Paul Ryan & Larry Kudlow: let's have some fun & balance the US budget, you can't tax or even grow your way out of it, you have to reform entitlements

Senile? Hardly. Have you watched the hearings on how your hero Trump tried to overthrow the U.S. govt?

If Trump wasen't a former POTUS he should have swung on the end of a rope by now along with his co conspirators.

But don't sweat it. Because like most fascist pigs around the world who get away with their crimes against the citizenry, Trump will also.
You are another typical duopoly dupe. You assume anyone who knows your party’s leader is senile, must be a Trumper. LMFAO. Is it not obvious?

Yesterday I was accused of sucking Old Joe’s dick by an R duopoly dupe on this forum.

Multi millionaire Lindsey Graham who hasen't worked a day in the past 20 years want to raise the retirement age so that like you said people will die before collecting a dime.

Not everyone earns a living sitting on their ass pushing paper around, Miss Lindsey. That's your job.u

Those assholes hate the working class.
Graham can piss off home.

These stupid shits in DC, hello the working class can't stand all day on the factory floor when they are 70 years old FFS. Raising the retirement age is stupid even for those morons.

The fact is Congress spent (e.g. wasted) OUR money on a bunch of other crap. I'm old enough that I watched them do it. Including the SS tax increase Reagan signed into law specifically to keep SS from running out of money. As soon as our contributions started piling up Congress grabbed the extra money and spent it.

In return Congress gave us (the SS trust fund) trillions of dollars in WORTHLESS government IOU's. How are they going to pay us back, hold a damn bake sale? No they either have to raise taxes to tax us a 2nd time to replace the money they took and spent, or raise the retirement age so high that most people just DIE before they can collect a dime.

You need to WATCH Ryan. That asshole tried to steal the railroad retirement fund and dump workers into Social Security. Unlike SS their fund is in great shape. So yeah take all THEIR money, spend it and dump them into the going bankrupt SS fund what's a crock of shit.
Social security is taken out of paychecks and you have to work 40 quarters to get it. Medicare premiums are taken out of social security. Obama Care requires premium payments. Pay working people decent wages and welfare won't be necessary. Vets earned their benefits.

We pay taxes. We should get something back in return besides a military.

Larry Kudlow and Paul Ryan are 2 idiots and they should not be listened to.
You do realize that your so called decent wages causes an increase in the cost of goods and services ? The military is one of the few things the Government is responsible for. Shit like healthcare and other entitlements are beyond the Feds mandate. All that crap should be handled at the state level if the citizens of said state agree to it.
Graham can piss off home.

These stupid shits in DC, hello the working class can't stand all day on the factory floor when they are 70 years old FFS. Raising the retirement age is stupid even for those morons.

The fact is Congress spent (e.g. wasted) OUR money on a bunch of other crap. I'm old enough that I watched them do it. Including the SS tax increase Reagan signed into law specifically to keep SS from running out of money. As soon as our contributions started piling up Congress grabbed the extra money and spent it.

In return Congress gave us (the SS trust fund) trillions of dollars in WORTHLESS government IOU's. How are they going to pay us back, hold a damn bake sale? No they either have to raise taxes to tax us a 2nd time to replace the money they took and spent, or raise the retirement age so high that most people just DIE before they can collect a dime.

You need to WATCH Ryan. That asshole tried to steal the railroad retirement fund and dump workers into Social Security. Unlike SS their fund is in great shape. So yeah take all THEIR money, spend it and dump them into the going bankrupt SS fund what's a crock of shit.
Ryan went to work for Murdoch which is all anyone needs to know about that fucker.
No need to reform things we have paid into for 40+ years. Pull the rug out from under the freebies to those who have paid zero and take constantly
Let he boo hoo begin
The problem is that we have people on food stamps who refuse to get ANY job. There should be work requirements.
More than three-quarters of those families had at least one person working and about one-third included two or more workers, a clear indication that many families that rely on nutritional assistance worked.

SNAP, a federal program that helps millions of low-income families put food on their table, provides benefits to supplement a family’s food budget and purchase healthy food.


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