Pay no attention to man made climate change folks

No, I showed our skies being bombarded with heavy metal nano-particulates, dumb ass.


Did you know that Top Fuel Dragsters, those 11,000 hp beasts that exceed 330 mph in 1,000 feet actually have CONTRAILS from their rear wings when atmospheric conditions are right?


Those trails don't last for do they?
I'm waiting for the rebuttal. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

China is twice the producer of CO2 that you dumb fucks claim is "Killing the earth"....

But ha, here's a news flash for you, that you didn't get the first time. More CO2 does not necessarily equate to biggest polluters. But you lost your shit calling me a liar when you were the one who got caught with your own pants down. Now take a fuckin hike.
LOL your entire claim is that higher CO2 causes warming and that man made CO2 is the culprit, then you claim higher CO2 emissions are not the culprit, which is you fucking LOON?

Wow, you are one stupid fuck.
Did you bother to read what he wrote? Why am I asking you obviously didn't.
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic.

Excellent idea.
Only stupid twats like Obama think finding more oil doesn't make the price go down.
I already linked the truth that you have not debunked. What's your problem? You call me a liar, and I prove you wrong with links.

You said the US is the biggest polluter in the world.

That is a lie and you know it is a lie.
The US produces more carbon emissions per person than China. You are confused by output of carbon, which China is in the lead. The biggest polluter per person is the US citizen which puts us as the biggest polluters in the world. China is the most populated. But the average person does not pollute as much as the average person in the US. Therefore, the US is the biggest polluter per volume/ per individual, compared to China.

You are SOOO full of shit.......
It's true. Read it for yourself. Here's how US carbon pollution stacks up with the rest of the world

The United States is the second biggest carbon-dioxide polluter after China, according to the latest data available from the World Bank. The U.S. is the biggest producer of carbon emissions on a per-person basis.

and concrete companies are the third, so what is your point?
Those trails don't last for do they?

Nope, and they're also not made by a vehicle which weighs 875,000 pounds, has four engines with 47,000 pounds of thrust EACH or is flying at 45.000 feet where the temperature is minus 69 degrees Fahrenheit. Fly this garbage back over to the other weirdo's Conspiracy forum.
Last edited:

233 posts and BWK hasn't proven anything...

No link to man causing the temperature rise. No link to man causing the increase of CO2... And no link proving CO2 is having any effect on our atmosphere..

What has he provided? conjecture and logical fallacy.... nothing more..

233 posts and BWK hasn't proven anything...

No link to man causing the temperature rise. No link to man causing the increase of CO2... And no link proving CO2 is having any effect on our atmosphere..

What has he provided? conjecture and logical fallacy.... nothing more..
Science states that CO2 follows rising temperature. It does not cause it. It also states that the effect it has in the atmosphere to raise any temperature is diminishing with increases in CO2. NO scientist has EVERY done an experiment or study to provide any data on how much CO2 effects the heating of the atmosphere EVER. And on top of that EVERY SINGLE prediction made by the warmers has been false NOT one has proven to be correct EVER. But we are to believe the next prediction with no hard science to back it up will be true.

I'm waiting for the rebuttal. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Still waiting. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
LOl! Yea, you ain't got shit.

I know more than you and when I have time later tonight? I am going to bitch-slap you off this thread, bitchboy. You totally ignored my post from last night because you had no answer and then wanted it buried.

So, fuck you, ya little commie sack of shit.
Look at the cheap shot coward who got his ass taken out to the woodshed with the right information. Lol! Ha loser, if you had known more than me you wouldn't have needed someone to give you potty training lessons on getting out the right information. Come back when you can learn how to stop shitting all over the seat.

Yeah, you are such a "bad ass". I remember your post about how it was good for "Trump supporters" to be revealed so they could be "smited" if a commie pussy like yourself would pose even a modicum of danger to anti-commies like myself.


Now, how would paying a carbon tax to the very banking oligarchs that own the big oil companies help "cool" the planet and save all humanity? No leftard has been able to explain that one and since they set this up as a world wide petroleum based economy where they could the energy sources? You are an idiot if you believe that they would ever give that power up. As I stated earlier, this whole "man-made global warming" scam has it roots going back over 50 fucking years STFU, turn around and face the blackboard as I educate you....

“It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. But from present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing on a global scale, to offer a possible basis for a solution. (Iron Mountain Report 1967)

The Club of Rome was founded at David Rockefeller's estate in Bellagio, Italy. It was yet another NGO (non governmental organization) "think tank group like the CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission, Chatham House aka Royal Institute For International Affairs, the Bilderburg Group and Committee of 300. The Club of Rome was a "consultant" to the U.N and they are the entity providing the funding to the IPCC that works at the leisure of the U.N. The Club of Rome suggested that the "Earth Summit" be held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil in 1992 where Agenda 21 was put in place...i.e "Agenda for the 21st Century" and the plans for "Sustainable Development" was put in place signed off by Skull and Bones member George H.W Bush and was later further signed off on by E.O by Bill "drop trou" Clinton.

