Patriotic Americans vs. Israel

"For the hawks, disorder and chaos sweeping through the region would not be an unfortunate side-effect of war with Iraq, but a sign that everything is going according to plan.

In their eyes, Iraq is just the starting point – or, as a recent presentation at the Pentagon put it, “the tactical pivot” – for re-moulding the Middle East on Israeli-American lines.

This reverses the usual approach in international relations where stability is seen as the key to peace, and whether or not you like your neighbours, you have to find ways of living with them. No, say the hawks. If you don’t like the neighbours, get rid of them.

The “skittles theory” of the Middle East – that one ball aimed at Iraq can knock down several regimes – has been around for some time on the wilder fringes of politics but has come to the fore in the United States on the back of the “war against terrorism”.

Its roots can be traced, at least in part, to a paper published in 1996 by an Israeli thinktank, the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies. Entitled “A clean break: a new strategy for securing the realm”, it was intended as a political blueprint for the incoming government of Binyamin Netanyahu. As the title indicates, it advised the right-wing Mr Netanyahu to make a complete break with the past by adopting a strategy “based on an entirely new intellectual foundation, one that restores strategic initiative and provides the nation the room to engage every possible energy on rebuilding Zionism …”

- See more at: The World Was Right about Iraq Israel Wins Clean Break

caught using a biased source again after declaring you only use UN archives. WHAT A LIAR YOU ARE
Like this 5 year old terrorist arrested by 6 IDF brutes?

Yea those toddlers look pretty dangerous.

And those Israeli's look like Palestinians pretending to be IDF and getting everything wrong

LOL. The deflection techniques from the Hasbara are getting creative.

We leave that to you freddy boy, after all you deflect and derail threads all the time. So much so that everyone is picking up on it now
Like this 5 year old terrorist arrested by 6 IDF brutes?

Yea those toddlers look pretty dangerous.

And those Israeli's look like Palestinians pretending to be IDF and getting everything wrong

LOL. The deflection techniques from the Hasbara are getting creative.

We leave that to you freddy boy, after all you deflect and derail threads all the time. So much so that everyone is picking up on it now

Your use of projection is quite interesting to observe. Unfortunately, I don't think you realize how transparent you are. Everyone can see what you are doing, whether they admit it or not.
The bottom line is, the U.S president is the one who made the decision to go to war.
The bottom line is the president does what the lobbyists tell him to do.

That is not true. Lobbyists don't have that much power. Obama said that Israel must withdraw to the '67 lines. Obama also treats Netanyahu like shit. Do you think the lobbyists want that? Also, despite all the money that Adelson gave to Romney, Obama still won the election.

My own opinion of the Second Iraq war is as follows: It was fought for 3 reasons. 1) Vice-President Cheney had major connections in an oil company called Haliburton, and he wanted a contact in Iraq for oil. 2) Bush wanted revenge for his father. Saddam tried to assassinate the older Bush. It was a personal grudge. When I pointed this out in another thread once, someone said that I was not a good son if I didn't feel it was right to lead an entire nation into war to protect my father's honor. I'm sorry, but I don't relate to that kind of thinking. 3) Yes, it was also fought to protect Israel, and supposedly create a democratic Middle East. What the planners of the war didn't count on was that the Arabs/Muslims would never be able to create a democracy. They must be ruled by a strong, ruthless secular dictator--otherwise, they fall into Islamic messes.

Clearly, you don't live around the corner from reality ..... you're a long, long way from there.

The first time I read through it, I thought it was a piece from Onion ....
The bottom line is, the U.S president is the one who made the decision to go to war.
The bottom line is the president does what the lobbyists tell him to do.

That is not true. Lobbyists don't have that much power. Obama said that Israel must withdraw to the '67 lines. Obama also treats Netanyahu like shit. Do you think the lobbyists want that? Also, despite all the money that Adelson gave to Romney, Obama still won the election.

