Paul Krugman, noted Obama bootlicker and economist cheers the Dow crash.

The dems think a stock market decline hurts Trump...but with the dems cheering it on it really hurts them...not Trump....
Economists are great when they stay in their lane: Macro analysis and objective, data-based projections.

But if they become partisan, they become worthless. Or worse.

Krugman, Reich, Moore, Kudlow, all of them.
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Economists are about as great as psychologists. In fact, an economist is someone too lazy to study psychology. Krugman for example, after doing some Googling, is literally a mental case who ripped off some useless economic theories and got jobs in academia...surprise, a Nobel Prize....surprise, surprise... :p None of his predictions ever came true, he is just another nasty midget like Reich, butthurt no Presidential administration would hire him.
Economists are great when they stay in their lane: Macro analysis and objective, data-based projections.

But if they become partisan, they become worthless. Or worse.

Krugman, Reich, Moore, Kudlow, all of them.

In case you've been waiting for "evidence", you'll be disappointed. Why bother with evidence when climbing on your pedestal and pissing on everybody else is so much more rewarding?

How about an actual argument, linking evidence and the resulting judgment? Bwaha!

So, what we get to observe, on the occasion of a rightarded click-bait fount doling out click-bait to the denizens of Rightardia, is Mac jumping from benighted click-bait right to judgment. For that's what is expected from rightards, and that's what they do. Good doggies.
Economists are great when they stay in their lane: Macro analysis and objective, data-based projections.

But if they become partisan, they become worthless. Or worse.

Krugman, Reich, Moore, Kudlow, all of them.

In case you've been waiting for "evidence", you'll be disappointed. Why bother with evidence when climbing on your pedestal and pissing on everybody else is so much more rewarding?

How about an actual argument, linking evidence and the resulting judgment? Bwaha!

So, what we get to observe, on the occasion of a rightarded click-bait fount doling out click-bait to the denizens of Rightardia, is Mac jumping from benighted click-bait right to judgment. For that's what is expected from rightards, and that's what they do. Good doggies.
For the love of God... the stock market HAS NOT CRASHED!!

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