Patriot Front members arrested at Pride Event in Idaho

Nope. But you are.

My position remains the same. If they were really planning to riot and attack, then fine, arrest them.

But, I am rightfully skeptical.
And that's exactly what happened.....even tho you try to excuse or deny them. :heehee:
They called Social Security socialism. They called Medicare socialism. They called Obamacare socialism.
They contain aspects of socialism, government interference, government control, and government mandates.
We can't protest gays and other disgusting filth peacefully, but you can do--->
Meanwhile, Democrats declare war on democracy, saying freedom is a threat to democracy. Please. BLM and the Democrats indulged in an orgy of hate and violence in 2020 which has NEVER been answered. This judicial persecution of ANYONE that opposes them as a "HATE" group is become so obvious as it is mostly bullshit.
I thought it was Trump Humper who stormed the Capitol on 1/6, oh they were fighting for Democracy. Smfh.
Are you a fucking moron? The right to assemble was denied these American citizens based on nothing more than speculation, all to keep these people from protesting something they did not support. Do idiots like you not understand the basis of Constitutional rights? Our rights, and the free exercise of them is determined by how our authorities treat the least desirable groups.
Are you a moron? They were going to attack innocent people. If we employed the 2nd Amendment properly those fucks would have appeared and gotten their asses shot to hell faster than the James gang at North Field.
Communism and socialism have lost all meaning to me. You guys use those terms without even knowing what they are.
We know exactly what they are.

COMMUNISTS killed 120 million people in the last century.

They make Hitler look like a rank amateur.
Are you a moron? They were going to attack innocent people. If we employed the 2nd Amendment properly those fucks would have appeared and gotten their asses shot to hell faster than the James gang at North Field.
You are a fucking idiot you have no evidence to support your claim. You are a proposing mass murdering people you don't like, so typical for a leftie. You are why we have guns you fucking commie genocider.

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