Paul Fussell — “Thank God for the Atom Bomb”

I am sorry that you and your family are foreign citizens and feel no connection whatsoever to our history.

I'm a German - and fortunatelly not an US-American.

War is hell. Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the killing of our soldiers.

? ... So you saved the life of your soldiers by doing a heavy murderous crime. ... ¿What about a simple demonstration of such a nuclear strike with the same effect?

I am very happy that the dropping of two nuclear bombs on Japan allowed Pappy Boyington and Louie Zappareni to live, and thousands of other prisoners of War from the Japan to Burma, throughout China.

I can forgive you as well for being an immigrant poorly educated on the history of our just country.

Just country ? The USA? Your are a joker. Capitalism lives from injustice - that's why some people get only some dollars a day while others get millions a day.

You are forgiven for your ignorance.

Thanks, Mrs. Amber Arrogance.
What a bullshit to call Hiroshima and Nagasaki "military targets" instead of "mass murder" - what unfortunatelly also shows that you are a structural Nazi on your own.


Hiroshima was the main logistical center of the region. It was also the military headquarters for Southern Japan. In other words, it would be the same as taking out the Pentagon, as well as the main US supply depot all at once. How is that not military?

And Nagasaki? Are you serious? The largest shipyard in Japan? Where the Yamoto was built, and they were scrambling to build suicide boats and subs as fast as they could? "Not a military target"?

Here, look at this a moment:


That is a drydock at Nagasaki Shipyard after the surrender. Normally used for building battleships, here you see it full of 2 man submarines. These were all being built (and there were 2 more drydocks similarly full) for the purpose of using them against Allied forces as they landed. Over 150 of those subs are just in that one drydock, almost 500 already built and more under construction. Do you really think that is not military?

I would clearly state that 500 suicide submarines in a single location is indeed a military target. And anybody that says otherwise is a "structural moron".
Not at all. Wartime strikes on military targets are neither murder nor war crimes.

So when Vladimir Putin (="Russia") will nuke for example Berlin (="Germany") then this will be no war crime (reason: "evil tyrant attacks evil city") but when he will nuke New York (="evil tyrant nukes the holy city of the USA") then this will also be no war crime because Hiroshima and Nagasaki are no war crimes?

Long live the Happy USA - while "long" is a relativelly short distance for an intercontinental nuke with a detonation power from the type "Czar" (50 megatons = ~ 3,850 Hiroshima bombs).
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Hiroshima was the main logistical center of the region. It was also the military headquarters for Southern Japan. In other words, it would be the same as taking out the Pentagon, as well as the main US supply depot all at once. How is that not military?

And Nagasaki? Are you serious? The largest shipyard in Japan? Where the Yamoto was built, and they were scrambling to build suicide boats and subs as fast as they could? "Not a military target"?

Here, look at this a moment:


That is a drydock at Nagasaki Shipyard after the surrender. Normally used for building battleships, here you see it full of 2 man submarines. These were all being built (and there were 2 more drydocks similarly full) for the purpose of using them against Allied forces as they landed. Over 150 of those subs are just in that one drydock, almost 500 already built and more under construction. Do you really think that is not military?

I would clearly state that 500 suicide submarines in a single location is indeed a military target. And anybody that says otherwise is a "structural moron".
no comment
So when Vladimir Putin (="Russia") will nuke for example Berlin (="Germany") then this will be no war crime (reason: "evil tyrant attacks evil city") but when he will nuke New York (="evil tyrant nukes the holy city of the USA") then this will also be no war crime because Hiroshima and Nagasaki are no war crimes?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were military targets. It is hard to see how New York and Berlin are military targets.

But if Russia wants to have a nuclear war, we have more than enough nukes to burn them off the face of the earth.

Long live the Happy USA - while "long" is a relativelly short distance for an intercontinental nuke with a detonation power from the type "Czar" (50 megatons = ~ 3,850 Hiroshima bombs).
Russia pathetic little midget torpedo is quite comical. They don't even know how to build a large nuke properly.
no comment

Of course not, there really is no rebuttal possible from a sane and rational individual. Like my destroying your claims that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not military targets. Kinda hard to scream they were not military, when a single photo shows over 150 suicide submarines.