My own opinion of the Second Iraq war is as follows: It was fought for 3 reasons. 1) Vice-President Cheney had major connections in an oil company called Haliburton, and he wanted a contact in Iraq for oil. 2) Bush wanted revenge for his father. Saddam tried to assassinate the older Bush. It was a personal grudge. When I pointed this out in another thread once, someone said that I was not a good son if I didn't feel it was right to lead an entire nation into war to protect my father's honor. I'm sorry, but I don't relate to that kind of thinking. 3) Yes, it was also fought to protect Israel, and supposedly create a democratic Middle East. What the planners of the war didn't count on was that the Arabs/Muslims would never be able to create a democracy. They must be ruled by a strong, ruthless secular dictator--otherwise, they fall into Islamic messes.

Clearly, you don't live around the corner from reality ..... you're a long, long way from there.

The first time I read through it, I thought it was a piece from Onion ....
The bottom line is, the U.S president is the one who made the decision to go to war.
The bottom line is the president does what the lobbyists tell him to do.

That is not true. Lobbyists don't have that much power. Obama said that Israel must withdraw to the '67 lines. Obama also treats Netanyahu like shit. Do you think the lobbyists want that? Also, despite all the money that Adelson gave to Romney, Obama still won the election.

My own opinion of the Second Iraq war is as follows: It was fought for 3 reasons. 1) Vice-President Cheney had major connections in an oil company called Haliburton, and he wanted a contact in Iraq for oil. 2) Bush wanted revenge for his father. Saddam tried to assassinate the older Bush. It was a personal grudge. When I pointed this out in another thread once, someone said that I was not a good son if I didn't feel it was right to lead an entire nation into war to protect my father's honor. I'm sorry, but I don't relate to that kind of thinking. 3) Yes, it was also fought to protect Israel, and supposedly create a democratic Middle East. What the planners of the war didn't count on was that the Arabs/Muslims would never be able to create a democracy. They must be ruled by a strong, ruthless secular dictator--otherwise, they fall into Islamic messes.

Clearly, you don't live around the corner from reality ..... you're a long, long way from there.

The first time I read through it, I thought it was a piece from Onion ....

Well, why do you think we fought the Second Iraq War? To save us from those WMD that didn't exist at all? At the time it was happening, I read alot about it.
They are responsible for all the Muslim terror the latest from ISIS who burns people to death?
The Israelis and AIPAC pushed for the invasion of Iraq. They wanted the U.S. to destroy Iraq for Israel. Iraq threatened Israel not the U.S. The war led to present-day instability.

Don't like it because Israel refuses to go back to borders that were never recognized or allow " Right of Return?"
Do you realize the Israelis ethnically cleansed the Palestinians from their homes?
American taxpayers are forced to pay billions of dollars to Israel. America has suffered through oil embargoes because of Israel. America has fought wars for Israel. And what has Israel done for the U.S.? In gratitude the Israelis have conducted damaging spy operations against the U.S. and sold advanced weapons to our most dangerous adversaries.

American interests are not served by propping up apartheid Israel. Our politicians are bribed to betray our country and put Israel first. American subservience to Israel creates hatred for America throughout the Muslim world, terrorism, instability, and aversion to American ideals and reform.
Sadly, the AIPAC noose is very secure around our American Government Congress paid for foot soldiers for Israel...We all saw Netanyahu receiving standup applause from both sides of the isle...

It has been only with the body-bags coming home from Israel's War in Iraq and terrorist bombings in American that our academics and young people who die for the one percent question our alliance with a state that
thumbs its nose at International Law while waiving hidden nukes at all her neighbors...

Americans need to let the ME sort out its problems, the Palestinian issue is the fuse to the larger issue of Western imposed Colonialism via Israel...

Let them sort it out without Americans dying for their cause!
This is America's challenge for the next generation, too shake off the Oligarchy in America and give back power to the people!
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No I'm not but the OP is another "Hate Israel Because" story and I don't buy that crap.
Can you refute any of the statements I made in the OP?

They can't - mostly because you made no errors.
Corrupt politicians are making a mint out of putting Americans in the firing line.
The proof is simple - tell me about Islamic terrorist attacks on the US before the US started to mess in middle eastern politics.

