Paul Ryan Outfoxes the Freedom Caucus

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The op obviously does not understand the sentiment behind the Freedom Caucus, as he stupidly applies establishment politics to an analysis of them.
I did not know that this was a demand of the wingnuts. And the establishment Republicans are crazy to abide by that, while the Wacko Birds run negative ads against them.

Given that for the past 20-30 years, the term "primaried" was used by conservatives in districts with Republicans who they didn't think were pure enough.
Rotza Ruck!

Paul Ryan Outfoxes the Freedom Caucus

The House Freedom Caucus has had a lot of demands of late: conditions under which they’d support anyone to be Speaker, changes they’d like to see made in the House to decentralize power, the impeachment of the head of the Internal Revenue Service (no, really).

But on Tuesday night, the man widely viewed as the only person capable of saving House Republicans from themselves had some demands of his own. House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan met with the roughly 40 members of the Freedom Caucus and told them he might be willing to serve as speaker, under certain conditions.

Ryan had five requests. First, the next Speaker should be visionary and should use his or her post not just for fundraising and day-to-day problem solving but to communicate the party agenda. Second, he’s open to some of the rules changes they are demanding, but only if the entire conference agrees. Third, there will be no motions to vacate the chair. (This is what brought down Speaker John Boehner and he would-be heir Kevin McCarthy: when a Republican loses more than 30 votes, he loses the simple majority of 218 votes on the floor thus costing him his seat.) Fourth, family comes first, so the House will have to work on work-life balance for everyone. And fifth, everyone in the conference must vote for him—not a single member can dissent.


The move throws back the ball into the Freedom Caucus’s court, and boxes them in. If they dissent they will be blamed for the chaos that will more than likely ensue. And they will have to deal with 200-plus very angry colleagues, many of whom are already talking openly about doing a deal with Democrats to elect a consensus Speaker to end the turmoil. That outcome would be the exact opposite of what the Freedom Caucus hoped to achieve by deposing Boehner, whom they felt already caved too much to Democratic demands.
love your avie lol. That Randian brat can't be Speaker
He should make the Freedom Caucus shine his shoes

Hey TeaTard......Get yer shine box
Rotza Ruck!

Paul Ryan Outfoxes the Freedom Caucus

The House Freedom Caucus has had a lot of demands of late: conditions under which they’d support anyone to be Speaker, changes they’d like to see made in the House to decentralize power, the impeachment of the head of the Internal Revenue Service (no, really).

But on Tuesday night, the man widely viewed as the only person capable of saving House Republicans from themselves had some demands of his own. House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan met with the roughly 40 members of the Freedom Caucus and told them he might be willing to serve as speaker, under certain conditions.

Ryan had five requests. First, the next Speaker should be visionary and should use his or her post not just for fundraising and day-to-day problem solving but to communicate the party agenda. Second, he’s open to some of the rules changes they are demanding, but only if the entire conference agrees. Third, there will be no motions to vacate the chair. (This is what brought down Speaker John Boehner and he would-be heir Kevin McCarthy: when a Republican loses more than 30 votes, he loses the simple majority of 218 votes on the floor thus costing him his seat.) Fourth, family comes first, so the House will have to work on work-life balance for everyone. And fifth, everyone in the conference must vote for him—not a single member can dissent.


The move throws back the ball into the Freedom Caucus’s court, and boxes them in. If they dissent they will be blamed for the chaos that will more than likely ensue. And they will have to deal with 200-plus very angry colleagues, many of whom are already talking openly about doing a deal with Democrats to elect a consensus Speaker to end the turmoil. That outcome would be the exact opposite of what the Freedom Caucus hoped to achieve by deposing Boehner, whom they felt already caved too much to Democratic demands.
He's an progressive... They can't "outfox" anyone.
  • Freedom Caucus Balks at Paul Ryan, Refuses to Endorse ^
    Since Ryan has failed to achieve the Freedom Caucus endorsement, the question now becomes if he will stick to his promise and drop out of contention for the Speakership.“No,” Ryan’s spokesman Brendan Buck told Breitbart News earlier on Wednesday when asked if Ryan would follow through with a Speakership bid without an official House Freedom Caucus endorsement.
Third, there will be no motions to vacate the chair. (This is what brought down Speaker John Boehner and he would-be heir Kevin McCarthy: when a Republican loses more than 30 votes, he loses the simple majority of 218 votes on the floor thus costing him his seat.)

This assumes the Freedom Caucus would vote with the Democrats. :lol:

I've been asking where the stupid "Ryan is toast" meme was coming from for the past few days, and now I know. It is based on this idiotic assumption.
Third, there will be no motions to vacate the chair. (This is what brought down Speaker John Boehner and he would-be heir Kevin McCarthy: when a Republican loses more than 30 votes, he loses the simple majority of 218 votes on the floor thus costing him his seat.)

This assumes the Freedom Caucus would vote with the Democrats. :lol:

I've been asking where the stupid "Ryan is toast" meme was coming from for the past few days, and now I know. It is based on this idiotic assumption.
The assumption is that no Democrats will vote for a Republican Speaker. None of them voted for Boehner. So that leaves a Republican pool to draw from.

Oh, BTW - Ryan announced he will run for Speaker. What a dumb move.
The op obviously does not understand the sentiment behind the Freedom Caucus, as he stupidly applies establishment politics to an analysis of them.

That's an entirely illogical argument. It's the equivalent of saying that someone who does not believe in the laws of physics cannot have the laws of physics applied to them.

Just because they want petulant childishness to work does not mean that it will work.
  • Freedom Caucus Balks at Paul Ryan, Refuses to Endorse ^
    Since Ryan has failed to achieve the Freedom Caucus endorsement, the question now becomes if he will stick to his promise and drop out of contention for the Speakership.“No,” Ryan’s spokesman Brendan Buck told Breitbart News earlier on Wednesday when asked if Ryan would follow through with a Speakership bid without an official House Freedom Caucus endorsement.
More Rino poaching needs to be done....
This assumes the Freedom Caucus would vote with the Democrats. :lol:

No it doesn't. First, there is nothing that requires only two candidates. And there is nothing that requires the Democrats to offer a candidate at all. I haven't heard of them doing so yet. Second, despite the candidates, each person can vote for whomever they wish. If they want to vote for Snoopy, they can vote for Snoopy.

The FC has indicated that they will vote for someone among their own ranks. They'll probably do that. The Democrats most certainly won't be voting for a Tea Party moron.

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