So it is a good thing that you have no comment, that would make you look even more silly.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were military targets. It is hard to see how New York and Berlin are military targets.

Especially as their own troops were already there!

Some people really can not "think military", and just spout off anything they want to say because it makes sense to them. They do not know or understand topics military or historic, and are simply so angry that they will scream anything they can think of, even if it only makes sense in their own minds.

But case in point, consider that the US did not nuke Tokyo. That would have been the equivalent of nuking Berlin, and that was not on the table.


The general consensus is that if Japan had not surrendered by the time the US dropped Atomic Bomb number 4, number 5 would likely have been on Tokyo. With the Emperor's Palace as "ground zero". Because by that time it would be obvious that the government in place would never surrender, so it would be better served to simply see it replaced by a government that would surrender.

If the US was so damned determined to see Hirohito off the throne and executed, why the hell was Tokyo not the first target?

Makes no dammed sense, but their logic does not work that way. They will make up things and scream endlessly, but never really understand what they are saying.
So when Vladimir Putin (="Russia") will nuke for example Berlin (="Germany") then this will be no war crime (reason: "evil tyrant attacks evil city") but when he will nuke New York (="evil tyrant nukes the holy city of the USA") then this will also be no war crime because Hiroshima and Nagasaki are no war crimes?

Tell me this then, braniac.

If the US was so determined to see Hirohito dead, why did they not drop the first bomb on Tokyo?

No, the second bomb was at Nagasaki, home of the largest shipyard in Japan. The equivalent of dropping it on Kiel, home of the Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft. What most may recognize as the shipyard where the Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, and over 140 submarines were built. And instead of Hiroshima, they decided to nuke Rastenburg. You know, the main headquarters for most of the German Senior Staff.

So tell us, what would have been an acceptable target to you? I am going to make a bet, and you will say "nowhere".
I'm a German - and fortunatelly not an US-American.
? ... So you saved the life of your soldiers by doing a heavy murderous crime. ... ¿What about a simple demonstration of such a nuclear strike with the same effect?
Thanks, Mrs. Amber Arrogance.
While, being a German jew killer, I am sure you wish to paint everyone as murderers

Elektra is a record label, neither sex, I got balls so you are wrong about me being a mrs.
Tell me this then, braniac.

Aha- someone knows something about Bran-theories in context of theories about parallel universes - or made a spelling mistake.

If the US was so determined to see Hirohito dead, why did they not drop the first bomb on Tokyo?

If someone likes to kill the military, economic and political power of the USA - why not to send some aeroplanes direction Pentagon, Washington and the WTC in NY on 9/11 and to nuke them?

No, the second bomb was at Nagasaki, home of the largest shipyard in Japan. The equivalent of dropping it on Kiel, home of the Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft.

Or that Japan had thrown a nuke on Pearl Harbor what had not been territory of the USA and had been occupied from the navy of the USA?

What most may recognize as the shipyard where the Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, and over 140 submarines were built. And instead of Hiroshima, they decided to nuke Rastenburg.

Rastenburg? ... Got it. New name is now Kętrzyn in the Polish voivodship Ermland-Masuren in former East-Prussia. Also a culture which you and your allies totally wiped out. This genocide is also a very heavy war crime done from the allies of world war 1+2.

You know, the main headquarters for most of the German Senior Staff.

No idea what this means.

So tell us, what would have been an acceptable target to you?

Counterquestion: Do you really think US-Americans have the right to murder whomever they like to murder in every war with whatever method?

I am going to make a bet, and you will say "nowhere".

Let me say it in this way: People like you will have to die out if all mankind likes to survive. But who dies really out? People like I! Without regret, because to have to live with people like you is only an agony.

original text from 1906: Memelstrand = Ostseestrand
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Most of this post is almost unintelligible gibberish. But I will hit some of the main points.

If someone likes to kill the military, economic and political power of the USA - why not to send some aeroplanes direction Pentagon, Washington and the WTC in NY on 9/11 and to nuke them?

No idea what this means, we are discussing WWII. When that war broke out there were no nukes.

Please try to stay on topic.

