Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie Fauci: "So you shut down churches...what about riots? Does the the virus not affect violent leftists?"

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele:

"Do you recommend limiting protests?"

After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.
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Nobody believes George Soros puppet Anthony Fauci(who moves the goalposts everyday)anymore

picofglobalists (1).png
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele:

"Do you recommend limiting protests?"

After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Dr Fauci should have referred to himself as "Bones" and explained to Jordan

"Damn it Jim, i'm a doctor, not a politician."
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele:

"Do you recommend limiting protests?"

After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Dr Fauci should have referred to himself as "Bones" and explained to Jordan

"Damn it Jim, i'm a doctor, not a politician."

But he is a politician.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

What? Rioting is absolutely controllable. Good lord, you really aren't that dumb are you?

BTW...rioting is not a Constitutional right. Worshiping is.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele:

"Do you recommend limiting protests?"

After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Dang, they gave Fauci time to speak? What is this world coming to...reclaim the time!!!

Yep. We dont fight on their terms. We need to start
Fauci is a fraud who's been proven wrong over and over again.

He's not a frontline physician that works in the real world. He's a "lab coat lapdog" who works in the realm of "theory" inside an office. He's never treated a Covid 19 patient. He's just another incompetent bureaucratic shitstain who needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

^^ Somebody is triggered....:itsok:

It was an excellent question that all leftwingers/BLM avoid. Thousands of protests allowed to happen, yet people arent allowed to go to church, which, as you point out, is a controlled environment and can implement social distancing rules, just like any other place allowed to operate like stores.

You all get triggered over it because you fully support suppressing Christians, and of course you support the violent Marxist revolution.
He said to avoid crowds. It should have been left at that. What Jordan did was try to bait him into a political argument over protests.
Actually it was about limiting gathering sizes, especially indoors, and following the shutdowns that governors imposed.

Nothing that Fauci has anything to do with.
Fauci is a fraud who's been proven wrong over and over again.

He's not a frontline physician that works in the real world. He's a "lab coat lapdog" who works in the realm of "theory" inside an office. He's never treated a Covid 19 patient. He's just another incompetent bureaucratic shitstain who needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

The person who comes up with an effective safe vaccine for the coronavirus, also can be attacked, saying he's never treated a COVID-19 patient.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

^^ Somebody is triggered....:itsok:

It was an excellent question that all leftwingers/BLM avoid. Thousands of protests allowed to happen, yet people arent allowed to go to church, which, as you point out, is a controlled environment and can implement social distancing rules, just like any other place allowed to operate like stores.

You all get triggered over it because you fully support suppressing Christians, and of course you support the violent Marxist revolution.

What does Fauci have to do with any of that?
...What? Rioting is absolutely controllable. Good lord, you really aren't that dumb are you? BTW...rioting is not a Constitutional right. Worshiping is.
Then you're stuck distinguishing between (1) Protest [1st Amendment Right] vs. (2) Rioting.

And it's far too easy for a scofflaw and runaway Administration to label (1) as (2) when both are directed against your own Party.

Hey... for all I care, you can declare martial law in impacted cities, bring-in Regulars, and give them orders to Shoot to Kill anyone looting or disturbing the peace.

Let God sort 'em out.

No... that said... there's a huge difference between honest questioning and trying to bludgeon an honorable clinician into supporting your political agenda.

And bludgeoning is exactly what that POS was trying (and failing) to do to the good doctor.

Fauci has far more intelligence, control, grace and style than the pi$$ant punk that tried to bully him, and it showed... Bigly... :abgg2q.jpg:
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Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

^^ Somebody is triggered....:itsok:

It was an excellent question that all leftwingers/BLM avoid. Thousands of protests allowed to happen, yet people arent allowed to go to church, which, as you point out, is a controlled environment and can implement social distancing rules, just like any other place allowed to operate like stores.

You all get triggered over it because you fully support suppressing Christians, and of course you support the violent Marxist revolution.

If the Communist Democrats could they would put Christians in Concentration Camps right now! :mad: The Communist Democrats and their puppets in the MSM would say that Christians are ignorant haters and Society is better off with them locked away to die in Concentration Camps.:rolleyes:
It was an excellent question that all leftwingers/BLM avoid. Thousands of protests allowed to happen, yet people arent allowed to go to church, which, as you point out, is a controlled environment and can implement social distancing rules, just like any other place allowed to operate like stores.

Apparently you don't live in the real world. Churches insisted on operating "as usual" with people sitting shoulder to shoulder, not wearing masks, and singing and praying in close proximity. Not to mention passing the plate from person to person .

No social distancing, no avoiding common surfaces, none of the guidelines being followed. And we already saw the results.

Virginia Pastor Gerald Glenn dies of covid-19 after saying 'God › religion › 2020/04/13 › vi...

Apr 13, 2020 - Bishop Gerald Glenn, 66, founder and leader since 1995 of the New ... Evangelistic Church, died yesterday from COVID-19,” Kaine said.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele:

"Do you recommend limiting protests?"

After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

So now Dr. Fauci is a commie?, LOL.

You RWNJs are so unhinged it is absolutely comical.

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