family, eventually their freedom & liberty, and ultimately their lives, which describes to perfection you, and every other woke democrat infesting the continent,

You are the fascists, what you want and clamor for is fascism, and fascism is exactly what Hitler and his Nazi's were, and its why the democratic party was an ally of Hitler's until they were forced not to be! So fuck you, at least develop the courage of your twisted convictions, and celebrate, embrace your irrefutable fascist orientation..... :ahole-1:
No, we don't like to hang out with leftists.
I don't either. If I meet one, I will shun them as I do right wing nut balls. They've tried to recruit me. If I have met a leftist, they didn't try to engage me. PJ says I still intimidate, but really, I'm just a harmless, lovable fluff ball. She's wrong, plain wrong. One of my grown sons rolled his eyes at me last time it came up. He sure wouldn't have done that when he was 15 or 16, so how intimidating could I possibly still be?
No, you're just impossibly fucking stupid, everyone of you retards prance about online, insulting real Americans as being fascists, you sub-morons use this entirely as a pejorative, oblivious as to just what fascism is, you merely parrot what you have heard from fascist democrat venues, who knowing you to be intellectual abortions, also know you are incapable of learning, or exercising circumspection, and thus clueless as to exactly what it is you tools are bearding for, daily, and in all interactions, and that would be fascism!

I have explained in exacting detail to you little fucktards what fascism is, and what fascism is is not even remotely related to Trump, or Americans who supported him, whom unlike your ruined self, believe in life, liberty, freedom, free expression, and a two party republican political system, which is in point of fact, an exact 180 degree opposite of what you animals so stupidly toe suck, which would be one political party ruling in absolutism over ever fucking vestige of your ugly lives!

You, and all like you, are textbook examples of fascist, fascists censor free speech, mandate compulsory conformity, and viciously, savagely target all who dissent, depriving them of obtaining educations, working, feeding family, eventually their freedom & liberty, and ultimately their lives, which describes to perfection you, and every other woke democrat infesting the continent,

You are the fascists, what you want and clamor for is fascism, and fascism is exactly what Hitler and his Nazi's were, and its why the democratic party was an ally of Hitler's until they were forced not to be! So fuck you, at least develop the courage of your twisted convictions, and celebrate, embrace your irrefutable fascist orientation..... :ahole-1:
Relax Puddin, nobody pissed in your Post Toasties, who knew you were so sensitive?
Stop it you retarded fucking moron, you are literally an embarrassment to fascists everywhere, you, you and the democratic party base, you are fascist, textbook fascists! You stupidly, mindlessly toss neo-fascism about as a pejorative, utterly oblivious to the reality that no, its you who is the fascist!

You lack the courage to embrace your primary organizing principle, which is you wish to render all industry, all entertainment, all education, all everything, under the total control of one absolute political orientation, everything, and woe to all who resist you!

That is fascism, you are a fascist! :fu:
Look in a mirror lately?
uh yeah.......

Find a grown-up site.
Look in a mirror lately?
You do not know what fascism, or a fascist is??? How fucking rich, and they branded you a sort of half assed authority figure around here, literally the blind, or willfully blind, leading the intellectually dead around by the nose! Go ahead, show us some fascism!
I don't either. If I meet one, I will shun them as I do right wing nut balls. They've tried to recruit me. If I have met a leftist, they didn't try to engage me. PJ says I still intimidate, but really, I'm just a harmless, lovable fluff ball. She's wrong, plain wrong. One of my grown sons rolled his eyes at me last time it came up. He sure wouldn't have done that when he was 15 or 16, so how intimidating could I possibly still be?
That took an odd turn.

For what it's worth, you're not intimidating on the internet. No one is.

Mysterious Patriot Front Group Has Data Leaked Exposing Suspect Videos, Outing Members and Even More Questions of Federal Infiltration

23 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
So the mysterious Patriot Front group had its data leaked online this weekend.
Here is one videos where the members repeat Nazi slogans after they believe the cameras kept rolling following a staged video shoot.
Watch this…

Unicorn Riot, a far left group has identified Thomas Rousseau as its founder. Rousseau allegedly took part in the tiki-torch march in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The idiots were posing for photos at their training sessions. Are they really that stupid?
Now their pictures are all over the internet.
Count the feds.

Hmm... Did they film this in Jim Comey's or Chris Wray's basement?
Seems the FBI and DOJ have been weaponized by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists, now they're raising a Nazi army, the globalists are culling the human race, and communism is taking over the world.
Crowd size counting techniques of that photo indicate 17 members. Let's say 12 are Federal informers or agents and there's probably about 5 newbies that don't really know what it's all about and will soon or have already quit.
So there's about six actual members
These clowns will eventually be infiltrated and their identities, data, etc. will be exposed. Watch these cocktail roaches scurry into hiding places now,
This is a failed pathetic Psyop.
As long as there are morons like this, there will always be a boogeyman.
Clowns....the whole lot of them.
Normally these guys are about 5’6”, 250lb with buzzcuts. Maybe they upped the standards or have some type of agility/PT test to get in these days.
These clowns and those like them are the “boogeyman” that Corn-Pop, the Quisling Media, FBI, DOJ and others say exist to overthrow this country. And if 40% of the country leans Left, then 40% of the country believes that.
Those very same people, with urging and propaganda from the Left and aforementioned agencies, lump pissed off and concerned parents as being right wing zealot and terrorist with those groups.

What makes you think that's a patriot group? That's a leftist group. Racists, anti-Semites, etc., are generally on the left politically and have been so for 160+ years.
What makes you think that's a patriot group? That's a leftist group. Racists, anti-Semites, etc., are generally on the left politically and have been so for 160+ years.

My comments, did not express any way shape or form that they are a "Patriot Grp". In fact I expressed my thoughts claiming that the FBI and a gov't Psyop.
Your reading comprehension is flawed, Pity...

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