Paul Fussell — “Thank God for the Atom Bomb”

When your family murdered the jews ...

For Nazis I am a Jew, idiot, anti-German and anti-Semitic one. You should really speak with god before your own stupidity will bring you into your own hell. Just a moment ago I saw in TV an Ukranian who noticed on the womb of another Ukranian some dates so they will know who this man had been and where and when he had been murdered from "the Russians". "Unsightly - but good. A very good method. Better than any piece of paper", I thought. And when I read the totally empty nonsense which you say here then I thought "What an idiot who has not any plan about what he tries to say to me. No chance for all mankind to survive with such totally stupid idiots." The Jews in Germany had been by the way Germans like all others before Hitler came and defamed the Jews and used a racism with a marker because no one was able to see who had been a German Jew or had been another German. I am for example a blond eyed and blue haired German with also Jewish ancestors. So if a "Siegfried" like I had stood in front of Hitler (and the most other leading Nazis) then everyone had thought he is on his own the not existing Dracula-Jew of his strange unreal nightmares.

And not to forget: Good luck, Ukranians. God may help you in the very best of all possible ways. My tears are with you.

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For Nazis I am a Jew, idiot, anti-German and anti-Semitic one. You should really speak with god before your own stupidity will bring you into your own hell.
You said you are German, you said it proudly, with loyalty. That was after you broadcasted your own bigotry towards America.

If you expect a certain civility you should post with civility and intelligence.

Now you are a Jew? But proud to first identify yourself as a German? Your family was nit wiped out in the holocaust? So you have no animosity?

Your family must of been the judas, the rats, for the SS. Many jews turned on their fellow jews. That must be what your great grandfather did to survive.

And you, in your ignorance, hate, and bigotry dare call Americans murderers.

You in your pompous superiority, who if we are to believe you, are only alive because we gave our lives to free you, dare call us murderers.

Whatever you think and have said to me, only applies to a piece of excrement such as yourself.

You are German until I ask why you killed the jews, now you are a jew.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were military targets. It is hard to see how New York and Berlin are military targets.

But if Russia wants to have a nuclear war, we have more than enough nukes to burn them off the face of the earth.

Russia pathetic little midget torpedo is quite comical. They don't even know how to build a large nuke properly.

Oh by the way: It had been so totally clear to me that you spoke with this arrogant words a death sentence over you yourselve, your people and the whole mankind that I forgot to give you an answer. The answer is: Don't use alcohol or drugs!
Speak with god, Nazi! That's your only way to find what you don't seek for: your own soul.
I am speaking with you, the german who called americans murderers
and then of course when I called you on that you became a jew

The irony, calling the same people, the americans, that saved the jews from the germans, murderers?

Like I said, you are a troll, a jew who can only exist because his family had to be saved by the Americans during World War II, to even exist, proudly calling himself German?

So, how did your family survive the holocaust? Did they help the NAZI's, ratting out the Jews, where they were, who they were?
I am speaking with you, the german who called americans murderers ...

I call murderers murderers and you called me a Nazi and defame people of my families who you don't know. End of discussion with me. Start to discuss with god. He's ready to speak with you.
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I call murderers murderers and you called me a Nazi and defame people of my families who you don't know. End of discussion with me. Start to discuss with god. He's ready to speak with you.
get over it troll, I never called you a NAZI, but to have an issue, you must be a two faced liar.

Hell, you defamed me? But that is okay, you called Americans, murderers? Why is it okay for you to call Americans murderers but it is not okay to call you a Jew Killer.

I never ever once called you a NAZI, how can you be that stupid? Quote the post, give us the post number. You will not because I never said you were a NAZI. I was specific at what I stated. The fact that you think I called you a NAZI shows how you have no understanding of history. Specifically you have zero understanding of the history of Germany, which is a fairly short history, being the youngest Nation in Europe. I would think you would have a grasp of such a short history.

But, the fact is you think you were called a N.A.Z.I., (it is not Nazi, I understand you are just a lazy typist, right?) that is because you have no knowledge of German history.

Defame? Hell, your family was what it was. I doubt you are german or a jew, to me and how you present yourself, is as a Troll. Ignorant, bigoted with your comments.

NAZI? Go ahead and find that post or simply add liar to your the list of things that you are.
... NAZI? ....

You are not able to forgive us the very heavy murderous crimes your parents, grandparents and grandgrand...parents and their allies did do to us Germans while we Germans never did do anything bad to the USA in all the very young history since the USA exists. So without any doubt you are a structural Nazi who thinks in elementary racist structures - you are even a perverted structural Nazi ... . And you definitely do not believe in god - otherwise you would seek for his help which he offers you. And you are by the way also a trained liar because you tried to insult me much more than only to call me a Nazi. The will of you to hurt a victim of the Nazis shows a very deep chasm in your soul - if you are not even a lost soul at all. Strange for someone who has chosen the name Amber in the female form for his avatar.

