Paul Ryan sure does lie a lot, doesn't he?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Well, well, well! Looks like the porkulus wasn't quite so evil when Paul Ryan's home district needed some money. The Boston Globe has a nice scoop about Ryan's blatant two-facedness:

Welfare Queen Paul Ryan Demanded Stimulus Money, Then Lied About Demanding Stimulus Money | Slog

WASHINGTON _ After seeking millions of dollars from a federal stimulus program he opposed on grounds it would not help the economy, Republican vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan then appeared on a Boston talk radio program and denied he lobbied the Obama administration for the home state aid -- a paper trail he sought to deny again on the campaign trail.

In 2010, Paul Ryan denied appealing for stimulus funds - Politics - The Boston Globe

However, in an interview with a local Ohio television news station, Ryan claimed he never secured funding through the program, saying “I never asked for stimulus.”

After Documents Show Paul Ryan Secured $20 Million In Stimulus Grants, He Claims 'I Never Asked For Stimulus' | ThinkProgress

WASHINGTON-- In a television interview with WCPO Cincinnati, Republican vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) directly contradicted an Associated Press report that said he had sought stimulus funds for his congressional district, while at the same time publicly decrying the bill as a "wasteful spending spree."

"No, I never asked for stimulus," Ryan said when questioned on reports that he had sought funds.

Paul Ryan: 'I Never Asked For Stimulus' Money, Contradicts AP Report

Paul Ryan Called Stimulus Wasteful, Then Sought Funds
So far, we have Mittens lying almost daily, Ann lying to "you people" about their tax returns, Ryan sucking up to the public trough and lying his way through a career marked by doing almost nothing ... That leaves Mrs Ryan.

Maybe she'll lie for us tomorrow.
So far, we have Mittens lying almost daily, Ann lying to "you people" about their tax returns, Ryan sucking up to the public trough and lying his way through a career marked by doing almost nothing ... That leaves Mrs Ryan.

Maybe she'll lie for us tomorrow.

Why do you expect more from the Opposition to your Party, than you do of your own Party? Lies Lies Lies.
So far, we have Mittens lying almost daily, Ann lying to "you people" about their tax returns, Ryan sucking up to the public trough and lying his way through a career marked by doing almost nothing ... That leaves Mrs Ryan.

Maybe she'll lie for us tomorrow.

Yes, it would be nice to at least receive some honestly from Mrs. Ryan.


you mean when the con repubs did this?:

Hypocrisy Alert: GOP Leaders Attend Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies for Projects They Opposed |
Politics Daily (Christopher Weber) “Plenty of Lawmakers Were Against the Stimulus Before They Were For It” The stimulus package designed to jump start the economy last year was a convenient target for members of both parties looking to take a stand against government spending… The Post points out Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) repeatedly railed against the stimulus, calling it a package of "trillion-dollar spending sprees" that were "more about stimulating the government and rewarding political allies than growing the economy and creating jobs." But then Sessions went back to his Dallas-area district and lobbied for some of the same government money for an $81-million transportation project. His letter to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, obtained by the Center for Public Integrity, "suggested that the project would create jobs, undercutting his public arguments against the stimulus," according to the Post's report.
:clap2: a finely tuned watch, Lakota runs straight from the MSNBC Prime Time shows right to the forum like every night, in this case right from that short haired hottie with the 3 foot long neck who ran the same stuff tonight.

Lakota're going to win the election for the Dems right from this forum!!!:rock::rock:
Here are a couple more demonstrable untruths from Politifact (which of course also rates some of Ryan's statements true):

PolitiFact Wisconsin | U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan compares Madison to Cairo, calls protests over collective bargaining changes

I don't know that Ryan actually lies more than other politicians, but I certainly don't find him to be a substantially more reliable source than other politicians. And, like most pols, he'll probably start stretching the truth more now that he's in a competitive election.

Paul Ryan traded on insider information to avoid 2008 crash

UPDATE (August 15, 2012 at 12:17 pm): It now appears that the Romney/Ryan campaign lied to TPM Muckraker when they responded to questions of Paul Ryan's insider trading and this story is most certain NOT debunked. This story is very much alive and added to it now is the question of why the Romney/Ryan campaign tried to cover the story up with multiple lies. For more details and links about this breaking story, click here.

More: The Richmonder: Paul Ryan traded on insider information to avoid 2008 crash

The Richmonder: Romney campaign lied in response to Ryan insider trading story

Revealed: Romney Campaign’s Attempts to Deny Paul Ryan’s Insider Trading Don't Add Up

NOTE: Martha Stewart went to prison for insider trading.
So far, we have Mittens lying almost daily, Ann lying to "you people" about their tax returns, Ryan sucking up to the public trough and lying his way through a career marked by doing almost nothing ... That leaves Mrs Ryan.

Maybe she'll lie for us tomorrow.

Why do you expect more from the Opposition to your Party, than you do of your own Party? Lies Lies Lies.

Why do you?

Why do you lie?
So far, we have Mittens lying almost daily, Ann lying to "you people" about their tax returns, Ryan sucking up to the public trough and lying his way through a career marked by doing almost nothing ... That leaves Mrs Ryan.

Maybe she'll lie for us tomorrow.

Why do you expect more from the Opposition to your Party, than you do of your own Party? Lies Lies Lies.
Why do you?

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