Paul Whelan says he doesn't 'understand' why he's still in Russian captivity after Brittney Griner was freed

You're a straight white male dude, you don't check the boxes!

  • Paul Whelan, who is detained in Russia, told CNN that he isn't sure why he's still in captivity.
  • The former Marine spoke from a remote prison and said it's "obvious that he's being "held hostage."
  • His interview on Thursday came after WNBA star Brittney Griner was freed in a prisoner swap.

Give the Ukrainians one nuke every day he is held.
You're a straight white male dude, you don't check the boxes!

  • Paul Whelan, who is detained in Russia, told CNN that he isn't sure why he's still in captivity.
  • The former Marine spoke from a remote prison and said it's "obvious that he's being "held hostage."
  • His interview on Thursday came after WNBA star Brittney Griner was freed in a prisoner swap.

“white is right”, after all…. Duh.
They ain’t gettin it. Y’all might need a bring the fiery crosses back.
When people state that "There's no such thing as an ex-Marine" they're not including Paul Whelan.

"After a court-martial conviction in January 2008 on multiple counts "related to larceny", he was sentenced to 60 days restriction, reduction to pay grade E-4, and a bad conduct discharge. The specific charges against him included "attempted larceny, three specifications of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using another’s social security number, and ten specifications of making and uttering checks without having sufficient funds in his account for payment."

The CIA did say that there's no way that they would recruit a guy like that to be a spy, so he probably got railroaded in Russia for other things.
He entered Russia with $80,000 in cash. He was most likely an industrial spy
He entered Russia with $80,000 in cash. He was most likely an industrial spy
Joe is the man of unity I tell you. What a smelly piece of shit he is. He was promoted as the man of the people. He treats those who do the dirty work for the government he sponges off as pieces of shit that he is. This guy would be killed in a few seconds of reality easily.
Less and less people will defend this nation as this insanity increases. Equity over a period of years has already emboldened other nations against us. The real dirty work that has to be done will be by the less qualified. We are already the bitches of nations who make our foreign made products.
How long have we been the bitches of nations who make our foreign made products.
i have no idea…i would under cut the idea the cia would use him as a spy…but regardless has zero to do with him being held in russia
So the Marine Corp is lying, he has a DD214 that will say what his discharge was. So you would have rather seen the white man released before the black woman.

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