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You are not able to forgive us the very heavy murderous crimes your parents, grandparents and grandgrand...parents and their allies did do to us Germans while we Germans never did do anything bad to the USA in all the very young history since the USA exists. So without any doubt you are a structural Nazi who thinks in elementary racist structures - you are even a perverted structural Nazi ... or just simple an enemy of the USA who uses a similar racist structure in the own ways to think. And you definitely do not believe in god - otherwise you would seek for his help.
Yes, we know it was ordinary Germans that killed the Jews. It was not an idea the NAZI's thought of and tricked Germans into doing.

Germans preached that the Hews must be killed. Long before the NAZI's came into existence Germans debated if they should kill the Jews, or as the defenders stated, the Jews only have to change. Even the Germans that accepted Jews could not accept them unless they changed.

Germans preached the Jews killed Jesus. All across Germany, in the churches long before NAZI's came to power, the church preached hatred of Jews.

Wagner the great German composer was a loud voice of hatred of the Jews.

I was specific, I never called you a NAZI, for I know your history better than you. I know ordinary Germans hated and killed Jews without any encouragement from the NAZI's.

The simple fact that you can not see, comprehend the simple certainly shows your ignorance.

You were not able to quote or point to a post where I called you a NAZI. Of course, I can not call you a liar, you are just plain old stupid.

You demonstrated you are stupid, stating you were called something you were not called. You demonstrated your stupidity and hatred, foolishly calling the country that saved your stupid ass, murderers.

Hitler missed a few jews un...
Yes, we know it was ordinary Germans that killed the Jews. It was not an idea the NAZI's thought of and tricked Germans into doing.

Germans preached that the Hews must be killed. Long before the NAZI's came into existence Germans debated if they should kill the Jews, or as the defenders stated, the Jews only have to change. Even the Germans that accepted Jews could not accept them unless they changed.

Germans preached the Jews killed Jesus. All across Germany, in the churches long before NAZI's came to power, the church preached hatred of Jews.

Wagner the great German composer was a loud voice of hatred of the Jews.

I was specific, I never called you a NAZI, for I know your history better than you. I know ordinary Germans hated and killed Jews without any encouragement from the NAZI's.

The simple fact that you can not see, comprehend the simple certainly shows your ignorance.

You were not able to quote or point to a post where I called you a NAZI. Of course, I can not call you a liar, you are just plain old stupid.

You demonstrated you are stupid, stating you were called something you were not called. You demonstrated your stupidity and hatred, foolishly calling the country that saved your stupid ass, murderers.

Hitler missed a few jews un...
no comment, weirdo
I will comment for you. Jews don't listen to wagner

What's wrong when you think for example about Daniel Barenboim whom you do not know because you are in general not interested in famous Jews - except you are able to misuse Jews and their "enemies" like a weapon.

The anti-Semitism of Wagner had been by the way a little strange because he had a Jewish lover who he included into his testament so she got some money from him after his death. I guess in general his verbal anti-Semitism had to do with his frustration about other German musicians who had been Jews and had been much more popular than he had been on his own because they had been forced to make music for a wide audience while he had been forced to make music for his king.

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What's wrong when you think for example about Daniel Barenboim whom you do not know because you are in general not interested in famous Jew - except you are able to misuse Jews and their "enemies" like a weapon.

The anti-Semitism of Wagner had been by the way a little strange because he had a Jewish lover who he included into his testament so she got some money from him after his death. I guess in general his anti-Semitism had to do with his frustration about other German musicians who had been Jews and had been much more popular than he had been on his own because they had been forced to make music for a wide audience while he had been forced to make music for his king.

One theory.

But, at the same time some say NAZI's were inspired, influenced by Wagner.

Either way, Wagner was not a NAZI, Wagner is an example of the extreme hatred Germans held against Jews. Wagner is an example of the extreme hatred in the 1800's. Long before one can blame Hitler and the NAZI's who came to be in the early 1900's.

Many that hated Jews were not NAZI's

Wagner, we could read and quote from what he wrote, that kind of hate is much deeper than simple jealousy. We need not listen to the dismissive critics of today, we have what Wagner wrote.
One theory.

But, at the same time some say NAZI's were inspired, influenced by Wagner.

