Paul Ryan Fakes Washing Dishes at Ohio Soup Kitchen (they were already clean)

Aug 7, 2012
Report: Charity President Objects To Paul Ryan’s Soup Kitchen Photo Op

Brian J. Antal, the president of an Ohio charity for the homeless, is objecting to a photo op staged by the Romney campaign on Saturday that featured vice presidential running mate Paul Ryan washing pots and pans that had already appeared to be clean, Felicia Sonmez of the Washington Post reports:

“We’re a faith-based organization; we are apolitical because the majority of our funding is from private donations,” Antal said in a phone interview Monday afternoon. “It’s strictly in our bylaws not to do it. They showed up there and they did not have permission. They got one of the volunteers to open up the doors.”

He added: “The photo-op they did wasn’t even accurate. He did nothing. He just came in here to get his picture taken at the dining hall.”

Antal was concerned about charity donors who's support may have been swayed given the political nature of the event. The Romney campaign did seek prior permission with a person in charge on-site, but, according to Antal, they did not go through appropriate channels.

“Had they asked for permission, it wouldn’t have been granted. … But I certainly wouldn’t have let him wash clean pans and then take a picture,” Antal told the Post.

Just like that faked the photo with the miners! Wow, they should just start handing out money. I expect they would get more followers...
Paul Ryan Fakes Washing Dishes at Ohio Soup Kitchen (they were already clean)

Just when I thought the OP couldn't get more petty and small minded, we get a further lowering of the bar...:lol:
As if faking a photo op is no big deal. It's the same as lying. I don't care if it's done all the time, when someone gets called on it as in this case, it shows what phonies they are. It isn't as if he had been there helping a little. He actually had them unlock the doors and let him in for a photo op after the place had cleaned up and closed! Shoot the messenger, instead of calling Paul Ryan the petty, lying troll he is! You may think you've made a point but it's on the top of your heads!
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As if faking a photo op is no big deal. It's the same as lying. I don't care if it's done all the time, when someone gets called on it as in this case, it shows what phonies they are. It isn't as if he had been there helping a little. He actually had them unlock the doors and let him in for a photo op after the place had cleaned up and closed! Shoot the messenger, instead of calling Paul Ryan the petty, lying troll he is! You may think you've made a point but it's on the top of your heads!

Geez you're a petulant idiot
As if faking a photo op is no big deal. It's the same as lying. I don't care if it's done all the time, when someone gets called on it as in this case, it shows what phonies they are. It isn't as if he had been there helping a little. He actually had them unlock the doors and let him in for a photo op after the place had cleaned up and closed! Shoot the messenger, instead of calling Paul Ryan the petty, lying troll he is! You may think you've made a point but it's on the top of your heads!
Oh, blow your faux indignation out your ass and grow up.
Paul Ryan Busted For Staged Photo-Op At Soup Kitchen Where He Pretended To Wash Dishes - Business Insider

It seemed like a good idea at the time...
The Romney campaign apparently spotted an opportunity to make VP candidate Paul Ryan appear helpful and caring last week at a soup kitchen in Youngstown, Ohio.
But the head of the charity wasn't happy about the campaign's intrusion--or about a staged photo-op in the kitchen in which Ryan "washed" some clean dishes. And after the VP candidate left, he vented to the media.
Felicia Sonmez in the Washington Post:
The head of a northeast Ohio charity says that the Romney campaign last week “ramrodded their way” into the group’s Youngstown soup kitchen so that GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan could get his picture taken washing dishes in the dining hall.
Brian J. Antal, president of the Mahoning County St. Vincent De Paul Society, said that he was not contacted by the Romney campaign ahead of the Saturday morning visit by Ryan, who stopped by the soup kitchen after a town hall at Youngstown State University.
“We’re a faith-based organization; we are apolitical because the majority of our funding is from private donations,” Antal said in a phone interview Monday afternoon. “It’s strictly in our bylaws not to do it. They showed up there, and they did not have permission. They got one of the volunteers to open up the doors.”
He added: “The photo-op they did wasn’t even accurate. He did nothing. He just came in here to get his picture taken at the dining hall...”
Upon entering the soup kitchen, Ryan, his wife and three young children greeted and thanked several volunteers, then donned white aprons and offered to clean some dishes. Photographers snapped photos and TV cameras shot footage of Ryan and his family washing pots and pans that did not appear to be dirty.

Read more: Paul Ryan Busted For Staged Photo-Op At Soup Kitchen Where He Pretended To Wash Dishes - Business Insider
gee, i've never heard of a pol doing this before.

stop the fucking presses


what a buffoon the op is.
Get a life lefties. What would you have to say if it wasn't for the tax exempt Media Matters and the other drones. It beats talking about America's crazy uncle, Joe Biden.
To the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood it is no bid deal for a father to teach his children to lie by their participation in their father's deception. To the Right that is what they mean by "Family Values."

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Gee, I'm so shocked.

Worse is that Mittens is pretending to be a human being.

Take a look at Mrs Ryan's shocked face.

rw's - bring on the excuses.
These spoiled rich boys are absolutely FOS. Ay caramba! Most importantly, all their policies and arguments, and the Pub propaganda, and their dupes. A disgrace.

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