patriotic sheriff blocks fed from raiding a farmer.

Apparently there's a bit more to this story:

The raw milk supplier to the coop now at the center of a growing Campylobacter outbreak in southeastern Michigan decided recently to stop distributing product across state lines three years after federal officials found the dairy was breaking the law by putting its raw milk into interstate commerce.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in a Feb. 8, 2007 “Warning Letter”, said the Forest Grove Dairy “distributes unpasteurized raw milk and cream in interstate commerce, in finished form for human consumption.” If so, that would mean the dairy was violating the federal Public Health Service (PHS) Act.

IN-MI Raw Milk Trade May Be Over | Food Safety News

The farm supplied raw milk to a location that had a campylobacter bacteria outbreak.It was traced back to the Indiana farm.

The reason that the FDA stopped their actions against the farm was that the farm stopped selling across state lines to Michigan, where raw milk is outlawed.

“Forest Grove Dairy has experienced increasing pressure from FDA over the past week, and notwithstanding the private nature of our herd lease and share arrangement, these pressures embody serious risks,” said the Michigan coop in an email to its 250 members telling them their raw milk source was cut off.

IN-MI Raw Milk Trade May Be Over | Food Safety News

It appears much of the Sheriff's story of 'stopping the FDA' is self promotional.
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That...and the feds were acting illegally when they repeatedly searched the.premises and harassed the guy.
The feds showed up every two weeks for I don't k.ow how long, harassing him and searching the premises illegally. Until the sheriff mlade them stop.
The sheriff did not "make" them do anything. If they had a substantial case against the farmer they would have pursued it regardless of what the sheriff wanted them to do.
Illegal search and seizure, constitutional violations. And no, they wouldnt. They cou t on retards like you to let them get away with this shit. Thank goodness, some people still know we are not slaves of the feds. Fuck them, they need to clear their asses off.our property and get their pig noses out of our business.

You're honestly arguing that food safety inspections are unconstitutional?

This is clearly a case where in theory I support what the sheriff did but he picked the wrong battle. Raw milk can carry brucellosis which is zoonotic (can pass to humans) and as I understand probably not fun to come down with. Pasteurizing milk isn't hard to do...I think its 165 degrees F you hold it at for some minutes and then cool it down and refrigerate or freeze it immediately. Not really hot enough to destroy the nutritional value, but hot enough to kill the bad stuff in raw milk.

Would've been better if they were fighting off Monsanto from seizing some poor farmer's heirloom crop that Monsanto's nearby farm cross pollinated in the winds (their fault) without compensating the farmer. And in fact, they often prosecute the farmer for theft of their genetic patents..WHILE IT WAS THEIR FAULT!

That would've been the better battle to pick.
This is clearly a case where in theory I support what the sheriff did but he picked the wrong battle. Raw milk can carry brucellosis which is zoonotic (can pass to humans) and as I understand probably not fun to come down with. Pasteurizing milk isn't hard to do...I think its 165 degrees F you hold it at for some minutes and then cool it down and refrigerate or freeze it immediately. Not really hot enough to destroy the nutritional value, but hot enough to kill the bad stuff in raw milk.

Would've been better if they were fighting off Monsanto from seizing some poor farmer's heirloom crop that Monsanto's nearby farm cross pollinated in the winds (their fault) without compensating the farmer. And in fact, they often prosecute the farmer for theft of their genetic patents..WHILE IT WAS THEIR FAULT!

That would've been the better battle to pick.
The battle has nothing to do with raw milk. It has to do with unauthorized and illegal raids.and harassment bybfederal shitheads withoutbwarrants.
No, he didn't exceed his authority. If he had, the assholes wouldn't have left.

This happened some time ago. Fuck the feds.

"“Specifically, the FDA was inspecting his farm without a warrant as much as every two weeks. Typical inspections occur annually. The Department of Justice (DOJ) had subpoenaed him for a grand jury in Michigan in which he was to bring his production documents. The Feds wanted to make this farmer an example.”

This is the sort of shit we put up with. Assfucks showing up, warrantless, telling us we HAVE to allow them to fuck with our property because they are "federal agents". Fuck them. We don't have to do shit.

Let me guess,it was that idiot troll Guno that said he exceeded his authority? one more troll to add to ignore.
The federal "gubermint" only has jurisdiction within the confines of the city state that is the District of is our implied consent and ignorance of the law that gives them any power which is why a Sheriff can tell them to go fuck themselves.....I agree with Koshergirl....FUCK the Feds. They are nothing but lackeys for the international bankers that own USA.INC.

you nailed it.:udaman:
The federal "gubermint" only has jurisdiction within the confines of the city state that is the District of is our implied consent and ignorance of the law that gives them any power which is why a Sheriff can tell them to go fuck themselves.....I agree with Koshergirl....FUCK the Feds. They are nothing but lackeys for the international bankers that own USA.INC.

you nailed it.:udaman:

Um, no. The United States is the States and Territories. Not simply the District of Columbia.

You've confused only the US government having authority over DC, with the US government only having authority over DC.

They aren't the same thing.
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