Paul Whelan says he doesn't 'understand' why he's still in Russian captivity after Brittney Griner was freed

So Dear Leader's Press Secretary was speaking from the official podium (on a personal level, by the way) involving the prisoner swap and chose to discuss Griner's release in the context of being an inspiration to the LQBTQWXYZ etc community and black folk and all of that happy nonsense.

From the official White House podium....the Press Secretary chose to discuss the prisoner swap...from her personal perspective.

“On a personal note, Brittney is more than an athlete, more than an Olympian. She is an important role model and inspiration to millions of Americans, particularly the LGBTQI+ Americans and women of color,”

Think that through.

Relevant tweetery, particularly given that cable news entertainment platforms will very likely follow suit with that narrative....

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The drooling vegetable shit the bed on this one..... imagine that.

NBC News reported that the Josef Stolen regime was given the choice of Whelan or Griner.... the handlers chose the wrong dude and then put the lie on the teleprompter for the dumbfuck to stutter at us.

What about those political prisoners right down the street from the stammering shit clown? 2 years in solitary, and horrible abuse with no charges. Fuck that tranny, they need to address the gulag in DC. There needs to be some mother fucking payback for this.
Griner is black. Biden caters/panders to the black community for VOTES. The 5 letter word that drives everything he does.
It's easy. He isn't black, he isn't a woman, he isn't a lesbo, he hasn't made anti American comments, and he hasn't recently been in the news so he isn't popular and Biden won't get accolades from the media by getting him out.

If griner was a straight white woman she would still be in jail.
It seems people still can't grasp this concept.....

The people in power and their handlers absolutely hate America.
They are loyal to a mostly European Cabal of Corporate Elites and powerful billionaires.
They definitely are destroying America in every way they can get away with, while systematically moving Americas wealth overseas
This should be crystal clear. They WANT you to suffer, they want to bring you down.
They seized power through dubious means and we are essentially living in the wake of a Coup.

As has been said before, they absolutely positively beyond ANY doubt are coming for your guns and will take them.
They just need to make sure ALL the proper mechanisms are in place.
You are a certifiable moron if you don't see this and still think you are going to retain your guns through silence.
The most idiotic fantasy you could have is to think by keeping your guns, you will defend your rights as they arrive at your doorstep. That's Insanity.
You inaction gives them all the time they need to get those arrangements in place.

What should be just as crystal clear is that America has accepted this and will do nothing about it.
These tyrants are now emboldened and see that there really are no limits on them.
THAT is what should have you most concerned.
What should surprise you is that they are not yet arbitrarily swapping you for ANY kneeling, anti-American or LGBTQ jailed anywhere.
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She was busted with a very small amount of hash oil for a vape. And cannabis was prescribed for her by her doctor.

Pauk Whelan was a US Marine. If that were the sum total of it, I would agree with you. But Paul Whelan was also court martialed for larceny, dereliction of duty, using someone elses social security number, and a few other charges. He was given a Bad Conduct Discharge. So please do not make it sound as though an honorable veteran was left there.

He also traveled to Russia several times and was convicted of being a spy.
I will assume what you say about his military service is true. That is certainly a mark against him, putting him on the same level as a high profile athlete who trashes her nation (or arguably worse), in my opinion.

Regardless, if he was a spy, then he was serving his country honorably and should be at the top of the list of people to free. If he is NOT a spy, then he is an innocent man, which again should put him at the top of the list above a girl who got busted with weed by Russian customs.
When people state that "There's no such thing as an ex-Marine" they're not including Paul Whelan.

"After a court-martial conviction in January 2008 on multiple counts "related to larceny", he was sentenced to 60 days restriction, reduction to pay grade E-4, and a bad conduct discharge. The specific charges against him included "attempted larceny, three specifications of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using another’s social security number, and ten specifications of making and uttering checks without having sufficient funds in his account for payment."

The CIA did say that there's no way that they would recruit a guy like that to be a spy, so he probably got railroaded in Russia for other things.
You're a straight white male dude, you don't check the boxes!

  • Paul Whelan, who is detained in Russia, told CNN that he isn't sure why he's still in captivity.
  • The former Marine spoke from a remote prison and said it's "obvious that he's being "held hostage."
  • His interview on Thursday came after WNBA star Brittney Griner was freed in a prisoner swap.

Everyone! Everyone!

We need you attention here! A white man has a question!!!
A real leader would have the negotiation skill to bring both of them home and maybe a couple more, for that Russian criminal against humanity we turn loose.
But I guess it's because cornpop was a bad dude, and dumbass pussified Joe is still scared.
It must take a lot of drugs to put Joe to sleep at night.
You're a straight white male dude, you don't check the boxes!

  • Paul Whelan, who is detained in Russia, told CNN that he isn't sure why he's still in captivity.
  • The former Marine spoke from a remote prison and said it's "obvious that he's being "held hostage."
  • His interview on Thursday came after WNBA star Brittney Griner was freed in a prisoner swap.

He should ask Putin.
It's easy. He isn't black, he isn't a woman, he isn't a lesbo, he hasn't made anti American comments, and he hasn't recently been in the news so he isn't popular and Biden won't get accolades from the media by getting him out.

If griner was a straight white woman she would still be in jail.
A bunch of stupid white winger lies to cover for the very predictable outrage over doing something for a black lesbian woman.

It doesn't actually work for you.
Griner is black. Biden caters/panders to the black community for VOTES. The 5 letter word that drives everything he does.

Every politician in DC panders for votes. For many it is all they do.
What did he do?

He was court martialed for 3 counts of larceny, numerous counts of dereliction of duty, and some other charges.

It was serious enough for him to be given a BCD (Bad Conduct Discharge).
Every politician in DC panders for votes. For many it is all they do.

He was court martialed for 3 counts of larceny, numerous counts of dereliction of duty, and some other charges.

It was serious enough for him to be given a BCD (Bad Conduct Discharge).
That doesn't mean he's a spy. Your lezbo brought drugs into a nation with strict drug laws.

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