Pay no attention to man made climate change folks

It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

There is an easy way for you to end your own carbon footprint....
Marty is old & will soon be dead soon so he doesn't care.

He wants others to take care of his children & grandchildren because he certainly could not care less.
Where do people come up with this link between Trump and climate change action? It's so boneheaded! For eight years under Obama, how much happened on climate change action? Zero....Congress could not possibly be any more disinterested which means the voters dont give a shit. Doy.....they still dont.

And btw....dollar to a thousand stale donuts the term GREEN NEW DEAL isnt spoken once at next years DUM convention. Wont come within 1,000 miles of the convention center. Waaaaaaaaaaay too radical.
Wow, what an ignorant fuck you are.

Plenty was done under Obama. Changes in MPG requirements, changes in the EPA regulations on emissions, the Paris Accord.

So reakly, either get a fucking education or just shut the fuck up.
Spoken by stupid fucking liberals who don't do one fucking thing for the environment.

Makes you wonder why stupid fucking liberals living on the coasts are not moving in masses away from coastal regions. They aren't.


Hmmmm "BWK" you "A F R I C AN" American. Go ahead and explain why that is you idiot.

Tell us all of the sacrifices you are making and have made for the sake of THE global WARMING.

Let me answer. The conservatives are racists. There, that is and always will be their answer to any question that shows how fucking stupid they all are.
So if Democrats do nothing about the envirionment, how is Trump rolling back on obama's actions?
Where do people come up with this link between Trump and climate change action? It's so boneheaded! For eight years under Obama, how much happened on climate change action? Zero....Congress could not possibly be any more disinterested which means the voters dont give a shit. Doy.....they still dont.

And btw....dollar to a thousand stale donuts the term GREEN NEW DEAL isnt spoken once at next years DUM convention. Wont come within 1,000 miles of the convention center. Waaaaaaaaaaay too radical.
Wow, what an ignorant fuck you are.

Plenty was done under Obama. Changes in MPG requirements, changes in the EPA regulations on emissions, the Paris Accord.

So reakly, either get a fucking education or just shut the fuck up.
I don't even read his comments anymore. Just posting smack.
I already linked the truth that you have not debunked. What's your problem? You call me a liar, and I prove you wrong with links.

You said the US is the biggest polluter in the world.

That is a lie and you know it is a lie.

You were suckered in by a phony headline. Your own source shows graphs at the top of the article showing we and China is far exceeding the US in the production of CO2.


Your own source states grudgingly: "While the United States is historically responsible for more emissions than any other country, it is no longer the world’s largest single emitter of greenhouse gases. China surpassed the United States a decade ago, and its emissions today are about double the American figure. Some of China’s emissions are from the production of goods for the United States and other rich countries."

Those facts in a pie chart for your edification.

These 6 Countries Are Responsible For 60% Of CO2 Emissions

Why do you constantly LIE BWK? That's okay, I already know, DESPERATION!
All the alarmists have a solid case to sue the gubmint schools for scaring their children half to death in maybe....mmmm, 10 years at most. When the doom and gloom predictions are once again proven to be bullshit.... Nobody will listen anymore.
Where do people come up with this link between Trump and climate change action? It's so boneheaded! For eight years under Obama, how much happened on climate change action? Zero....Congress could not possibly be any more disinterested which means the voters dont give a shit. Doy.....they still dont.

And btw....dollar to a thousand stale donuts the term GREEN NEW DEAL isnt spoken once at next years DUM convention. Wont come within 1,000 miles of the convention center. Waaaaaaaaaaay too radical.
Wow, what an ignorant fuck you are.

Plenty was done under Obama. Changes in MPG requirements, changes in the EPA regulations on emissions, the Paris Accord.

So reakly, either get a fucking education or just shut the fuck up.

Well WoW!! Those are some real climate change action accomplishments right there!!

Meanwhile, solar is still providing less than 2% of our electricity. Wind barely 5%......w0w!!

Meanwhile, in the real world, fossil fuels DOMINATE and will continue to for many decades!!

Voters dont give a wit about climate change.....its the only thing that matters. It means the science isnt mattering. Hasnt for 20 years.

Oh....and the Paris Accord is dead you dummy!! Even if it was alive, those summits only achieve a fraction of the stated goals.....while China continues to open 2 coal plants/ month.
All the alarmists have a solid case to sue the gubmint schools for scaring their children half to death in maybe....mmmm, 10 years at most. When the doom and gloom predictions are once again proven to be bullshit.... Nobody will listen anymore.

