Paul Ryan calls Trump's leadership "exquisite"??? .......LOL

you prove it every time you claim I worship Trump, and I prove you wrong.

Find another thread......
This one ain't working too well for you except for bumping it back up.... (of course, you could also go back to bed.......LOL)
Will doesn't support Trump, he just agrees with everything Trump does and says and thinks.


That must be why I (didn't) cast a vote for him, Why I (don't) care if he's impeached, and why I (never) listen to him on tv.

Ya think?
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”
Politicians engaging in blatant, hyperbolic ass kissing... someone alert the press. :rolleyes:

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....
That's nice... did President Twitter ask Ryan and McConnell to "praise him" or did Ryan and McConnell come up with the idea on their own?
Sorry, but that performance was not like anything we have ever seen in this country. It was the sycophantic group display of underlings for their dictator. Nothing so sickening has ever been seen before in US politics.

Hahahaha after watching you loons swoon over the big eared disaster for eight years that is hilarious
There's a big difference. This was over the top, excessive flattery. Ass kissing, crawling. What an awful, shameful display.
Yeah, next they'll be dragging their kids into it. No, wait...

Much like you loons with Ocare, stimulus, Bin Laden.....

Let's those instances:

Killing OBL was ONLY appreciated by lefties??? (implying that morons like you were saddened?)


Trump giving himself and his buddies MILLIONS on the future backs of the middle class......

Let everyone judge Sassy's assertion.
Now take your own advice asshole Go back to bed you look ridiculous

I know you won't believe this Sassy (same name as Moore's horse??) BUT what you post about me is the verbal version of "music to my ears"......
Let me here express my sincerest gratitude to you.

Grow up, loon and always remember I know you're full of shit. Professor? Hahaha that was priceless
Much like you loons with Ocare, stimulus, Bin Laden.....

Let's those instances:

Killing OBL was ONLY appreciated by lefties??? (implying that morons like you were saddened?)


Trump giving himself and his buddies MILLIONS on the future backs of the middle class......

Let everyone judge Sassy's assertion.

Blah blah blah it's all you ever do Mr Annoying
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”
Politicians engaging in blatant, hyperbolic ass kissing... someone alert the press. :rolleyes:

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....
That's nice... did President Twitter ask Ryan and McConnell to "praise him" or did Ryan and McConnell come up with the idea on their own?
Sorry, but that performance was not like anything we have ever seen in this country.
Who's "we"? personally I've seen a lot worse "in this country".... like for example American Citizens on Internet Message Boards acting like American Politicians engaging in public displays of ass-kissing is the end of the world.

It was the sycophantic group display of underlings for their dictator. Nothing so sickening has ever been seen before in US politics.

LOL, were you born yesterday or are you just allergic to history books?
I'm not attacking Obama, I'm attacking YOU for your hypocrisy, stupid.

Fess up. moron.....DO YOU ALSO THINK THAT TRUMP's LEADERSHIP IS "EXQUISITE"?????....................Come on, commit your sorry ass for prosperity.

Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....

Are Ryan and McConnell aware that video tapes are virtually forever???....LOL

I've often labeled Trump followers as CULTISTS.....and yesterday proved me correct.

Let's have another round of orange kool-aid.....

Republican men have a deep inborn need to brown-nose other men. They are too weak to go it on their own so they hand over their self-respect to kiss the pinky ring of whoever they view as 'superior' to them.

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Trey Gowdy, John Boehner, all huge brown-nosers that will go along with anything as long as it comes from their dear leader. They are like the sycophants around Kim Jung Unstable.
Trump scored YUGE. Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate especially, will lead to more American jobs. Good on em. :clap:
The American Action Network, (AAN) a group aligned with House GOP leadership, has spent more than $24 million promoting the tax bill across 64 congressional districts since the start of August, and the group will make it a centerpiece of all 2018 messaging.......

AAN is funded by HUGE corporations......

What are leftwing groups funded by? The Dem’s welfare and minimum wage base?
Thank goodness democrats still have a few brave souls to stand up and demand that Ryan die,

Ben Rhodes Muses About Pence, Ryan And McConnell’s Death. Scalise’s Response Shut Him Down

Scalise should learn when to shut up. The democrats need to be urged to the end game so we can get rid of them faster.

Citing Gateway Pundit, huh????

A journalist sacked by the Kremlin-funded Sputnik news network claimed that right-wing U.S. outlets regularly disseminate fake news and conspiracy theories touted by the site.

Sputnik’s influence on right-wing, pro-Trump, news websites is pervasive: “Many of the most popular articles about things like WikiLeaks and “pizzagate” conspiracy theories were prominently featured on the Sputnik website,”

These fake stories get picked up by other American outlets – by Infowars, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit – right-wing media outlets, and Sputnik functions as part of this right-wing media ecosystem.
Do ya see why it's confusing? When you constantly crab about anyone who criticizes him? You don't see that as being in any way supportive?

Not confusing to me.

He's (only) slightly better than his opponent.

and I approve of some of his actions.

Ending the Obama EOs for the most part.

the tax plan?

Need to see how that works out.

Getting rid of Obamacare?

Should have happened years ago, but Reid kept blocking it, to the point of shutting down the government.

(yea yea, I know, it was the Republicans fault..hahahaha)
What are leftwing groups funded by? The Dem’s welfare and minimum wage base?

Well, moron...are you stating that you want a Corporatocracy??????.....Yes or No?

Look up the term......learn something..

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