Paulson: Government won't buy troubled bank assets

Care, I don't really know. I do know that credit card companies aren't banks, so they don't get the low rate that banks get (though there was talk yesterday of allowing Amex to become a bank). I guess the mystery to clear up is why banks aren't lending.

Wow, 60%...that's unimaginable.
is an awakening, true reality....

this recent past economy was running on the middle class taking equity out of their homes to cover higher energy costs, higher tuitions for kids in college, higher healthcare costs, and new stainless steel appliances.... while on average, earning a couple of thousand less than a few years ago....

now they are SOL, owe more than homes are worth....
now they are SOL, owe more than homes are worth....

If you can keep your income/cash flow and make your monthly payment, just stay put and the market WILL recover. A home is the most valuable asset most people will ever own. A piece of real estate property is tangible!

Stocks are like paper and fire. And uh, cash is king! :tongue:
this recent past economy was running on the middle class taking equity out of their homes to cover higher energy costs, higher tuitions for kids in college, higher healthcare costs, and new stainless steel appliances.... while on average, earning a couple of thousand less than a few years ago....

People are being literally trapped into their jobs...because it drives the economic engine. Once again the American family gets squeezed!
People are being literally trapped into their jobs...because it drives the economic engine. Once again the American family gets squeezed!

How much of that entrapment was self induced with things like stainless steel appliances etc etc. ?
Yes, the interest rates have been historically low for years now. The rates are going to creep up which will make people less able to borrow more, which will hold the line on home prices. Those who wind up in the upside down ownership, will stay put, provided they keep their jobs/income.

When I was a kid people were borrowing from the bank at rates in the teens. I saved my babysitting money and the bank gave me a rate in the sevens!

I think our banks need to attract more cash by raising interest rates on savings and bonds.

OH! i do too.... we don't earn crud on our savings!!! and they loan it out at 26.5% but pay us that give them the money 2.5%!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

anyway, the Fed is messing with us... on behalf of our gvt....interest rates CAN'T GO UP because our gvt has BORROWED too much money and already are looking at a trillion a year future deficits added to that debt for years to come and last year we were paying nearly $300 billion for just the interest on a $9 trillion debt which is now approaching 12 trillion debt...

basically, if interest rates went up, with the way our gvt OVERSPENDS each year, we could be looking at a yearly interest payment of $800 billion a year on that debt... more than likely...especially WITH HIGHER interest rates....

we only collect 1 trillion in income tax a year..... :(

my parents became wealthy from saving their money in CD's paying 8-9% or more in the 80's/90's.

my first mortgage in the early 80's was at 13.5% :eek:

How much of that entrapment was self induced with things like stainless steel appliances etc etc. ?

:lol: We all need SO much stuff!

It's true, we need to be held accountable for our own choices, but that includes the greedy predators who take advantage on the other end too.
Every single day, ups and downs in the economy affect people who haven't done anything wrong.

You are not entitled to the good life every single day for the rest of your life. You are entitled to the OPPORTUNITY to live a good life, based on your own decisions.

You enjoy the good times, and you brave the bad ones. It's part of being an American. Suck it up.
lol, you suck it up, Pauli. Go live in Somalia and get back to me. You've no idea what a difference a stable country makes to your chances, do you?

It's not a matter of the ups and downs of day to day is a crapshoot, and bad economies affect entire generations.
Isn't this what everyone wanted them to do? Buy stocks instead of contribute money to golden parachutes and help PEOPLE instead of corporations?

Though of course Paulson looks like he's totally in over his head with this move.

Let's thank visionaries like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, Harry Reid, George W. Bush, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton for making this possible. But most importantly, let's thank people like you who gave them the power to make this happen. :clap2: doesn't matter right now who got us into this mess...what matters is that the "people" voted in a guy who VOTED for this heist.

So don't effing complain if you voted for someone who voted for the bailout.
Since they both voted for it, do you have an actual point?

No, of course you don't.

Ron Paul pipe dreams aside...we only had two choices.

It does matter who got us into this mess. If you can't learn from your mistakes, you're an idiot.
Since they both voted for it, do you have an actual point?

No, of course you don't.

Ron Paul pipe dreams aside...we only had two choices.

It does matter who got us into this mess. If you can't learn from your mistakes, you're an idiot.

You voted for the very people who got us into this mess, so you just called yourself an idiot.

Since they both voted for it, do you have an actual point?

No, of course you don't.

Ron Paul pipe dreams aside...we only had two choices.

It does matter who got us into this mess. If you can't learn from your mistakes, you're an idiot.

We only have TWO choices?? That's because people like you keep it that way.

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