Paul Ryan Takes Apart the IRS Commissioner

Frankly I'm stunned that the IRS would even trot this out as plausible.

I work for a fortune 500 company and my hard drive is backed up to the corporate servers on a continuous basis. The program is always running in the background. And we've been doing that for a decade at least.

If this should somehow turn out to be true, I'm a lot less worried about the NSA.

One could do some interesting analysis on the frequency of hard drive failures in general, then decide how reasonable it is that the IRS would not be automatically backing up their senior staff drives all the time. (for us it's not senior staff, it's everybody with a computer.)

Wow! You work for a Fortune 500 company?! How cool. And how totally irrelevant to the topic! But thanks for sharing. I am now so much more likely to believe everything you say and trust your expertise.

In your cool company, is it necessary to provide evidence of wrongdoing before someone gets suspended or fired? I'll bet it is.

I'm a little stunned that you think the IRS is stupid enough to try and lie to the American people in such a way. Anyone who works in a cool company like yours should know that there are electronic trails that follow people around. It would be very foolish for anyone to submit a lie regarding lost emails and hard drive crashes.

I'm a little disappointed that someone who works for such a cool company could miss the part where nobody has established Lerner even knew about the "targeting" prior to the crash. I'm also a little saddened by the fact that someone with your obvious smarts can ignore the fact that thousands upon thousands of documents have been provided to investigators and that so far....they got a big, fat NUTHIN.

This isn't a scandal to begin with. Therefore, a loss of emails doesn't indicate a damned thing.

Why don't you tell the IRS you lost your documents when they audit you.

Oh! What an interesting thought! Man..I haven't heard anyone say anything like that before. You must be the first one. You should call AP or something. Maybe they will interview you.

What do you think happens when a person who lost everything in a fire gets an audit notice? be simpler for you...what happens when someone unintentionally loses income and expense documentation and then gets an audit notice? Got any idea?
Ryan lays out why anything coming out of the IRS is beyond believable. The list of lies gets bigger and bigger.

And Kosknen is the HEIGHT of Big Government STATISM/arrogance as he stated he didn't owe ANYONE an apology...and he meant the PEOPLE he has power over.

What a fucking PRICK. He is NO different than Obama.
Koskinen tore Ryan's ass up, and the audit begins Monday.

Fakey is 100% for TYRANNY. WE always knew this of you Starkey. About Damned time YOU admitted it. SHITSTAIN.:eusa_hand: YOU are unmasked once and for all.

You are drinking earlier and earlier, and it shows in your posting.

The statist is Ryan who claims he is for small government but yet uses big government to punish his enemies.

Koskinen told Ryan the truth, Ryan said he was a liar, and Koskinen tore him apart.

Rightfully so.
Koskinen tore Ryan's ass up, and the audit begins Monday.

Fakey is 100% for TYRANNY. WE always knew this of you Starkey. About Damned time YOU admitted it. SHITSTAIN.:eusa_hand: YOU are unmasked once and for all.

You are drinking earlier and earlier, and it shows in your posting.

The statist is Ryan who claims he is for small government but yet uses big government to punish his enemies.

Koskinen told Ryan the truth, Ryan said he was a liar, and Koskinen tore him apart.

Rightfully so.
Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate.

GUESS which one YOU operate under now?

NO talking your way out Starkey. YOU have admitted your true self for these boards and the entire world to see...and don't think for one minute I won't point it out to others for the fucking FRAUD that YOU are.

You're welcome.

Thank Me.:eusa_hand:
Ryan lays out why anything coming out of the IRS is beyond believable. The list of lies gets bigger and bigger.

I'm glad Ryan ripped him a new one. Koskinen deserves it, sitting there with that smug look on his face.

Look at 0:26-ish in the video. That face just makes a person want to reach through the TV/computer screen and squeeze his neck until something pops.
Koskinen tore Ryan's ass up, and the audit begins Monday.

Fakey is 100% for TYRANNY. WE always knew this of you Starkey. About Damned time YOU admitted it. SHITSTAIN.:eusa_hand: YOU are unmasked once and for all.

You are drinking earlier and earlier, and it shows in your posting.

The statist is Ryan who claims he is for small government but yet uses big government to punish his enemies.

Koskinen told Ryan the truth, Ryan said he was a liar, and Koskinen tore him apart.

Rightfully so.

Only if sitting there with a stupid look on your face is tearing someone apart.

You have no clue Fakey. Go screw yourself.
Wow! You work for a Fortune 500 company?! How cool. And how totally irrelevant to the topic! But thanks for sharing. I am now so much more likely to believe everything you say and trust your expertise.

In your cool company, is it necessary to provide evidence of wrongdoing before someone gets suspended or fired? I'll bet it is.

I'm a little stunned that you think the IRS is stupid enough to try and lie to the American people in such a way. Anyone who works in a cool company like yours should know that there are electronic trails that follow people around. It would be very foolish for anyone to submit a lie regarding lost emails and hard drive crashes.

