Paul Ryan sounds like a Virgin who's being pressured to have sex on Trump Endorsement

Paul Ryan: 'I'm just not ready' to back Donald Trump -

Ryan is all "I'm not ready just yet, I want to be just not right now. Do you understand, Trump? If you were really a republican maybe" :badgrin:
He better do it quick before Trump starts attacking his wife and parents
or sends the Nazis to do it
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has thrilled and emboldened his racist online neo-Nazi supporters with his refusal to denounce them in a recent CNN interview.

Reporter Julia Ioffe recently wrote a profile of Melania Trump for GQ which was criticized by Melania Trump for purportedly being unfair. The Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website that’s endorsed Trump, responded to Ioffe’s piece by directing followers to “go ahead and send her a tweet and let her know what you think of her dirty **** trickery.”

What followed was a barrage of anti-Semitic messages and death threats against the reporter. Ioffe told CNN that Trump fans have been sending her “the most obscene, anti-Semitic stuff I have frankly ever seen directed at me in my life.” She “also received a call from someone claiming to be from a company called ‘Overnight Caskets.’ ‘We got an email with your phone number saying you'd need our services,’ Ioffe detailed in a post on her Facebook page.”
When The GOP Nominee Refuses To Denounce His Neo-Nazi Supporters
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer interviewed Trump on May 4 and asked if he would denounce the anti-Semitic death threats against Ioffe. Trump refused to condemn the threats, saying he was unaware of them and adding, “I don’t have a message to the fans. A woman wrote a article that was inaccurate.”

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