Or that Japan had thrown a nuke on Pearl Harbor what had not been territory of the USA and had been occupied from the navy of the USA?

No idea what this means, we are discussing WWII. When that war broke out there were no nukes.

Please try to stay on topic.

Rastenburg? ... Got it. New name is now Kętrzyn in the Polish voivodship Ermland-Masuren in former East-Prussia. Also a culture which you and your allies totally wiped out. This genocide is also a very heavy war crime done from the allies of world war 1+2.

Does not matter what it is called now, that is the name during the war. That is as stupid of a comment as trying to correct my naming Constantinople during the Crusades with Istanbul, or the early Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam with the current name of New York. In a historic conversation, the accepted standard is to use the name in use at the time.

And the claim of genocide. Got it, you are a biased Nazi and reality is not important to you.

Counterquestion: Do you really think US-Americans have the right to murder whomever they like to murder in every war with whatever method?

Spurious claim-question, ignored. But I take it that in your mind anybody the US kills in a war is "murdered". Therefore flushed for silliness.

Let me say it in this way: People like you will have to die out if all mankind likes to survive. But who dies really out? People like I! Without regret, because to have to live with people like you is only an agony.

Interesting. First you scream the US does genocide, then you pretty much go off saying that myself and others like me should be subjected to genocide.

I think what upsets you is that the US killed a lot of Nazis, and that upsets you. And you want to see all that are not Nazis killed. I think I got it straight now.

Maybe you should go join Snitwin, the two of you seem to have a lot in common. In addition to both getting lost somehow on the way to Stormfront and ending up here.
Most of this post is almost unintelligible gibberish. But I will hit some of the main points.


No idea what this means, we are discussing WWII. When that war broke out there were no nukes.

To be stupid or not to be supid - that is not the question.

Please try to stay on topic.

No idea what this means, we are discussing WWII. When that war broke out there were no nukes.

Please try to stay on topic.

Does not matter what it is called now, that is the name during the war. That is as stupid of a comment as trying to correct my naming Constantinople during the Crusades with Istanbul, or the early Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam with the current name of New York. In a historic conversation, the accepted standard is to use the name in use at the time.

So your standard is to murder and to displace people and to genocide every culture which you like to genocide. But this are your values how you define your modern times. What you did do with the Netherlanders of Nieuv Amsterdam I don't know - but the Greek population in Turkey had not been eliminated when the Muslims had conquered Constantinople. The Greeks in Turkey (=Christians) - and the Turks in Greece (=Muslims) - had been displaced between the two world wars. Even in the 19th century still 1/5 - 1/3 of the people of the Osman Empire had been Christians.

And the claim of genocide. Got it, you are a biased Nazi

End of "discussion".

and reality is not important to you.

Spurious claim-question, ignored. But I take it that in your mind anybody the US kills in a war is "murdered". Therefore flushed for silliness.

Interesting. First you scream the US does genocide, then you pretty much go off saying that myself and others like me should be subjected to genocide.

I think what upsets you is that the US killed a lot of Nazis, and that upsets you. And you want to see all that are not Nazis killed. I think I got it straight now.

Maybe you should go join Snitwin, the two of you seem to have a lot in common. In addition to both getting lost somehow on the way to Stormfront and ending up here.
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By the rules you set, by your values or your code, whatever you call it. As you have commented to me, fine, i get to use use your ligic and apply that to you. You are German so you murdered jews.

Sure, Nazi. ... or are you not an anti-Semite too and not only an anti-German?
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In honor of the 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, here's Paul Fussell's stunning essay, "Thank God For the Atom Bomb"

I wonder if Putin will make that same declaration ?
Sure, Nazi. ... or are you not an anti-Semite too and not only an anti-German?

. So you saved the life of your soldiers by doing a heavy murderous crime

When your family murdered the jews, what were you protecting yourself against. Unlike the Japanese who were killing our service members on daily basis, what did the jews do that caused your family and friends to murder them.

When did your family quit killing Jews? We do know it was not only the NAZI Party that killed the jews. We know it was also non-members. We also know throughout the 1800's people in Germany, politicians said the Jews must die.

So when, specifically did your family quit killing the jews.

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