Paul Ryan calls Trump's leadership "exquisite"??? .......LOL

Sorry, but that performance was not like anything we have ever seen in this country. It was the sycophantic group display of underlings for their dictator. Nothing so sickening has ever been seen before in US politics.

Of course, we all know that this is NOT the first time that sycophants have taken the time to kiss the orange expected to do.

In Cabinet meeting, Pence praises Trump once every 12 seconds for ...

Pence would make a "great doormat.....
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”
Politicians engaging in blatant, hyperbolic ass kissing... someone alert the press. :rolleyes:

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....
That's nice... did President Twitter ask Ryan and McConnell to "praise him" or did Ryan and McConnell come up with the idea on their own?
Sorry, but that performance was not like anything we have ever seen in this country. It was the sycophantic group display of underlings for their dictator. Nothing so sickening has ever been seen before in US politics.

Hahahaha after watching you loons swoon over the big eared disaster for eight years that is hilarious
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”
Politicians engaging in blatant, hyperbolic ass kissing... someone alert the press. :rolleyes:

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....
That's nice... did President Twitter ask Ryan and McConnell to "praise him" or did Ryan and McConnell come up with the idea on their own?
Reminds me of that cabinet meeting way back at the beginning--all the praise for Trump around the table. If it puts him in a good mood, what the hell, though. It doesn't hurt anything.
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....

Are Ryan and McConnell aware that video tapes are virtually forever???....LOL

I've often labeled Trump followers as CULTISTS.....and yesterday proved me correct.

Let's have another round of orange kool-aid.....

That whole scene was just sickening, very disturbing. What has the GOP sunk to? It was like the ass kissing of a third world banana republic dictator. It could have been Saddam Hussein’s boys sucking up to him: no different. Just sickening. Another extraordinarily humiliating moment for America brought to you by Donald Trump


or it could have been Pelosi and Reed and company kissing up to Obama on Healthcare, or the Stimulus, etc
They did not go to such extremes.
Sorry, but that performance was not like anything we have ever seen in this country. It was the sycophantic group display of underlings for their dictator. Nothing so sickening has ever been seen before in US politics.

Of course, we all know that this is NOT the first time that sycophants have taken the time to kiss the orange expected to do.

In Cabinet meeting, Pence praises Trump once every 12 seconds for ...

Pence would make a "great doormat.....
Oh yes. It was also incredibly sickening. This time it was even worse. The GOP has sunk so low. So low.
The appalling sycophancy led by the Vice President at yesterday’s cabinet meeting is an affront to our Democratic norms. The President should not be venerated by his cabinet the way a pack of miscreant cronies would bow and scrape to an autocrat leading a banana republic.

Republican Steve Schmidt
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”
Politicians engaging in blatant, hyperbolic ass kissing... someone alert the press. :rolleyes:

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....
That's nice... did President Twitter ask Ryan and McConnell to "praise him" or did Ryan and McConnell come up with the idea on their own?
Sorry, but that performance was not like anything we have ever seen in this country. It was the sycophantic group display of underlings for their dictator. Nothing so sickening has ever been seen before in US politics.

Hahahaha after watching you loons swoon over the big eared disaster for eight years that is hilarious
There's a big difference. This was over the top, excessive flattery. Ass kissing, crawling. What an awful, shameful display.
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”
Politicians engaging in blatant, hyperbolic ass kissing... someone alert the press. :rolleyes:

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....
That's nice... did President Twitter ask Ryan and McConnell to "praise him" or did Ryan and McConnell come up with the idea on their own?
Sorry, but that performance was not like anything we have ever seen in this country. It was the sycophantic group display of underlings for their dictator. Nothing so sickening has ever been seen before in US politics.

Hahahaha after watching you loons swoon over the big eared disaster for eight years that is hilarious
There's a big difference. This was over the top, excessive flattery. Ass kissing, crawling. What an awful, shameful display.

Much like you loons with Ocare, stimulus, Bin Laden.....

You don't remember? Lol I do
Now take your own advice asshole Go back to bed you look ridiculous

I know you won't believe this Sassy (same name as Moore's horse??) BUT what you post about me is the verbal version of "music to my ears"......
Let me here express my sincerest gratitude to you.
That whole scene was just sickening, very disturbing. What has the GOP sunk to? It was like the ass kissing of a third world banana republic dictator. It could have been Saddam Hussein’s boys sucking up to him: no different. Just sickening. Another extraordinarily humiliating moment for America brought to you by Donald Trump

God I hope none of our allies saw that. For that matter, I hope none of Trump's egomaniacal, murderous autocrat pals saw it. They've already adopted his "Fake News" expression. Sad :(
Mueller AND Flynn, Don Jr. and Kushner are hard at work to do that....

BUT, who would NOT agree that Trump should be GRATEFUL to Mueller.....

I mean, if Trump is completely "innocent", Mueller is helping him to finally put all this stuff to rest, don't you think???

That whole scene was just sickening, very disturbing. What has the GOP sunk to? It was like the ass kissing of a third world banana republic dictator. It could have been Saddam Hussein’s boys sucking up to him: no different. Just sickening. Another extraordinarily humiliating moment for America brought to you by Donald Trump

Just like a scene out of Rev. Jim Jones' Guyana enclave.

When will they drink the Kool-Aid?
Oh wait - never mind :)

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