Paul (lyin) Ryan breaks down

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Paul Ryan Breaks Down Under Wonkterrogation -- Daily Intelligencer

Literally every piece of evidence in Ryan’s career — from his formative infatuation with Ayn Rand to his indoctrination in the works of supply-siders to his mentorships under Jack Kemp and Sam Brownback to his entire voting record in public life — says that Ryan is a hard-core supply-sider whose overarching goal is to reduce tax rates on the rich, far more than it is to bring budget deficits to heel. Nevertheless, Ryan has managed to persuade legions of moderates and moderate conservatives — see James Stewart, Ruth Marcus, and Ross Douthat, to take a few examples — that he is secretly willing to raise tax revenue as part of some bipartisan agreement.

Ryan usually manages to elide the contradiction between the irreconcilable hopes placed in him by evading questioning, using weasel words, or just filibustering long enough to exhaust the topic. That’s what makes his talk Wednesday with Ezra Klein and other reporters so interesting. Ryan tried to evade the question, but Klein wouldn’t let him until Ryan had made it perfectly clear he would not accept higher revenue at all, under any conditions.

This man is so incredibly dishonest. That's why he tripped over his own lies during the campaign.
Truly awful pick for VP.

Not completely awful though.

He DID give people just one more reason not to vote for Mittens. The more lies they were both caught in, the more obvious it was to the voters that they were the Not Ready For Prime Time Players of the GObP.

For helping to push the "undecided" over to the Obama camp made him a very valuable asset.

(Although, how anyone could have been "undecided", is beyond me!)

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