Patriot Front members arrested at Pride Event in Idaho

You are a fucking idiot you have no evidence to support your claim. You are a proposing mass murdering people you don't like, so typical for a leftie. You are why we have guns you fucking commie genocider.
No dumbass I am supporting putting these fuckers in jail. I am supporting LGBT using their 2nd Amendment rights and wasting you bigoted bastards if you attack them, you pieces of shit.
I cannot for the life of me figure out why people get upset over a parade. Don't go. Ive shunned every 4th of July parade for the last 40 years as I feel no obligation to go. But it doesn't bother me that they have them.
I cannot for the life of me figure out why people get upset over a parade. Don't go. Ive shunned every 4th of July parade for the last 40 years as I feel no obligation to go. But it doesn't bother me that they have them.
They hate Da Gayz.
Since .0000000000000000000000001 percent of the population is gay I will let the lessers worry about them.
No dumbass I am supporting putting these fuckers in jail. I am supporting LGBT using their 2nd Amendment rights and wasting you bigoted bastards if you attack them, you pieces of shit.
Really for what, misdemeanors? Does the state have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt or are you suggesting to bypass the constitution and just toss people in jail? You know they were charged with a misdemeanor. You are an evil pos.
Really for what, misdemeanors? Does the state have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt or are you suggesting to bypass the constitution and just toss people in jail? You know they were charged with a misdemeanor. You are an evil pos.
Convict them. Take their stuff. Track all their contacts. You should be worried.
I'm a traditionally married former business owning white Christian male. Nobody yet has been able to tell me what so called threat gays present to america.
What exactly makes these men white supremacist? I guess being against gays and being conservative these days is all the reason you need to be arrested. wow.
Are you a moron? They were going to attack innocent people. If we employed the 2nd Amendment properly those fucks would have appeared and gotten their asses shot to hell faster than the James gang at North Field.
They were going to protest degenerate queers, as is their right. Any talk of potential violence is speculative and based on hearsay. Violating the Constitutional rights of citizens based on hearsay is an assault on every citizens rights. Saying it's OK because drama queens and degenerates don't like these people doesn't change the precedent or utter wrongness.
I don't care who they are. Just ignore stuff you don't like. I've lived in america for 90 years. I e had to ignore more things than I can remember.
I don't care who they are. Just ignore stuff you don't like. I've lived in america for 90 years. I e had to ignore more things than I can remember.
Imagine if Democrats could do that. The world would be a better place.
Both idiotic parties need to learn to do it. That's how the nation works. Let me emphasize BOTH and Democrats AND republicans. You have NO rebuttal

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