Either way, Wagner was not a NAZI, Wagner is an example of the extreme hatred Germans held against Jews. Wagner is an example of the extreme hatred in the 1800's. Long before one can blame Hitler and the NAZI's who came to be in the early 1900's.

Many that hated Jews were not NAZI's

Wagner, we could read and quote from what he wrote, that kind of hate is much deeper than simple jealousy. We need not listen to the dismissive critics of today, we have what Wagner wrote.

What for heavens sake is wrong with you, racist? If you don't like to listen to the music of Richard Wagner then don't do it. Your problem and not the problem of any German or Jew or German Jew or anyone else in the world.

When I had been a long time ago with some of my best friends on a bicycle tour through Bavaria we started always early in the morning and bought bread and milk in a bakery. One day we were breakfasting in the fog on a little bridge over a little river while over us somewhere not far away in the white clouds throned the mountains. And then in the next few minutes very very slowly a wonderful castle flew through the clouds and the fog - became more and more real - and landed on a mountain. A short time later it had been clear which building this had been. It had been Schloß Neuschwanstein - you will perhaps know it as the castle in the begin of Walt Disney films. Who ever saw this - which is impossible to be constructed or to be reconstructed - will never forget the magic of the world in which we live. And part of this magic is king Ludwig II of Bavaria - and part of this king and his story is also Richard Wagner and his music.

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Logic, education, history, obviously not your strong suit.

It never is. All they can do is repeat themselves endlessly, without anything to back up their silly claims.

I bet most have never even heard of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association, or the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War.
What for heavens sake is wrong with you, racist? If you don't like to listen to the music of Richard Wagner then don't do it. Your problem and not the problem of any German or Jew or German Jew or anyone else in the world.

When I had been a long time ago with some of my best friends on a bicycle tour through Bavaria we started always early in the morning and bought bread and milk in a bakery. One day we were breakfasting in the fog on a little bridge over a little river while over us somewhere not far away in the white clouds throned the mountains. And then in the next few minutes very very slowly a wonderful castle flew through the clouds and the fog - became more and more real - and landed on a mountain. A short time later it had been clear which building this had been. It had been Schloß Neuschwanstein - you will perhaps know it as the castle in the begin of Walt Disney films. Who ever saw this - which is impossible to be constructed or to be reconstructed - will never forget the magic of the world in which we live. And part of this magic is king Ludwig II of Bavaria - and part of this king and his story is also Richard Wagner and his music.

Why should there be something wrong with me, when I simply state the facts of history? Wilhelm Wagner wrote extreme rotten terrible things about Jews. That is fact. The other fact is he did this as a simple German.

You really know nothing about Wilhelm Wagner, do you. You dont know much about history at all. It explains why you come to this board, this thread, and rant about America and then go on to defend the Anti-Semitic Wilhelm Wagner who many say was part of the inspiration of the NAZI's.

Of course, we must not forget the German churches as well, who preached hatred of Jews. Certainly the Church can be said to of been the greatest source of hatred towards the Jews in, Germany. All this was in the 1800's. Certainly before the NAZI's organized into a group.

The hatred of Jews in Germany, was not a product of NAZI's. The hatred of Jews and the idea to kill them proceeded the NAZI's by decades. It is German history.

All this is fact, none of it is made up, and you call this racism? Telling the truth about Germany is racism?

You should educate yourself and forget about Disneyland, it is not relevant, the castle was inspired by many castles across Europe, not just the one in Germany.
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You should educate yourself and forget about Disneyland, it is not relevant, the castle was inspired by many castles across Europe, not just the one in Germany.

Exactly. Castles in France, England, Italy, Spain, Romania, Czech Republic, Denmark, it is just a "generic fantasy castle".

Especially as Neuschwanstein is not even a castle, it is a palace. With no crenulations, no defensive works at all, and no curtain wall in addition to Neuschwanstein being built on top of a hilltop. It actually more closely resembles Chateau d'Usse than Neuschwanstein. That was an actual 11th century fortification, that only in the 15th century saw the crenulations covered and "witch hat" roofs placed atop the towers. And that was the castle that was the actual inspiration for the castle when Charles Purrault wrote "Sleeping Beauty in the Woods".


The crenulations are still obvious, in what was once the outer curtain wall of the castle. The actual keep itself was behind this, but much of that was ripped out in the 15th century and it was converted from a castle into a home. The center keep was destroyed, and the outer walls were roofed over. This gave the new owners a nice courtyard, as well as sturdy outer walls able to support the changed they did. But the outer curtain wall around the domicile is still there, not unlike the logo that is being talked about. And the river running in front of it.

The egotism of this one is amazing. And the more he is shown to be wrong, the more he screams he is right.

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