Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie Fauci: "So you shut down churches...what about riots? Does the the virus not affect violent leftists?"

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Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

How dare Jim Jordan ask the very question that's on everyone's mind.
I would suggest we treat protesters like beach goers and park attendees. Social distancing and masks. I would treat churches like any group of inside large group attendees by not allowing. An outdoor service? Feel free.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

How dare Jim Jordan ask the very question that's on everyone's mind.

Why would he ask Fauci that?
Jim "The Scuzzy Sleaze Bag" Jordan is one to talk, his pedophile-protecting ass is LUCKY he's not currently rotting UNDER the jail.

Amen! Gym Jordan has zero credibility.
Jordan was asking why one group of people can gather and trade sweat and breathe on each other and burn down their city while another group isn't allowed to go about their lives peacefully.

I guess that's too difficult for a retarded deepstater to comprehend.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

How dare Jim Jordan ask the very question that's on everyone's mind.

Why would he ask Fauci that?

Because Fauci has been the guy putting out the recommendations.
WTF shouldn't he ask the guy that started this shit in the first place.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

How dare Jim Jordan ask the very question that's on everyone's mind.

Why would he ask Fauci that?

Because Fauci has been the guy putting out the recommendations.
WTF shouldn't he ask the guy that started this shit in the first place.

And he answered that you should avoid large crowds.
Jim "The Scuzzy Sleaze Bag" Jordan is one to talk, his pedophile-protecting ass is LUCKY he's not currently rotting UNDER the jail.

Amen! Gym Jordan has zero credibility.
Jordan was asking why one group of people can gather and trade sweat and breathe on each other and burn down their city while another group isn't allowed to go about their lives peacefully.

I guess that's too difficult for a retarded deepstater to comprehend.

If that needs to be explained to you - then you're obviously too dumb and racist to understand the answer.
Jim "The Scuzzy Sleaze Bag" Jordan is one to talk, his pedophile-protecting ass is LUCKY he's not currently rotting UNDER the jail.

Amen! Gym Jordan has zero credibility.
Jordan was asking why one group of people can gather and trade sweat and breathe on each other and burn down their city while another group isn't allowed to go about their lives peacefully.

I guess that's too difficult for a retarded deepstater to comprehend.

If that needs to be explained to you - then you're obviously too dumb and racist to understand the answer.

Jim Jordan is all about protecting people's rights to go to church... but couldn't be bothered to report sexual assaults. Go figure.
Jordan is all about power and propaganda. Church people fund his campaigns so he pretends to fight for them. He is about as far from a church goer as I’ve ever seen
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

How dare Jim Jordan ask the very question that's on everyone's mind.

Why would he ask Fauci that?

Because Fauci is at the center of this global bio-terror that was launched against the world's population. . . .
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele:

"Do you recommend limiting protests?"

After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

You're correct. Jim Jordan has publically humiliated himself so many times and this is yet another case of Jordan trying to bully a witness by unsettling them and making false accusations. Jordon didn't listen to a word Faucci said, and tried to make Dr. Faucci sound like he was approving of protests and not of going to church, and the more Faucci said "You should stay away from any crowds to avoid spreading the disease", Jordon tried to twist his words.

Finally they told Jordon to shut and quit badgering the witness. Jordon tries to obfuscate and confuse the witnesses, and hope he can unhinge them enough to give him a "moment", but as usual, the only people who are confused or impressed with his blather, are the fools who think he scored any points at all.
You should ask doctors medical questions and politicians political questions.

When they asked Trump a medical question he suggested injecting people with disinfectant.

Lesson learned.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

How dare Jim Jordan ask the very question that's on everyone's mind.

Why would he ask Fauci that?

Because Fauci is at the center of this global bio-terror that was launched against the world's population. . . .

Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele:

"Do you recommend limiting protests?"

After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Outside of Louis Gohmert, is there any bigger POS on the Republican side than Jim Jordan? He isn't a patriot, he's an idiot and fucking grandstander.
Bully a public servant. Typical right wing tactic. If that was his defense of his dear leader, than he crapped all over himself.
I'd have cut his mike off after 30 seconds.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

Fuck you asshole, your ilk is trying to defund cops so criminals run wild while you control the churches not to hold services to say how fucking wrong it is.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele:

"Do you recommend limiting protests?"

After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Outside of Louis Gohmert, is there any bigger POS on the Republican side than Jim Jordan? He isn't a patriot, he's an idiot and fucking grandstander.
Bully a public servant. Typical right wing tactic. If that was his defense of his dear leader, than he crapped all over himself.
I'd have cut his mike off after 30 seconds.

You would you fucking fascist.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele:

"Do you recommend limiting protests?"

After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

I think you mean “Parrot” not Patriot

Jordan is no different than Rush or Alex Jones spouting inflammatory BS from a microphone. An embarrassment to this country

The Communist Democrats backing Communist Domestic Terrorist Groups Antifa and BLM and kissing Communist China's asses are the true embarrassments to Our Country! :rolleyes:

If that were true then you’d be right. It also would not negate what I said about Jordan.

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