Paul Ryan Had a Copy Of the Hillary/DNC Paid For Steele Dossier and Sat on It


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Of course, Ryan is a villain in all this 'muh, Russia' BS. He had to know the source, and that it was all lies, but he hated Trump because Ryan, as a member of the swamp, didn't like Trump. And Ryan was in league with McCain, another never Trumper.

As someone who covered the RussiaGate hoax from the very beginning, I can only TRY to tell you just how much of a massive plot twist it is that we're only now finding out this asshole had a copy of the Steele Dossier in his possession and sat on it while Devin Nunes and Kash Patel were tasked with investigating it.

Ryan had to know the Dossier was 100% Pure-D Bullshit concocted by the Hillary Clinton campaign through it's political dirty trick operatives at Fusion GPS & Perkins Coie.

Apparently, he was hoping RussiaGate would remove Trump from office, and when it didn't happen, Ryan threw a temper tantrum, resigned the Speakership & left Congress.

We knew he was a bad guy, but we're only finding out now just how much of an evil prick he actually was.
Of course, Ryan is a villain in all this 'muh, Russia' BS. He had to know the source, and that it was all lies, but he hated Trump because Ryan, as a member of the swamp, didn't like Trump. And Ryan was in league with McCain, another never Trumper.

As someone who covered the RussiaGate hoax from the very beginning, I can only TRY to tell you just how much of a massive plot twist it is that we're only now finding out this asshole had a copy of the Steele Dossier in his possession and sat on it while Devin Nunes and Kash Patel were tasked with investigating it.
Ryan had to know the Dossier was 100% Pure-D Bullshit concocted by the Hillary Clinton campaign through it's political dirty trick operatives at Fusion GPS & Perkins Coie.
Apparently, he was hoping RussiaGate would remove Trump from office, and when it didn't happen, Ryan threw a temper tantrum, resigned the Speakership & left Congress.
We knew he was a bad guy, but we're only finding out now just how much of an evil prick he actually was.

If he sat on it, he must have known all the allegations against Trump were true and didn’t want to hurt the party when it came out. :dunno:

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Of course, Ryan is a villain in all this 'muh, Russia' BS. He had to know the source, and that it was all lies, but he hated Trump because Ryan, as a member of the swamp, didn't like Trump. And Ryan was in league with McCain, another never Trumper.

As someone who covered the RussiaGate hoax from the very beginning, I can only TRY to tell you just how much of a massive plot twist it is that we're only now finding out this asshole had a copy of the Steele Dossier in his possession and sat on it while Devin Nunes and Kash Patel were tasked with investigating it.
Ryan had to know the Dossier was 100% Pure-D Bullshit concocted by the Hillary Clinton campaign through it's political dirty trick operatives at Fusion GPS & Perkins Coie.
Apparently, he was hoping RussiaGate would remove Trump from office, and when it didn't happen, Ryan threw a temper tantrum, resigned the Speakership & left Congress.
We knew he was a bad guy, but we're only finding out now just how much of an evil prick he actually was.

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Jul 16, 2018 — HELSINKI (AP) — In an extraordinary embrace of a longtime U.S. enemy, President Donald Trump on Monday openly questioned his own ...

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Jan 26, 2019 — Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates had at least 140 contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, during the ...

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Trump and his cult: NOTHING to see here............Move along.
That "dossier" is evidence of election interference, and all involved should be prosecuted. That goes for the 51 assclowns who signed that letter claiming the Hunter emails that were on that laptop were Russian disinformation. Of course that won't happen, but a guy creates a Hillary joke meme, and he goes to prison.
That "dossier" is evidence of election interference, and all involved should be prosecuted. That goes for the 51 assclowns who signed that letter claiming the Hunter emails that were on that laptop were Russian disinformation. Of course that won't happen, but a guy creates a Hillary joke meme, and he goes to prison.

No need to convince me. Paul Ryan is a Grade A scumbag.
As soon as he said he needed them to change the rules to make it difficult to get voted out before accepting the speakership, I started paying attention to him. When he claimed to have run a sub-three-hour marathon, I knew he was a pathological liar along the lines of Biden and knew he was a problem. That was confirmed when he blocked Trump at every turn as Speaker.

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