I'll save you the bother - there were none. (Watch some idiot bring up the Barbary pirates)
No I'm not but the OP is another "Hate Israel Because" story and I don't buy that crap.
Can you refute any of the statements I made in the OP?

They can't - mostly because you made no errors.
Corrupt politicians are making a mint out of putting Americans in the firing line.
The proof is simple - tell me about Islamic terrorist attacks on the US before the US started to mess in middle eastern politics.

I'll save you the bother - there were none. (Watch some idiot bring up the Barbary pirates)
Since you mention the Barbary Pirates, the first terrorist suicide bombing took place in Tripoli, carried out by Americans.
Your opinion reeks of anti semitism. Israel is not the reason that Islamic nations are piss poor places.
Fairness and peace = anti-Semitism?! lol

You're not worried about fairness and peace either. You mideast political hacks are a dime a dozen. We don't fall for your false pretenses.
Probably because you believe Fox News is "Fair and Balanced" :cuckoo:

I couldn't even tell you the last time I watched FNC....If you're starting from a position that Israel is what's wrong with the Middle East, then you're not taking an honest look at it.

I started out supporting Israel...then I took an honest look at it.
This always gets me. There were no terrorist attacks on America until America attacked a bunch of countries.
Then America blames the people it attacked.

Like this 5 year old terrorist arrested by 6 IDF brutes?

Yea those toddlers look pretty dangerous.

And those Israeli's look like Palestinians pretending to be IDF and getting everything wrong

LOL. The deflection techniques from the Hasbara are getting creative.

We leave that to you freddy boy, after all you deflect and derail threads all the time. So much so that everyone is picking up on it now

Your use of projection is quite interesting to observe. Unfortunately, I don't think you realize how transparent you are. Everyone can see what you are doing, whether they admit it or not.

How many times have you been pulled up short for deflecting and derailing this week alone freddy boy ?
No I'm not but the OP is another "Hate Israel Because" story and I don't buy that crap.
Can you refute any of the statements I made in the OP?

They can't - mostly because you made no errors.
Corrupt politicians are making a mint out of putting Americans in the firing line.
The proof is simple - tell me about Islamic terrorist attacks on the US before the US started to mess in middle eastern politics.

I'll save you the bother - there were none. (Watch some idiot bring up the Barbary pirates)

Try this

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

First in 1972 well before the US was involved in the M.E.
This always gets me. There were no terrorist attacks on America until America attacked a bunch of countries.
Then America blames the people it attacked.


Using islamonazi sources again for your information
Yea those toddlers look pretty dangerous.

And those Israeli's look like Palestinians pretending to be IDF and getting everything wrong

LOL. The deflection techniques from the Hasbara are getting creative.

We leave that to you freddy boy, after all you deflect and derail threads all the time. So much so that everyone is picking up on it now

Your use of projection is quite interesting to observe. Unfortunately, I don't think you realize how transparent you are. Everyone can see what you are doing, whether they admit it or not.

How many times have you been pulled up short for deflecting and derailing this week alone freddy boy ?

And those Israeli's look like Palestinians pretending to be IDF and getting everything wrong

LOL. The deflection techniques from the Hasbara are getting creative.

We leave that to you freddy boy, after all you deflect and derail threads all the time. So much so that everyone is picking up on it now

Your use of projection is quite interesting to observe. Unfortunately, I don't think you realize how transparent you are. Everyone can see what you are doing, whether they admit it or not.

How many times have you been pulled up short for deflecting and derailing this week alone freddy boy ?


I count over 20 today alone, and many more since Sunday. WHY DO YOU LIE
LOL. The deflection techniques from the Hasbara are getting creative.

We leave that to you freddy boy, after all you deflect and derail threads all the time. So much so that everyone is picking up on it now

Your use of projection is quite interesting to observe. Unfortunately, I don't think you realize how transparent you are. Everyone can see what you are doing, whether they admit it or not.

How many times have you been pulled up short for deflecting and derailing this week alone freddy boy ?


I count over 20 today alone, and many more since Sunday. WHY DO YOU LIE

You don't have a clue what you are counting. Why don't you stick to the subject of the thread rather than conversing with me. You are turning into a stalker.

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