Paul Ryan & Larry Kudlow: let's have some fun & balance the US budget, you can't tax or even grow your way out of it, you have to reform entitlements

Unfortunately most of us never figure this out. I was as guilty as any duopoly dupe for much of my life. I thank the war criminal W for making me realize it’s all a scam. Yet even as bad as W, O, and Don were (now old Joe too), most Americans are still stuck in the duopoly.

His daddy is the one that drove me from the GOP, then tried the Dems once with Bill the first time, have not voted for the duopoly since. I do regret not going with Ross that election.
There are signs up in Target and Walmart and retail stores everywhere, starting at $17 and up an hour. No excuse for an able-bodied adult to sit on his butt and collect food stamps for his family while refusing to work.
True, but this is changing fast as we head into a nasty recession.
His daddy is the one that drove me from the GOP, then tried the Dems once with Bill the first time, have not voted for the duopoly since. I do regret not going with Ross that election.
Congrats. You saw it before me. I voted for that idiot poppy Bush twice.
There are signs up in Target and Walmart and retail stores everywhere, starting at $17 and up an hour. No excuse for an able-bodied adult to sit on his butt and collect food stamps for his family while refusing to work.
Thats 35,360 for a man with a family, most people do not get in 40 hours of work.
True, but this is changing fast as we head into a nasty recession.
Yes, and I’ve warned someone I know about this - he’s a married man, with a SAH white, and young children, and he’s been unemployed for four months while he looks for a job that suits him. (He’s a high school grad with no particular career skills.) I‘ve suggested he grab something now, while he still has a chance, but he doesn’t want to.

And before anyone says it’s none of my business, they just asked me to borrow some money.
Unfortunately most of us never figure this out. I was as guilty as any duopoly dupe for much of my life. I thank the war criminal W for making me realize it’s all a scam. Yet even as bad as W, O, and Don were (now old Joe too), most Americans are still stuck in the duopoly.
Congrats. You saw it before me. I voted for that idiot poppy Bush twice.
I never voted for Bill, I did vote for Ross Perot. I voted for Gore, Kerry, Obama, H.Clinton and I will vote democratic the next time, if I live that long, you never know!!
Yes, and I’ve warned someone I know about this - he’s a married man, with a SAH white, and young children, and he’s been unemployed for four months while he looks for a job that suits him. (He’s a high school grad with no particular career skills.) I‘ve suggested he grab something now, while he still has a chance, but he doesn’t want to.

And before anyone says it’s none of my business, they just asked me to borrow some money.
The best time to look for a job, is when you already have a job.
Ryan can pound sand. That asshole wants to screw people out of government benefits they were FORCED to pay into for decades. These government retards spent all our money on other crap instead of safeguarding our contributions. Now they want to screw us out of the benefits, well that's not going to fly. If they had their way most everyone would die before they could collect a dime.
Multi millionaire Lindsey Graham who hasen't worked a day in the past 20 years want to raise the retirement age so that like you said people will die before collecting a dime.

Not everyone earns a living sitting on their ass pushing paper around, Miss Lindsey. That's your job.u

Those assholes hate the working class.
Multi millionaire Lindsey Graham who hasen't worked a day in the past 20 years want to raise the retirement age so that like you said people will die before collecting a dime.

Not everyone earns a living sitting on their ass pushing paper around, Miss Lindsey. That's your job.u

Those assholes hate the working class.
Most of the people work for their wages.
I never voted for Bill, I did vote for Ross Perot. I voted for Gore, Kerry, Obama, H.Clinton and I will vote democratic the next time, if I live that long, you never know!!
You have my apologies. Bless your heart.
Multi millionaire Lindsey Graham who hasen't worked a day in the past 20 years want to raise the retirement age so that like you said people will die before collecting a dime.

Not everyone earns a living sitting on their ass pushing paper around, Miss Lindsey. That's your job.u

Those assholes hate the working class.
True but he’s exactly like most in Congress, and our senile potus is even worse.

75 million Americans are on Social Security or Medicaid or Medicare

100 million Americans are on Obamacare, food stamps, or veterans benefits....we must reform welfare

work works! we have to encourage work, my friends, as the alternative to welfare

Mandatory sterilization once that mama gets her first welfare check.
True but he’s exactly like most in Congress, and our senile potus is even worse.

Senile? Hardly. Have you watched the hearings on how your hero Trump tried to overthrow the U.S. govt?

If Trump wasen't a former POTUS he should have swung on the end of a rope by now along with his co conspirators.

But don't sweat it. Because like most fascist pigs around the world who get away with their crimes against the citizenry, Trump will also.
Senile? Hardly. Have you watched the hearings on how your hero Trump tried to overthrow the U.S. govt?

If Trump wasen't a former POTUS he should have swung on the end of a rope by now along with his co conspirators.

But don't sweat it. Because like most fascist pigs around the world who get away with their crimes against the citizenry, Trump will also.
With selfie sticks, even. It was a bloodbath. I'm surprised a single congress ghoul survived.

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