Paulson: Government won't buy troubled bank assets

Didn't France help us gain our independence from England?

Didn't we wait an awfully long time before we entered WW2?

And don't pretend Bush's ideas would have worked or been good. Please! And isn't it Congress that comes up with the ideas and the President just signs or veto's them? Remember the illegal immigration bill? Oh that sure fixed everything, huh? Didn't fix a god damn thing. But cost us billions. So no, Bush's ideas/plans would have SUCKED! And probably fucked things up worse.

I love this country. At least when liberals are in charge. I'll be honest, I was ashamed of of the US when Bush was ruining our good name all over the world.

Yea, it's much better when everyone hates us. Then Bush can let 9-11's happen and that gives him a reason to invade countries that had nothing to do with it. Never been prouder to be an American when he did that.

yup, bush in his 8monthsin office let 9/11 happen. God you are fucking stupid.

Were we late in WW2? Just because we didn't start fighting till after pearl harbor, I believe we were sending money and equipment over daily. But I guess you forgot that huh dickhead.

Also, yes the Frnech did help us gain independence which theydid soley on a basis to help themselves more then to help us.

The only thing shameful here is you have the right to call yourself an American, you're just a piece of shit in my eyes.

I can only imagine how you are in real life.

You one of those goth guys? Black fingernails, with shirts that say anarchy?

i'm out 5pm, time to sit in traffice coming home from work.

So, let's see... you don't England, France, you don't like Germany, you don't like me, you don't like Sealy... what DO you like?

Oh and by the way, I'll give you my opinion whether you like it or not.

never said I don't like England or France or Germany. I said I could care less when they try to bring us down after they have been feeding off us for years.

No, I don't like you,. I think you're a little cocksucker, who uses his religion as a crutch to engage in political discussions.

I think you could give 2 shits about Isreal or this country, and want everything handed to you on a silver fucking spoon. You don't want to work for your achievements and want to feed off other people like the fucking leech that you are.

To put in short, you are a douchebag

Also, you can give your opinion as much as you want, I will just continue to make fun of you as you do it.
never said I don't like England or France or Germany. I said I could care less when they try to bring us down after they have been feeding off us for years.

No, I don't like you,. I think you're a little cocksucker, who uses his religion as a crutch to engage in political discussions.

I think you could give 2 shits about Isreal or this country, and want everything handed to you on a silver fucking spoon. You don't want to work for your achievements and want to feed off other people like the fucking leech that you are.

To put in short, you are a douchebag

Also, you can give your opinion as much as you want, I will just continue to make fun of you as you do it.

You're a very angry, confused person. Your father probably molested you when you were young so you try and project your anger at him onto other people.

you don't get me angry. you asked me a question and I answered you.

There is a difference, just because you may think it is anger doesn't make it so.

But I can see the only way you can insult someone is either saying something about his mother or father.

So, it just reaffirms what I say at you being a douchebag and a cocksucker.

Notice I never say anything about your family, cause I don't need to stoop to your level to make my point.
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you don't get me angry. you asked me a question and I answered you.

There is a difference, just because you may think it is anger doesn't make it so.

But I can see the only way you can insult someone is either saying something about his mother or father.

So, it just reaffirms what I say at you being a douchebag and a cocksucker.

Notice I never say anything about your family, cause I don't need to stoop to your level to make my point.

Hey man, just calling it like I see it.
Isn't this what everyone wanted them to do? Buy stocks instead of contribute money to golden parachutes and help PEOPLE instead of corporations?

Though of course Paulson looks like he's totally in over his head with this move.
Isn't this what everyone wanted them to do? Buy stocks instead of contribute money to golden parachutes and help PEOPLE instead of corporations?

Though of course Paulson looks like he's totally in over his head with this move.

what's helping people? i'm lost..... :(
Hey man, just calling it like I see it.

so the way you see it is by saying things about ones family?

See, you're a internet toughguy wo talks shit about ones family but would never say it to my face and would probably offer to do my taxes or sons math homework if we ever met cause you are a pussy
what's helping people? i'm lost..... :(
I think Paulsen is, too...but here's a little bit about it:

Paulson: Troubled Bank Assets Won't Be Bought : NPR

From what I understand, and this applies to your credit card interest rates, all the companies are starting to raise interest rates, cut grace period, etc...because they are struggling themselves. And the Fed fears there won't be many banks wanting to take on student loans next year. That's only a small slice of what will be affected, but multiply it...tuition is already up about 14% nationwide and the gap between tuition and what kind of student loans are available is huge. That kind of stuff affects a lot of people NOW, though it probably won't affect anyone with small children.

