Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie Fauci: "So you shut down churches...what about riots? Does the the virus not affect violent leftists?"

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Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

How dare Jim Jordan ask the very question that's on everyone's mind.

Why would he ask Fauci that?

Because Fauci is at the center of this global bio-terror that was launched against the world's population. . . .


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Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

How dare Jim Jordan ask the very question that's on everyone's mind.

Why would he ask Fauci that?

Because Fauci is at the center of this global bio-terror that was launched against the world's population. . . .


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Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

How dare Jim Jordan ask the very question that's on everyone's mind.

Why would he ask Fauci that?

Because Fauci is at the center of this global bio-terror that was launched against the world's population. . . .


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Old story....totally de-bunked....just a fake story by the Me Too Movement.
Jim "The Scuzzy Sleaze Bag" Jordan is one to talk, his pedophile-protecting ass is LUCKY he's not currently rotting UNDER the jail.

Amen! Gym Jordan has zero credibility.
Jordan was asking why one group of people can gather and trade sweat and breathe on each other and burn down their city while another group isn't allowed to go about their lives peacefully.

I guess that's too difficult for a retarded deepstater to comprehend.

If that needs to be explained to you - then you're obviously too dumb and racist to understand the answer.
WTF does racism have to do with this you fucking C**T????????
Jim "The Scuzzy Sleaze Bag" Jordan is one to talk, his pedophile-protecting ass is LUCKY he's not currently rotting UNDER the jail.

Amen! Gym Jordan has zero credibility.
Jordan was asking why one group of people can gather and trade sweat and breathe on each other and burn down their city while another group isn't allowed to go about their lives peacefully.

I guess that's too difficult for a retarded deepstater to comprehend.

If that needs to be explained to you - then you're obviously too dumb and racist to understand the answer.
WTF does racism have to do with this you fucking C**T????????

What are the protesters protesting? Are you also suggesting that none of the protesters were wearing masks?
So Fauci is a Mengele commie now.

These guys have completely lost their shit. And that's WITH their hero in office.
This investigative journalist is a far left progressive.

He is an Arab.

He is a socialist.

He is also a journalist with integrity that has no love for the Western paradigm or the Anglo-American/NATO Agenda.

This is NOT political, why do you believe it is?

It is only about telling the facts, and making the connections. If you do not look, you cannot see. If you do not listen, you cannot hear.

Among publications he has written for; CounterPunch, The Nation, The Washington Post, USA Today and Salon.

If you have the time, inform yourself. He makes absolutely NO assumptions, yet, he is super informed on the topic. Have you ever even heard of, "Gain of function?" Do you know about the rules governing biological weapons research? Perhaps you should look into that before you act so snarky.

I suspect many on the right would not like what he has to say, or the investigations he has done. I would say, he is about as unbiased as you get.

This is where I first found out about Fauci's compromised. . . er, conflicts of interest.

What are the protesters protesting? Are you also suggesting that none of the protesters were wearing masks?

Trump supported protesters that didn't socially distance, didn't wear masks, and even carried firearms.

There are pictures of them crowded on top of each other without masks.

The BLM protests had 80%-90% of protesters wearing masks. And they've found some of the violence that broke out was actually started by outside white supremacy groups trying to turn peaceful protests violent.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

No. It’s common sense to ask obvious questions as to why it is OK for rioters, looters and protestors to stand cheek to cheek with about a third not wearing masks yet somehow, Christians sitting 6 feet apart in a Church is a threat?
Jim "The Scuzzy Sleaze Bag" Jordan is one to talk, his pedophile-protecting ass is LUCKY he's not currently rotting UNDER the jail.

Amen! Gym Jordan has zero credibility.
Jordan was asking why one group of people can gather and trade sweat and breathe on each other and burn down their city while another group isn't allowed to go about their lives peacefully.

I guess that's too difficult for a retarded deepstater to comprehend.

If that needs to be explained to you - then you're obviously too dumb and racist to understand the answer.
WTF does racism have to do with this you fucking C**T????????

What are the protesters protesting? Are you also suggesting that none of the protesters were wearing masks?
What does this have to do with racism.
And what makes you think a few people wearing masks improperly is going to stop the spread of a virus?
No. It’s common sense to ask obvious questions as to why it is OK for rioters, looters and protestors to stand cheek to cheek with about a third not wearing masks yet somehow, Christians sitting 6 feet apart in a Church is a threat?
Because the picture you draw is false. The majority of protesters wore masks, and as they say, not all protests are created equal.




What are the protesters protesting? Are you also suggesting that none of the protesters were wearing masks?

Trump supported protesters that didn't socially distance, didn't wear masks, and even carried firearms.

There are pictures of them crowded on top of each other without masks.

The BLM protests had 80%-90% of protesters wearing masks. And they've found some of the violence that broke out was actually started by outside white supremacy groups trying to turn peaceful protests violent.
Who cares about Trump, we are talking about the lying hypocrisy of Fauci here.

He is a fake and a fraud, we just need you mindless NPC's to see the light!


Who cares about Trump, we are talking about the lying hypocrisy of Fauci here.

He is a fake and a fraud, we just need you mindless NPC's to see the light!

The only problem with that snapshot is it was taken when Fauci lowered his mask to take a drink of water.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele: "Do you recommend limiting protests?" After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

Arrogant, ignorant POS Congress-Critter... trying to bait an honorable public servant and esteemed scientist like Dr. Fauci.

Given that church-gatherings are controllable, whereas public protests and rioting are not, Fauci was not falling for the bait...

The bait being akin to: "Doctor... should we be shutting down the protestors?"

Nothing more than a tRump flunky try to coax a Protest-Suppression rationale out of the doctor leading the pandemic fight.

Dr. Fauci realized very quickly that he was dealing with hyper-partisan scum and responded effectively, forcefully and appropriately.

The good doctor gets high marks.

The tRump minion, on the other hand?

With any luck, that piece-of-$hit loses his next election.

Protests are absolutely “controllable” just like church gatherings or a sole surfer in California violating a phase 1 COVID -19 restriction. The reality is you people would cry if police enforced a ban on mass basis.
No. It’s common sense to ask obvious questions as to why it is OK for rioters, looters and protestors to stand cheek to cheek with about a third not wearing masks yet somehow, Christians sitting 6 feet apart in a Church is a threat?
Because the picture you draw is false. The majority of protesters wore masks, and as they say, not all protests are created equal.


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It appears that the left's criticism of Christians is hypocritical....because these so-called liberals treat everything the media and Democrats say like Christians treat the it's a religion....and you're not allowed to think rationally.
Patriot Jim Jordan exposes Commie "Health" Czar Fauci Mengele:

"Do you recommend limiting protests?"

After a five minute humiliating exchange, they cut off the Patriot's microphone and allow Fauci Mengele to dodge the question.

A typically moronic question from a moron, for morons.
What are the protesters protesting? Are you also suggesting that none of the protesters were wearing masks?

Trump supported protesters that didn't socially distance, didn't wear masks, and even carried firearms.

There are pictures of them crowded on top of each other without masks.

The BLM protests had 80%-90% of protesters wearing masks. And they've found some of the violence that broke out was actually started by outside white supremacy groups trying to turn peaceful protests violent.
Who cares about Trump, we are talking about the lying hypocrisy of Fauci here.

He is a fake and a fraud, we just need you mindless NPC's to see the light!

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Right, he wore it on the mound as a symbol. That's what leaders do. That is why it is unrecognizable to you.

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