I'm a little disappointed that someone who works for such a cool company could miss the part where nobody has established Lerner even knew about the "targeting" prior to the crash. I'm also a little saddened by the fact that someone with your obvious smarts can ignore the fact that thousands upon thousands of documents have been provided to investigators and that so far....they got a big, fat NUTHIN.

This isn't a scandal to begin with. Therefore, a loss of emails doesn't indicate a damned thing.

Why don't you tell the IRS you lost your documents when they audit you.

Oh! What an interesting thought! Man..I haven't heard anyone say anything like that before. You must be the first one. You should call AP or something. Maybe they will interview you.

What do you think happens when a person who lost everything in a fire gets an audit notice? be simpler for you...what happens when someone unintentionally loses income and expense documentation and then gets an audit notice? Got any idea?

Why don't you wait for the audit notice.

Then call them and tell them that out of the seven to ten years of tax returns you are holding, you lost the one year that they were going to look at.

See how far that goes.

Even under your scenario, what the IRS did was have the file cabinet with the returns catch fire while the rest of the house was pretty much undamaged.

That you guys are defending this destroys all your credibility anytime you call someone else a "nutter".
What do you mean by evidence ?

Five or six hard drives all containing e-mails that would blow up another Obama scandal all crash at the same time.

You don't always need an eye-witness to be convicted.

So, I'd say yes.

so when the tech looks at the hard drives and they were told that the failed its now obama fault that they failed ... I guess you can accidently let 18 min of tape erase and your believen, but to have a tech tell you they failed its now a obama scandal
Hell, 1 tape with an 18 minute gap is alot more believable than 7 hard drives all crashed at exactly the same time period of possible malfeasance and nothing recoverable.

It is unbelievable.

No backup server. Give me a break. I think SOX requires some kind of backup from a two man business.

This is pure bulls**t.
Frankly I'm stunned that the IRS would even trot this out as plausible.

I work for a fortune 500 company and my hard drive is backed up to the corporate servers on a continuous basis. The program is always running in the background. And we've been doing that for a decade at least.

If this should somehow turn out to be true, I'm a lot less worried about the NSA.

One could do some interesting analysis on the frequency of hard drive failures in general, then decide how reasonable it is that the IRS would not be automatically backing up their senior staff drives all the time. (for us it's not senior staff, it's everybody with a computer.)

Do your IT guys save your e-mails in perpetuity?
Republicans have no one but themselves to blame for the flippant attitude of liberals toward this latest scandal. It's been one trumped-up scandal after another for years.

In one line of questioning designed to mock GOP conspiracy theories, Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, asked if Lerner had been to the Benghazi, whether she was responsible for UFOs, or if she had custody of Obama's original birth certificate.

Now, they may have stumbled across something serious. People should likely be losing their jobs. It's even likely people should be going to jail, at this point. We need a real investigation! But the GOP has been the boy who cried wolf since 2008. People aren't listening anymore.

So the IRS scandal is the GOP's fault? Seriously? Why not blame Bush or something.
Fakey is 100% for TYRANNY. WE always knew this of you Starkey. About Damned time YOU admitted it. SHITSTAIN.:eusa_hand: YOU are unmasked once and for all.

You are drinking earlier and earlier, and it shows in your posting.

The statist is Ryan who claims he is for small government but yet uses big government to punish his enemies.

Koskinen told Ryan the truth, Ryan said he was a liar, and Koskinen tore him apart.

Rightfully so.

Only if sitting there with a stupid look on your face is tearing someone apart.

You have no clue Fakey. Go screw yourself.

That you guys are defending this destroys all your credibility anytime you call someone else a "nutter".

Trouble for you is we're defending reality, not your weirdass conspiracy fables.

And this weirdass conspiracy theory is crashing. What's the next weirdass conspiracy theory you've been ordered to parrot? We all know you how ODSers get the shakes if you can't parrot a weirdass conspiracy at least 3 times a day, so I hope for your sakes you've got something lined up.
That you guys are defending this destroys all your credibility anytime you call someone else a "nutter".

Trouble for you is we're defending reality, not your weirdass conspiracy fables.

And this weirdass conspiracy theory is crashing. What's the next weirdass conspiracy theory you've been ordered to parrot? We all know you how ODSers get the shakes if you can't parrot a weirdass conspiracy at least 3 times a day, so I hope for your sakes you've got something lined up.

Time to clean out the filthy corrupt nest the leftist trash has built in my govt.
That you guys are defending this destroys all your credibility anytime you call someone else a "nutter".

Trouble for you is we're defending reality, not your weirdass conspiracy fables.

And this weirdass conspiracy theory is crashing. What's the next weirdass conspiracy theory you've been ordered to parrot? We all know you how ODSers get the shakes if you can't parrot a weirdass conspiracy at least 3 times a day, so I hope for your sakes you've got something lined up.

Do you believe the IRS lost the emails in question?
Do you believe it is just fantastic coincidence that all six of the persons under investigations had their computers crash at about the same time?
Do you believe the IRS does not back up those emails on a secure server and store the backups off site?

I want to see just how stupid/partisan you are. I already know the answer. You think the GOP just sort of dreamed this up somewhere. Never mind the facts.

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