Paul Ryan calls Trump's leadership "exquisite"??? .......LOL

Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....

Are Ryan and McConnell aware that video tapes are virtually forever???....LOL

I've often labeled Trump followers as CULTISTS.....and yesterday proved me correct.

Let's have another round of orange kool-aid.....
Ryan's adjective is weak. He needs to practice stroking the bigly ego. LOL But he's learning. Remember the Saudis projected a Yuuuuge image of Trump's face on a building. He granted their every wish afterwards.
The American Action Network, (AAN) a group aligned with House GOP leadership, has spent more than $24 million promoting the tax bill across 64 congressional districts since the start of August, and the group will make it a centerpiece of all 2018 messaging.......

AAN is funded by HUGE corporations......

What are leftwing groups funded by? The Dem’s welfare and minimum wage base?

The Democratic Party needs its base to stay poor and ignorant. A big percentage of its base doesn't work and pays little to no taxes. Tax Cuts don't mean anything to folks who don't pay em. While in stark contrast, Tax Cuts mean everything to folks who do pay em.

In my opinion, Trump scored especially Yuge on lowering the Corporate Tax Rate. It will lead to more American jobs down the road. But Democrats don't care, because they need their base to stay poor and angry. Just keep handing em their Freebies, and the poor ignorant sheep will vote Democrat forever. That's their strategy. It is what it is.
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I'm not attacking Obama, I'm attacking YOU for your hypocrisy, stupid.

Fess up. moron.....DO YOU ALSO THINK THAT TRUMP's LEADERSHIP IS "EXQUISITE"?????....................Come on, commit your sorry ass for prosperity.

Stop ducking. You're a hypocrite and I just proved it. Admit it and take your punishment like a man, snowflake.
What are leftwing groups funded by? The Dem’s welfare and minimum wage base?

Well, moron...are you stating that you want a Corporatocracy??????.....Yes or No?

Look up the term......learn something..

Well, moron...are you stating that you want a Sorosocracy???

Dems never complain when left wing billionaires fund their anti-American activities.
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”
Politicians engaging in blatant, hyperbolic ass kissing... someone alert the press. :rolleyes:

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....
That's nice... did President Twitter ask Ryan and McConnell to "praise him" or did Ryan and McConnell come up with the idea on their own?
Sorry, but that performance was not like anything we have ever seen in this country. It was the sycophantic group display of underlings for their dictator. Nothing so sickening has ever been seen before in US politics.

Hahahaha after watching you loons swoon over the big eared disaster for eight years that is hilarious
There's a big difference. This was over the top, excessive flattery. Ass kissing, crawling. What an awful, shameful display.

Much like you loons with Ocare, stimulus, Bin Laden.....

You don't remember? Lol I do
Not the same at all. There is congratulating someone and then there is sycophancy. I know the difference; apparently you do not. You do realize all those guys actually despise him? They didn't want him on the ticket: they were forced to. They don't like him any better now, but they have to work with him. Come 2020 and his approval rating is 20, they will dump him.
That whole scene was just sickening, very disturbing. What has the GOP sunk to? It was like the ass kissing of a third world banana republic dictator. It could have been Saddam Hussein’s boys sucking up to him: no different. Just sickening. Another extraordinarily humiliating moment for America brought to you by Donald Trump

Just like a scene out of Rev. Jim Jones' Guyana enclave.

When will they drink the Kool-Aid?
Oh wait - never mind :)
:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :popcorn:
What are leftwing groups funded by? The Dem’s welfare and minimum wage base?

Well, moron...are you stating that you want a Corporatocracy??????.....Yes or No?

Look up the term......learn something..

George Soros. Wikileaks showed that he owns the US Democratic Party. He calls the shots. And guess what? He's pretty wealthy.
Did you feel the same way when Pelosi and Reed were carrying water, (by the tanker), for Obama?

Find the quote when Pelosi and Reid called Obama "EXQUISITE"......

Go on, we'll wait.......
actions speak louder than words...

and they practically screamed it.
we want proof gravitas not your silly ass interpretations ...your judgement is not the best after all you worship Donald because of your admiration of his integrity and also how moral he is ...that destroys your creds


you ignore proof.

you prove it every time you claim I worship Trump, and I prove you wrong.

Here is my proof ..."actions speak louder than words"... at USMB action translates to "what one posts" ...your actions are one continuous expression of support and admiration for Don The Con ..get real .... preserve yore Gravitas are pretty low already
Did you feel the same way when Pelosi and Reed were carrying water, (by the tanker), for Obama?

Find the quote when Pelosi and Reid called Obama "EXQUISITE"......

Go on, we'll wait.......
actions speak louder than words...

and they practically screamed it.
we want proof gravitas not your silly ass interpretations ...your judgement is not the best after all you worship Donald because of your admiration of his integrity and also how moral he is ...that destroys your creds


you ignore proof.

you prove it every time you claim I worship Trump, and I prove you wrong.

Here is my proof ..."actions speak louder than words"... at USMB action translates to "what one posts" ...your actions are one continuous expression of support and admiration for Don The Con ..get real .... preserve yore Gravitas are pretty low already
...your actions are one continuous expression of support and admiration for Don The Con ..

Contact a doctor...

you have serious problems.
Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....

Are Ryan and McConnell aware that video tapes are virtually forever???....LOL

I've often labeled Trump followers as CULTISTS.....and yesterday proved me correct.

Let's have another round of orange kool-aid.....
Yesterday proved you’re a loser! MORON.

I'm willing to bet Nat proved she is a loser with her first post back in March of 2015.

Just speculating of course, at the very minimum you know whatever she posted proved she is a blithering idiot.

Paul Ryan praised Trump’s “exquisite leadership,” and thanked him for “getting us over the finish line.” Mitch McConnell declared Trump’s entire first year in office to be an “extraordinary accomplishment.”

Mussolini would ALSO ask for his sycophants to praise him during his propaganda attempts....

Are Ryan and McConnell aware that video tapes are virtually forever???....LOL

I've often labeled Trump followers as CULTISTS.....and yesterday proved me correct.

Let's have another round of orange kool-aid.....
Yesterday proved you’re a loser! MORON.

Really? I mean REALLY? Do you even understand his new tax plan?

I do and I like it. Despite all of that it’s bad depending on how much you make. Like if you make a lousy $75k a year? Or after 8 years most Americans will pay higher taxes.
Only 24% of Americans support Trump tax plan.
I think these are the idiots that just like Trump no matter what rotten beans he exerted.

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Amazing how the Trumpettes now praise the establishment GOPers..... ? what the heck is going on here other than mind control?
Ryan's a sickophant and a pussy.

McConnell is just as bad, with his frog-face and shit-covered nose.
Amazing how the Trumpettes now praise the establishment GOPers..... ? what the heck is going on here other than mind control?
So, we shouldn't give credit where credit is due? Is that how you think? That's telling.

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