Paul Ryan calls Trump's leadership "exquisite"??? .......LOL

The American Action Network, (AAN) a group aligned with House GOP leadership, has spent more than $24 million promoting the tax bill across 64 congressional districts since the start of August, and the group will make it a centerpiece of all 2018 messaging.......

AAN is funded by HUGE corporations......
the whole dog and pony show of groveling and praise for the antichrist made me sick to my stomach.... it was just gross....
It must be hell being a leftie right now. LOL

WHY???......Lefties are getting the same crumbs as you......AND, we'll hold your fucking feet to the fire when taxes go UP for the middle class in a few years to pay for what ATT and TRUMP got in billions.
Lefties looked the other way when it was determined that Hussein used the IRS to punish and intimidate political enemies but today they go after the word "exquisite" when it pertains to Trump. What a bunch of sore losers.
It took awhile, but they finally caught on--kiss the old man's ass and things will go much more smoothly. Nov. '18 approacheth.

Hell, Putin learned that two years ago :wink:

That's nice... did President Twitter ask Ryan and McConnell to "praise him" or did Ryan and McConnell come up with the idea on their own?

Cult members well KNOW what their cult leader wants.......
The American Action Network, (AAN) a group aligned with House GOP leadership, has spent more than $24 million promoting the tax bill across 64 congressional districts since the start of August, and the group will make it a centerpiece of all 2018 messaging.......

AAN is funded by HUGE corporations......
AAN is funded by HUGE corporations......

Almost everything is funded by HUGE Corporations anymore.

Got anything more concrete?

(Shoes, brain, etc?)
the whole dog and pony show of groveling and praise for the antichrist made me sick to my stomach.... it was just gross....

Did you feel the same way when Pelosi and Reed were carrying water, (by the tanker), for Obama?

How gay can you get?
<not that there is anything wrong with it>
Saw all that and about lost my lunch. No self-respecting egomaniacal autocrat would have put up with so much BS.

Trump may soon demand that Ryan and McConnell color their hair orangy also.

When I saw Ryan make that speech, I knew liberal heads would explode. They did not disappoint.

Donnie Dotard is going to have to look that one up

Exquisite.....means Bigly Mr. President
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....

Are Ryan and McConnell aware that video tapes are virtually forever???....LOL

I've often labeled Trump followers as CULTISTS.....and yesterday proved me correct.

Let's have another round of orange kool-aid.....
That's nice... did President Twitter ask Ryan and McConnell to "praise him" or did Ryan and McConnell come up with the idea on their own?

Cult members well KNOW what their cult leader wants.......

K, if anyone would know what about the inner workings of the minds of cult members it would be you.

Please pass along my wishes for a very Merry Christmas to all your fellow cult members-D.
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....

Are Ryan and McConnell aware that video tapes are virtually forever???....LOL

I've often labeled Trump followers as CULTISTS.....and yesterday proved me correct.

Let's have another round of orange kool-aid.....

Of course, now that Ryan and McConnell got from the orange buffoon a signature for what their rich donors wanted, will they still lick Trump's ass when some revelations are made about Trump's "other" little legal problems???
Did you feel the same way when Pelosi and Reed were carrying water, (by the tanker), for Obama?

Find the quote when Pelosi and Reid called Obama "EXQUISITE"......

Go on, we'll wait.......
actions speak louder than words...

and they practically screamed it.
we want proof gravitas not your silly ass interpretations ...your judgement is not the best after all you worship Donald because of your admiration of his integrity and also how moral he is ...that destroys your creds

How gay can you get?
<not that there is anything wrong with it>

Trump and his sidekick use gay adjectives all the time - Hmmmm :eusa_think:

Outstanding, Terrific, Big/BEAUTIFUL, Breathtaking, Sublime, Magnificent, Rapturous, Majestic, Astounding, Remarkable!!!

Not that there's anything wrong with it - But perhaps they should exit the closet?

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