Anyway, I'm babbling...:lol: My daughter's college fund is now down $6,000.
I think Paulsen is, too...but here's a little bit about it:

Paulson: Troubled Bank Assets Won't Be Bought : NPR

From what I understand, and this applies to your credit card interest rates, all the companies are starting to raise interest rates, cut grace period, etc...because they are struggling themselves. And the Fed fears there won't be many banks wanting to take on student loans next year. That's only a small slice of what will be affected, but multiply it...tuition is already up about 14% nationwide and the gap between tuition and what kind of student loans are available is huge. That kind of stuff affects a lot of people NOW, though it probably won't affect anyone with small children.

Anyway, I'm babbling...:lol: My daughter's college fund is now down $6,000.

but hasn't the fed ALSO lowered their interest rates to these institutions so that they would CHEAPLY loan out?

is any of this gonna help the housing market's freefall? by the end of this year or maybe it was 2009, 60% of all people with mortgages will be in an upside down mortgage, owing more than their homes are worth....that can't be helping consumer confidence???
Care, I don't really know. I do know that credit card companies aren't banks, so they don't get the low rate that banks get (though there was talk yesterday of allowing Amex to become a bank). I guess the mystery to clear up is why banks aren't lending.

Wow, 60%...that's unimaginable.
They are throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks.
Isn't this what everyone wanted them to do? Buy stocks instead of contribute money to golden parachutes and help PEOPLE instead of corporations?

Though of course Paulson looks like he's totally in over his head with this move.
This is the market playing itself out, Rav.

Banks don't want to loan, because of the obvious risks right now. And who could blame them, really? Would YOU loan money to someone you didn't know right now?

And consumers do not want to borrow at the rates being offered, because they are too expensive. This is the, dare I say it, free market in action.

The market is deciding that lending and borrowing right now makes little sense.

It's what the country needs, anyway. We need to re-learn how to make a living without having to borrow and spend our asses into perpetual debt.
This is the market playing itself out, Rav.

Banks don't want to loan, because of the obvious risks right now. And who could blame them, really? Would YOU loan money to someone you didn't know right now?

And consumers do not want to borrow at the rates being offered, because they are too expensive. This is the, dare I say it, free market in action.

The market is deciding that lending and borrowing right now makes little sense.

It's what the country needs, anyway. We need to re-learn how to make a living without having to borrow and spend our asses into perpetual debt.
That's all a nice theory, but it affects people that have never done anything wrong. If I can't afford to send my kids to college, it won't be because I didn't do what I was supposed to will because the economy is fucked. I guess I could send them to school in India...heh, they seem to get all the high paying tech jobs these days. You will benefit more than likely, because your kids are still rug rats. Timing is everything sometimes.
That's all a nice theory, but it affects people that have never done anything wrong. If I can't afford to send my kids to college, it won't be because I didn't do what I was supposed to will because the economy is fucked. I guess I could send them to school in India...heh, they seem to get all the high paying tech jobs these days. You will benefit more than likely, because your kids are still rug rats. Timing is everything sometimes.

Every single day, ups and downs in the economy affect people who haven't done anything wrong.

You are not entitled to the good life every single day for the rest of your life. You are entitled to the OPPORTUNITY to live a good life, based on your own decisions.

You enjoy the good times, and you brave the bad ones. It's part of being an American. Suck it up.
Last edited: doesn't matter right now who got us into this mess...what matters is that the "people" voted in a guy who VOTED for this heist.

So don't effing complain if you voted for someone who voted for the bailout.
but hasn't the fed ALSO lowered their interest rates to these institutions so that they would CHEAPLY loan out?

is any of this gonna help the housing market's freefall? by the end of this year or maybe it was 2009, 60% of all people with mortgages will be in an upside down mortgage, owing more than their homes are worth....that can't be helping consumer confidence???

Yes, the interest rates have been historically low for years now. The rates are going to creep up which will make people less able to borrow more, which will hold the line on home prices. Those who wind up in the upside down ownership, will stay put, provided they keep their jobs/income.

When I was a kid people were borrowing from the bank at rates in the teens. I saved my babysitting money and the bank gave me a rate in the sevens!

I think our banks need to attract more cash by raising interest rates on savings and bonds.
Last edited: doesn't matter right now who got us into this mess...what matters is that the "people" voted in a guy who VOTED for this heist.

So don't effing complain if you voted for someone who voted for the bailout.

All the self-righteous lefties here voted for bailout queens. It's fun to watch them squirm when you mention it. They yell, "but you voted for MCCAIN!" and, of course, I didn't so they scatter. Most lefties are pathetic.

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