Paul, Rubio To Deliver Separate Responses to SOTU


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
FOR FULL ARTICLE SEE Cameron Harris: Paul, Rubio To Deliver Separate Responses to SOTU

On Tuesday night, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) will deliver the Republican response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address. Subsequently, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) will deliver his tea party response to the President's address. Paul maintains that he does not see his additional response as "divisive," but it has many wondering if Rubio and Paul will use their respective speeches to somewhat begin a campaign for the White House.

Paul said on Sunday's edition of CNN's "State of the Union, "To me, I see it as an extra response. I don't see it as necessarily divisive. I won't say nothing on there that necessarily is like, 'Oh, Marco Rubio's wrong.' He and I don't always agree, but the thing is, this isn't about he and I, this is about the tea party which is a grassroots movement, a real movement, millions of Americans who are still concerned about some of the deal making that goes on in Washington."
Oh my gosh, this has never happened before! It's so devisive! The Republicans must REALLY be in troub... oh wait, they did it last year too.

Responses last year included:

Mitch Daniels
Herman Cain
Occupy DC
Green Party
Oh my gosh, this has never happened before! It's so devisive! The Republicans must REALLY be in troub... oh wait, they did it last year too.

Responses last year included:

Mitch Daniels
Herman Cain
Occupy DC
Green Party


And two 2016 favorites giving responses. It's not like it is just anyone standing up there to deliver a response.

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