As you know, normal, intelligent people have already quit listening. The boy (global warming believers) has cried wolf far too many times.
Annual global temperature difference from average, 1880 to 2018. (NASA)View attachment 270601
Got any proof to back up that ridiculous claim?
You'll ignore it just like you ignore the links that contained it. Just like you'll ignore it now. Oh, of course, I forgot the go to: 'fake news'.
LOL you retard temperature has been going up for hundreds of years in 1900 they predicted a 1 degree increase by 2000. Was there global warming then? I repeat cite us a scientific study or experiment that shows x amount of CO2 raises temperature X amount.
Annual global temperature difference from average, 1880 to 2018. (NASA)View attachment 270601
Got any proof to back up that ridiculous claim?
You'll ignore it just like you ignore the links that contained it. Just like you'll ignore it now. Oh, of course, I forgot the go to: 'fake news'.
A graphic from the climategate fraudsters is not evidence, you easily brainwashed fool..
Spoken by stupid fucking liberals who don't do one fucking thing for the environment.

Makes you wonder why stupid fucking liberals living on the coasts are not moving in masses away from coastal regions. They aren't.


Hmmmm "BWK" you "A F R I C AN" American. Go ahead and explain why that is you idiot.

Tell us all of the sacrifices you are making and have made for the sake of THE global WARMING.

Let me answer. The conservatives are racists. There, that is and always will be their answer to any question that shows how fucking stupid they all are.
It has nothing to do with where you live dumb fuck. It's how you live. Question answered.

What am I doing? I'm educating dumb ass fucks like you who couldn't give a shit.
how you live? explain! like Gore riding on private jets? or Pelousi or any other of the rich fk demofks? Bernie's houses? his farts? oh my god the tragedy!!!
Where do people come up with this link between Trump and climate change action? It's so boneheaded! For eight years under Obama, how much happened on climate change action? Zero....Congress could not possibly be any more disinterested which means the voters dont give a shit. Doy.....they still dont.

And btw....dollar to a thousand stale donuts the term GREEN NEW DEAL isnt spoken once at next years DUM convention. Wont come within 1,000 miles of the convention center. Waaaaaaaaaaay too radical.
Wow, what an ignorant fuck you are.

Plenty was done under Obama. Changes in MPG requirements, changes in the EPA regulations on emissions, the Paris Accord.

So reakly, either get a fucking education or just shut the fuck up.
Of course there is climate change, it’s just not man-made
Where do people come up with this link between Trump and climate change action? It's so boneheaded! For eight years under Obama, how much happened on climate change action? Zero....Congress could not possibly be any more disinterested which means the voters dont give a shit. Doy.....they still dont.

And btw....dollar to a thousand stale donuts the term GREEN NEW DEAL isnt spoken once at next years DUM convention. Wont come within 1,000 miles of the convention center. Waaaaaaaaaaay too radical.
Wow, what an ignorant fuck you are.

Plenty was done under Obama. Changes in MPG requirements, changes in the EPA regulations on emissions, the Paris Accord.

So reakly, either get a fucking education or just shut the fuck up.
Of course there is climate change, it’s just not man-made
Says the Stooge scientist on this board who only presents us with scientific gobbly goo.
Highest level in ....Human history? Were they measuring the level of co2 when they were building the Pyramids? If MM global warming was fact they wouldn't call it a theory. Warming guru Al Gore predicted the end of the world by 2020 while he was making money off "carbon credits" and the crazy left picked up on it as a political issue.
You are so fucking ignorant you have no idea how they measure CO2.
Why do lefties continue to use the "F" bomb when they are confronted with a simple challenge? Is that how they explain the facts of life to their kids?
Why do you people lie all the time?

I'd rather spend time with a petson that says "fuck" than a liar.
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Spoken by stupid fucking liberals who don't do one fucking thing for the environment.

Makes you wonder why stupid fucking liberals living on the coasts are not moving in masses away from coastal regions. They aren't.


Hmmmm "BWK" you "A F R I C AN" American. Go ahead and explain why that is you idiot.

Tell us all of the sacrifices you are making and have made for the sake of THE global WARMING.

Let me answer. The conservatives are racists. There, that is and always will be their answer to any question that shows how fucking stupid they all are.
It has nothing to do with where you live dumb fuck. It's how you live. Question answered.

What am I doing? I'm educating dumb ass fucks like you who couldn't give a shit.
how you live? explain! like Gore riding on private jets? or Pelousi or any other of the rich fk demofks? Bernie's houses? his farts? oh my god the tragedy!!!
People Holding Angry Young Man In Straight Jacket Stock Photo - Getty Images Can someone get this nut a straight jacket?
It's good to see the tards paying attention to the OP and ignoring AGW. Or deflecting. Or denying.

I will ask you then, since the OP can't provide it. Post us a link to ACTUAL scientific experiments that tell you how much CO2 cause x amount of warming.
Fuck off with your denial bullshit.

There are too many factors to say a certain rise on CO2 will produce a certain rise in temperatures. So you can run away in your ignorance & condemn future generations to a more difficult like because of your inability to undersatand complex things.

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