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” —The First Global Revolution, Alexander King, Co-Founder of the Club of Rome, 1991

"What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group's conclusion is 'no'. The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"
Maurice Strong, Club of Rome member, 1992

Developed and benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma. It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class-involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing-are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns" Maurice Strong

Strengthening the role the United Nations can play...will require serious examination of the need to extend into the international arena the rule of law and the principle of taxation to finance agreed actions which provide the basis for governance at the national level. But this will not come about easily. Resistance to such changes is deeply entrenched. They will come about not through the embrace of full blown world government, but as a careful and pragmatic response to compelling imperatives and the inadequacies of alternatives.

Maurice Strong

Climate Change Activist Admits: Being Green "Requires the End of Capitalism" | Ryan McMaken
Where did you get the idea that other countries aren`t lowering their carbon footprint? China`s goal is to ban the sale of internal combustion engines by 2040 and they`re one of the world leaders in wind and solar power today. When China says no more fossil fueled cars the rest of the world will follow because China is the #1 market for auto sales today.
China moves towards banning the internal combustion engine
Compare China`s solar capacity to ours. We are far behind. Leave your FOX news bubble and learn something. I can help.
China is on an epic solar power binge

You really need to do a bit of research.

How many coal-powered power plants are being built by China? How many households in China still use animal dung to cook with and heat?

I did my research and presented you with some facts whereas you`ve presented nothing. While China has plans to eliminate the sale of internal combustion engines our president thinks our cars aren`t burning enough gas. It`s not news that China is still building coal-powered plants. Did you know that China is a very large country with a lot of people living there? I haven`t surveyed all the Chinese to see how many are using animal dung for cooking and heating. The Chinese are moving in the right direction while we`re trying to gut environmental protection regulations so we can see the rivers on fire again.
Those trails don't last for do they?

Nope, and they're also not made by a vehicle which weighs 875,000 pounds, has four engines with 47,000 pounds of thrust EACH or is flying at 45.000 feet where the temperature is minus 69 degrees Fahrenheit. Fly this garbage back over to the other weirdo's Conspiracy forum.

Then according to you? They should ALWAYS leave trails that spread out and last for hours, no? They certainly didn't leave those kind of "condensation trails" in the 60's, 70's, 80's and up to the mid 90's. I have been a weather buff since I was a small child. I was fascinated with thunderstorms and wall clouds that could produce funnel clouds and tornadoes. Jet planes never left trails of condensation that lasted more than a few seconds...kinda like when the temp is under 32 degrees and you can see the exhaling of your can't come back 6 hours later and see it. I have witnessed and photographed these SAI trails for eight years and sometimes it will be a constant for a week to two weeks and then all of the sudden there are no long "contrails" that last for hours. You are aware of John Brennan's speech in front of the CFR about geo-engineering, no? Let me help ya out.

View attachment 270748 View attachment 270749

This was taken when I was getting my bass guitar worked on when I was living in Livonia, Michigan. I went in the store around ten that morning, the skies were clear noon, this is what we had going on.

View attachment 270750

The above pic was taken on a Saturday night in July and like clockwork, every Saturday night during the Summer of 2014, they sprayed just like this.

View attachment 270752

This pic was taken in Plano, Texas right by Home Depot on 75 and Park of this year...look normal to you??

View attachment 270753 View attachment 270754

I took this in April of this year in Carrollton, Texas.....View attachment 270755

So, allow me to sum it up as succinctly as I can without being a jerk to you....but this program is going on in every NATO country and you can go to youtube and find videos of ordinary citizens all over Europe posting the spraying. Just because YOU struggle with the fact that this is going on doesn't change a fucking thing.

There are loads of those in the skies over my building.

In Europe.
Where did you get the idea that other countries aren`t lowering their carbon footprint? China`s goal is to ban the sale of internal combustion engines by 2040 and they`re one of the world leaders in wind and solar power today. When China says no more fossil fueled cars the rest of the world will follow because China is the #1 market for auto sales today.
China moves towards banning the internal combustion engine
Compare China`s solar capacity to ours. We are far behind. Leave your FOX news bubble and learn something. I can help.
China is on an epic solar power binge

You really need to do a bit of research.

How many coal-powered power plants are being built by China? How many households in China still use animal dung to cook with and heat?

I did my research and presented you with some facts whereas you`ve presented nothing. While China has plans to eliminate the sale of internal combustion engines our president thinks our cars aren`t burning enough gas. It`s not news that China is still building coal-powered plants. Did you know that China is a very large country with a lot of people living there? I haven`t surveyed all the Chinese to see how many are using animal dung for cooking and heating. The Chinese are moving in the right direction while we`re trying to gut environmental protection regulations so we can see the rivers on fire again.

Did they give up foot binding?
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic.

Excellent idea.
Only stupid twats like Obama think finding more oil doesn't make the price go down.

So, you think they rush in, pump as fast as they can & put it all in the marketplace at once.

