Paul Ryan Outfoxes the Freedom Caucus

This assumes the Freedom Caucus would vote with the Democrats. :lol:

No it doesn't. First, there is nothing that requires only two candidates. And there is nothing that requires the Democrats to offer a candidate at all. I haven't heard of them doing so yet. Second, despite the candidates, each person can vote for whomever they wish. If they want to vote for Snoopy, they can vote for Snoopy.

The FC has indicated that they will vote for someone among their own ranks. They'll probably do that. The Democrats most certainly won't be voting for a Tea Party moron.
Poach more Rinos...
The op obviously does not understand the sentiment behind the Freedom Caucus, as he stupidly applies establishment politics to an analysis of them.

That's an entirely illogical argument. It's the equivalent of saying that someone who does not believe in the laws of physics cannot have the laws of physics applied to them.

Just because they want petulant childishness to work does not mean that it will work.
Complete rubbish!
The op obviously does not understand the sentiment behind the Freedom Caucus, as he stupidly applies establishment politics to an analysis of them.

That's an entirely illogical argument. It's the equivalent of saying that someone who does not believe in the laws of physics cannot have the laws of physics applied to them.

Just because they want petulant childishness to work does not mean that it will work.
Complete rubbish!

Actually, it's logic. But I can see why you would confuse the two.
Only the radical left would conjure up a notion like "outfoxing the freedom caucus" . Isn't there enough going on in the democrat party to keep libs occupied?
The op obviously does not understand the sentiment behind the Freedom Caucus, as he stupidly applies establishment politics to an analysis of them.

That's an entirely illogical argument. It's the equivalent of saying that someone who does not believe in the laws of physics cannot have the laws of physics applied to them.

Just because they want petulant childishness to work does not mean that it will work.
Complete rubbish!

Actually, it's logic. But I can see why you would confuse the two.
Oh, you REALLY got me with THAT zinger, didn't you?!? Can you please teach me how to be a better person?
They should not even give Ryan a chance, he is already trying to compromise like an moderate.

He's not the man for the job...
Can you please teach me how to be a better person?

I'd have to charge.
Surely it cannot be that expensive.
It's evident you are not a very bright person. You believe these teabaggers are operating on a higher, more enlightened plane when in actuality they are clueless about the U.S. Constitution and prove it daily with moronic statements about "5 unelected lawyers", etc.
Believe what you will, douchebag. This is coming from the asshole that defiantly clings to the retarded notion that Keith Richards is the most influential guitarist in the history of the guitar.

You have zero credibility...on anything.
Can you please teach me how to be a better person?

No one could teach that to the likes of you, hopeless shitbag.
Yawn..... You are hopelessly boring, and apparently pretty fucking dim, as you just repeat the same shit over and over.

You and Chris ought to hook up. I don't want her. You and her are about equally vapid, you REALLY need to get your dick wet, and Chris spreads easier than butter. Go have at her, dude! All you have got to do is show her a little interest and buy her a Big Mac. Then it is cougar city for you, dude!
I seriously doubt that the Freedom Caucus want to repeat ALL THINGS

But I know that 99.99999999999999999999999% of every law enacted since the 1860's is UNcontitutional.
I seriously doubt that the Freedom Caucus want to repeat ALL THINGS

But I know that 99.99999999999999999999999% of every law enacted since the 1860's is UNcontitutional and ought to be repealed.
Can you please teach me how to be a better person?

I'd have to charge.
Surely it cannot be that expensive.
It's evident you are not a very bright person. You believe these teabaggers are operating on a higher, more enlightened plane when in actuality they are clueless about the U.S. Constitution and prove it daily with moronic statements about "5 unelected lawyers", etc.
Believe what you will, douchebag. This is coming from the asshole that defiantly clings to the retarded notion that Keith Richards is the most influential guitarist in the history of the guitar.

You have zero credibility...on anything.
^^^ Liar/Retard/Moron
I don't think Ryan wants the speaker job.

His 5 conditions pretty much demanded be as pleasant as possible or get some one else.

Strange, this may have torpedoed the FC chances to gain a puppet in that position.
A republic madam, if you can keep it.

"Yet Ryan may be on a short leash with the Freedom Caucus. He had sought to change a House rule allowing an individual lawmaker to force a vote on ousting the speaker at any time, the arcane procedure conservatives were threatening against Boehner before he resigned. The Freedom Caucus did not go along and the matter remains unresolved.

And coming votes on the debt limit and budget might be cases where Republican leaders would have to rely largely on Democratic votes to achieve their goals, a practice the Freedom Caucus strongly opposes and wants to see Ryan avoid."

Ryan pledges 'clean slate' as he seeks job of House Speaker

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