Paul Ryan Said Something Right


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
Yes. It is possible for someone with so many objectionable qualities to open his yap and say something that makes both economic and political sense.

He was asked about legalizing pot ( medicinal ) the other day and he responded with the notion that it should be left up to the states. In other words, he thinks that the current practice of raids and arrests in states where medicinal marijuana is legal........should be stopped.


Lets hope that this becomes a major campaign Obama will start moving in that direction........knowing that it is a vote motivator.
False alarm. Mittens has said the it (pot) should never be legalized.

And I bet Lyin Ryan got a whipping for saying that.

But then again, every time I see Ryan on tv he is getting a whipping from somebody.
I doubt that Lyin Ryan is having a good time. Everybody was MUCH nicer to him before he became VP choice.
Yeah, Mitt has been quoted saying he would "Fight legalization, tooth and nail".

In addition the Rmoney campaign is trying to minimize what Ryan said now (backtracking), however he is right, it should be a states rights issue.

One of my few deeply held libertarian ideals.
False alarm. Mittens has said the it (pot) should never be legalized.

And I bet Lyin Ryan got a whipping for saying that.

But then again, every time I see Ryan on tv he is getting a whipping from somebody.
I doubt that Lyin Ryan is having a good time. Everybody was MUCH nicer to him before he became VP choice.

Whoa............don't harsh my mellow..............

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