OPEC - get educated.
Those trails don't last for do they?

Nope, and they're also not made by a vehicle which weighs 875,000 pounds, has four engines with 47,000 pounds of thrust EACH or is flying at 45.000 feet where the temperature is minus 69 degrees Fahrenheit. Fly this garbage back over to the other weirdo's Conspiracy forum.

Then according to you? They should ALWAYS leave trails that spread out and last for hours, no? They certainly didn't leave those kind of "condensation trails" in the 60's, 70's, 80's and up to the mid 90's. I have been a weather buff since I was a small child. I was fascinated with thunderstorms and wall clouds that could produce funnel clouds and tornadoes. Jet planes never left trails of condensation that lasted more than a few seconds...kinda like when the temp is under 32 degrees and you can see the exhaling of your can't come back 6 hours later and see it. I have witnessed and photographed these SAI trails for eight years and sometimes it will be a constant for a week to two weeks and then all of the sudden there are no long "contrails" that last for hours. You are aware of John Brennan's speech in front of the CFR about geo-engineering, no? Let me help ya out.

View attachment 270748 View attachment 270749

This was taken when I was getting my bass guitar worked on when I was living in Livonia, Michigan. I went in the store around ten that morning, the skies were clear noon, this is what we had going on.

View attachment 270750

The above pic was taken on a Saturday night in July and like clockwork, every Saturday night during the Summer of 2014, they sprayed just like this.

View attachment 270752

This pic was taken in Plano, Texas right by Home Depot on 75 and Park of this year...look normal to you??

View attachment 270753 View attachment 270754

I took this in April of this year in Carrollton, Texas.....View attachment 270755

So, allow me to sum it up as succinctly as I can without being a jerk to you....but this program is going on in every NATO country and you can go to youtube and find videos of ordinary citizens all over Europe posting the spraying. Just because YOU struggle with the fact that this is going on doesn't change a fucking thing.

They certainly didn't leave those kind of "condensation trails" in the 60's, 70's, 80's and up to the mid 90's.

It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic.

Excellent idea.
Only stupid twats like Obama think finding more oil doesn't make the price go down.

So, you think they rush in, pump as fast as they can & put it all in the marketplace at once.

OPEC - get educated.

So, you think they rush in, pump as fast as they can & put it all in the marketplace at once.


So you think drilling for more oil doesn't reduce prices? Why was Obama such a moron?

233 posts and BWK hasn't proven anything...

No link to man causing the temperature rise. No link to man causing the increase of CO2... And no link proving CO2 is having any effect on our atmosphere..

What has he provided? conjecture and logical fallacy.... nothing more..
Science states that CO2 follows rising temperature. It does not cause it. It also states that the effect it has in the atmosphere to raise any temperature is diminishing with increases in CO2. NO scientist has EVERY done an experiment or study to provide any data on how much CO2 effects the heating of the atmosphere EVER. And on top of that EVERY SINGLE prediction made by the warmers has been false NOT one has proven to be correct EVER. But we are to believe the next prediction with no hard science to back it up will be true.
The Log of CO2 is what is baseline for warming the earth should be sustaining, but it is not. We are seeing just <1/2 of the LOG warming expected. This means our atmosphere is acting as a dampener and the predictions of the alarmist are crap.

The OP is clueless that our Arctic has been ice free 5 times in our current Holocene (the last 14,000 years)

It is really amazing how little these people know and how easily duped they are.
I already linked the truth that you have not debunked. What's your problem? You call me a liar, and I prove you wrong with links.

You said the US is the biggest polluter in the world.

That is a lie and you know it is a lie.
The US produces more carbon emissions per person than China. You are confused by output of carbon, which China is in the lead. The biggest polluter per person is the US citizen which puts us as the biggest polluters in the world. China is the most populated. But the average person does not pollute as much as the average person in the US. Therefore, the US is the biggest polluter per volume/ per individual, compared to China.

You are SOOO full of shit.......
Yup China pollutes more but we are blamed by retards and idiots that can not even prove man is causing the warming. EVERY SINGLE prediction made by the warming crowd has proven to be false, EVERY ONE. But we should believe them NEXT time.
Ain't you the dumbass.

It has been proven. CO2 levels are rising & the culprit is man.
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic.

Excellent idea.
Only stupid twats like Obama think finding more oil doesn't make the price go down.

So, you think they rush in, pump as fast as they can & put it all in the marketplace at once.

OPEC - get educated.

So, you think they rush in, pump as fast as they can & put it all in the marketplace at once.


So you think drilling for more oil doesn't reduce prices? Why was Obama such a moron?

Who knew there was a shortage. Obama said we do not need to drilling on Federal lands. Production was up under Obama.
Who knew there was a shortage. Obama said we do not need to drilling on Federal lands. Production was up under Obama.

Yes, production was up under failed former President Barack Hussein Obama in SPITE of his efforts. Production increased drastically due primarily to fracking which Obama prohibited on federal land but was allowed and exploded on private and state-owned property.

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