Patriotic Americans vs. Israel

and those that won the region by force of arms had every right to decide the fate of the region
Might makes right?! So the Nazis had every right to kill Jews?!
Yawn.......................Stop the Caliphate are eventually get your ass kicked.................

Or how about a novel idea...............stop saying convert or fucking die.....................because eventually someone is going to knock you on your ass if you don't cut it out............

So yeah.............MIGHT MAKES RIGHT..........on this equation............

btw who bombed the Nazi's into the stone age.................bye bye.
American taxpayers are forced to pay billions of dollars to Israel. America has suffered through oil embargoes because of Israel. America has fought wars for Israel. And what has Israel done for the U.S.? In gratitude the Israelis have conducted damaging spy operations against the U.S. and sold advanced weapons to our most dangerous adversaries.

American interests are not served by propping up apartheid Israel. Our politicians are bribed to betray our country and put Israel first. American subservience to Israel creates hatred for America throughout the Muslim world, terrorism, instability, and aversion to American ideals and reform.

And Islamic nations smell like a rose in all of this, don't they?

No they don't. Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the gulf states are all repressive regimes who ignore basic human rights, are undemocratic...and all propped up by, or allies of, America. America destroyed Iraq and created Islamic State and is standing by watching Syria implode. Curious that Iraq and Syria were the main opponents of Zionist israel. The U.S. doesn't smell much like a rose, either.

Egypt is getting better, since the Muslim Brotherhood fell. As for America standing by and watching Syria implode, I have mixed feeling about that. I don't want America getting involved in a quagmire. On the other hand, when I hear about Christians being beheaded, I think we should do everything possible to stop that.

Getting better? 1,000 people murdered, 10's of thousands held in inhumane captivity, just for disagreeing with the government. A regime that had to extend elections and force people to vote so the scumbag in charge could get enough votes to look "legitimate" so America wouldn't stop "aid" payments. Show trials and fabricated evidence, increased violence against women. If you really think Egypt is getting better, you're either impossibly naive or a degenerate psychopath. Documents on Egypt Human Rights Watch
And Islamic nations smell like a rose in all of this, don't they?
If America wants reform and stability in the Muslim world we should stop propping up the apartheid state of Israel. Palestinians have legitimate grievances against Israel that need to be addressed. I am calling for fairness and peace.

I just love it that US fighting alongside Israel pisses people like you off.

Doesn't piss me off, just makes me sad. Once upon a time America was a country to be admired.

Do you mean like the UK was until you neo Marxist gained power and threw millions of 12 year old schoolgirls to muslim terrorists in return for a handful of votes. Why the vast majority of areas in which gangs of muslims groomed, raped and prostituted British schoolgirls where neo Marxist ran.

Do you feel proud of what your ideology did over the 14 years they where in power ?
Israel torturing Palestinian children:

Break the law and you will be arrested, resist arrest and you will be hurt. When you and the Palestinian terrorists start to understand this then you might stop being stupid
Lame excuses trying to justify the torture of children. Wow.

Do you mean like when hamas kidnapped and tortured those 3 Israeli children to death last summer.

Look at your video and you can see that they are terrorist scum and hardly children. They got what was coming to them, just as they would get if they rose up against hamas.
American taxpayers are forced to pay billions of dollars to Israel. America has suffered through oil embargoes because of Israel. America has fought wars for Israel. And what has Israel done for the U.S.? In gratitude the Israelis have conducted damaging spy operations against the U.S. and sold advanced weapons to our most dangerous adversaries.

American interests are not served by propping up apartheid Israel. Our politicians are bribed to betray our country and put Israel first. American subservience to Israel creates hatred for America throughout the Muslim world, terrorism, instability, and aversion to American ideals and reform.
I'm probably not informed about some of the things you said..can you be more specific?
1.What oil embargoes because of Israel?
2.Which wars America fought because of Israel?
3.Who were the Israelis conducting spy operations against the US(and on who's behalf?)
4.What weaponary sold and to whom?
5.When did Israel became an apartheid?
6.who are the politicians that have been convicted with bribery and who were paying them?
7.How does Israel influence Muslims perspectives over America - and who exactly is being influenced?
8.What is the American methodology about terrorism compared to Israel'?
9.What sort of damaging instabilities Israel caused against the American ideals and reform?
10.About the economic support the US has given to Israel I'll agree with you, no question about it, but in the end, does it serve American interests or not?

Please I'm not interested in links to articles, a simple educated answer will do.
Israel torturing Palestinian children:

Break the law and you will be arrested, resist arrest and you will be hurt. When you and the Palestinian terrorists start to understand this then you might stop being stupid
Lame excuses trying to justify the torture of children. Wow.

Do you mean like when hamas kidnapped and tortured those 3 Israeli children to death last summer.

Look at your video and you can see that they are terrorist scum and hardly children. They got what was coming to them, just as they would get if they rose up against hamas.

Like this 5 year old terrorist arrested by 6 IDF brutes?

Israel torturing Palestinian children:

Break the law and you will be arrested, resist arrest and you will be hurt. When you and the Palestinian terrorists start to understand this then you might stop being stupid
Lame excuses trying to justify the torture of children. Wow.

Do you mean like when hamas kidnapped and tortured those 3 Israeli children to death last summer.

Look at your video and you can see that they are terrorist scum and hardly children. They got what was coming to them, just as they would get if they rose up against hamas.

Like this 5 year old terrorist arrested by 6 IDF brutes?

Where is label saying I am a five year old Palestinian ?
No I'm not but the OP is another "Hate Israel Because" story and I don't buy that crap.
Can you refute any of the statements I made in the OP?

Yeah ... pretty much.

I spent most of those years since Israel was created in the military - and I don't remember a single war we fought for Israel. I do remember a myriad of incidents in which Israel helped to further American interests, though.

The rest of the OP? Same ol' anti-Israel rhetoric that twists and perverts the truth - and tries to blame Israel for the decisions of the US.

Go sell it where somebody gives a damn ....
Any of those statements from official sources or are the blogs, tweets and opinions the evidence?
Obviously the articles I linked to support my statements. If you see any errors please point them out and be as specific as possible.

That's not true --- your 'sources' are opinion pieces, propaganda, anti-Israel hit pieces, and, mostly, just plain intellectually dishonest.

You really should be embarrassed for attaching yourself to this kind of garbage. It severely damages your credibility.
Your opinion reeks of anti semitism. Israel is not the reason that Islamic nations are piss poor places.
Fairness and peace = anti-Semitism?! lol

You're not worried about fairness and peace either. You mideast political hacks are a dime a dozen. We don't fall for your false pretenses.
Probably because you believe Fox News is "Fair and Balanced" :cuckoo:

I couldn't even tell you the last time I watched FNC....If you're starting from a position that Israel is what's wrong with the Middle East, then you're not taking an honest look at it.
Your opinion reeks of anti semitism. Israel is not the reason that Islamic nations are piss poor places.
Fairness and peace = anti-Semitism?! lol

You're not worried about fairness and peace either. You mideast political hacks are a dime a dozen. We don't fall for your false pretenses.
Probably because you believe Fox News is "Fair and Balanced" :cuckoo:

I couldn't even tell you the last time I watched FNC....If you're starting from a position that Israel is what's wrong with the Middle East, then you're not taking an honest look at it.

Right, Great Gatsby. I even heard Obama say once that the falling apart of the Arab world in the past few years should have convinced anyone by now that the Israel/Palestine conflict is not the root of the Middle East's problems.
The rest of the OP? Same ol' anti-Israel rhetoric that twists and perverts the truth - and tries to blame Israel for the decisions of the US.
This kind of blanket denunciation is pointless. If you disagree please be more specific.
To give you something to chew on -

American interests are not served by propping up apartheid Israel.Our politicians are bribed to betray our country and put Israel first. American subservience to Israel creates hatred for America throughout the Muslim world, terrorism, instability, and aversion to American ideals and reform.

Can you maybe point out all these bribes? Maybe you have specific instances of when politicians "betrayed our country and put Israel first". How about this "American subservience"? A few examples if you don't mind. The rest is pure jingoism.

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