Pay no attention to man made climate change folks

All scientists agree that humans are a factor in the environmental changes, they just disagree on how much man has contributed. In my opinion, we are probably a significant factor in the equation. However, there are far more "third-world" nations than there are "first-world" nations and the third-world nations which have large populations, struggle with their growing needs and still rely on forests for building, more land for farming, as well as land for buildings to house small businesses to provide various services for the growing needs of those populations.
Humans chop down vast forest tracts for their needs while ignoring the importance of those very trees they destroy. They provide shade from the heat, absorb carbon dioxide for their growth, emit oxygen and provide habitats for animal and insect life.
Some scientists are now saying that for the earth to heal and remain healthy, two-thirds of the planet would have to return to its natural state and the human population significantly reduced.
The entire thing is complicated and there is no magic bullet. China tried the "one-child only" routine and that didn't pan out, as the fathers only wanted boys and when discovering that the fetus was a girl, they had them aborted and thus ended up with a significant male-female imbalance and other couples just kept having children, regardless of the law.
I think the whole thing will eventually rectify itself as our food resources are not able to keep pace with the growing population needs, massive numbers of people will just end up being starved out. Once the human population has been reduced through starvation, those that remain will no doubt take whatever measures they need to, to ensure that people limit the number of offspring they have.

No reason to read any further when your first utterance is a lie?
He keeps refusing to link to the experiments conducted by all these scientists that shows x amount of CO2 causes x amount of warming.....
I already did, but you failed comprehension class, and took up a wisted semantics class instead. You aren't bright enough to understand what it is that you are reading. That's on you and your own willful ignorance;
That does no such thing you lying piece of human garbage. Now either link to an actual experiment or admit you are full of shit.
Sure it does. It explains exactly what is going on in our atmosphere between the balance needed from natural CO2 with plants and animals versus industrial CO2. It is pointing out the necessity for balance. Nature itself has to reach a balance. It makes all life on earth possible. Your problem is, you are too ignorant and filled with hate to ever see the forest for the tree. All you can do at this point is attack with ad hominem. You have nothing intelligent to toss back into this argument because you are too uninformed.

Your demands for experiment is on you. My article already has done the experiment and has moved on to conclusions and strategies.
No it does not, NO ONE knows how much CO2 heats what and NO ONE has ever done an experiment to show it. That is a scientific FACT you lying MORON.
Meanwhile you claimed no one said that society was coming to an end due to the climate or any other natural reason caused by man. You lied and when presented with 10 claims you said only only said it might happen. Remind us how many scientific tests have been done proving rising CO2 raises temperatures and exactly what raise on CO2 causes the temp to g up......
You do not understand semantics, and I am not interested in sending you to school on the subject. Believe whatever horse shit you want to believe. You're a denier and that's all I need to know.
And yet you can not cite a single scientific source that has confirmed that CO2 of a certain amount raises the temperature a certain amount. What science DOES say is CO2 follows rising temperatures and has a diminishing effect as it rises.
Is there something here you are having trouble understanding? It's all about balance.
Carbon dioxide is the biggest problem



Atmospheric carbon dioxide

In parts per million








Oct. 2015

March 1958

Source: NOAA Earth System Research Lab.

Carbon dioxide is produced naturally by many sources — every time we exhale, for instance. Oceans absorb it, and plants use it during photosynthesis. That makes for a nice give-and-take called the carbon cycle. But carbon dioxide is also a huge byproduct of industry, and it accounts for about 82 percent of U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions. Oceans and plants cannot absorb that much.

What does this gauge show?

Before the Industrial Revolution, the atmosphere contained about 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide. By 2015, the annual average was above 400 ppm, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Some climate experts say that level is already too high to avoid grim repercussions from global warming; others say we still have wiggle room.

[Holding warming under two degrees Celsius is the goal. But is it still attainable?]

What’s the problem?

Scientists say we have already burned two-thirds of the amount of carbon the atmosphere can handle before the planet warms beyond the “danger zone,” which many consider to be two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above historical averages. Even a massive reduction in emissions now won’t help reduce what is already there, because some carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere for thousands of years.

How much is manmade vs nature? Why are you posting this on a US Messageboard?
Don't you understand the link? Are you people so illiterate that you cannot extract the information from what you are reading?

Post is a Left leaning biased paper. Why would I believe that? I posted a link that showed both sides and again you’re not American. Why do you care what we do when Russia and China cause way more man made CO2 than the US?
And yet you can not cite a single scientific source that has confirmed that CO2 of a certain amount raises the temperature a certain amount. What science DOES say is CO2 follows rising temperatures and has a diminishing effect as it rises.
Is there something here you are having trouble understanding? It's all about balance.
Carbon dioxide is the biggest problem



Atmospheric carbon dioxide

In parts per million








Oct. 2015

March 1958

Source: NOAA Earth System Research Lab.

Carbon dioxide is produced naturally by many sources — every time we exhale, for instance. Oceans absorb it, and plants use it during photosynthesis. That makes for a nice give-and-take called the carbon cycle. But carbon dioxide is also a huge byproduct of industry, and it accounts for about 82 percent of U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions. Oceans and plants cannot absorb that much.

What does this gauge show?

Before the Industrial Revolution, the atmosphere contained about 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide. By 2015, the annual average was above 400 ppm, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Some climate experts say that level is already too high to avoid grim repercussions from global warming; others say we still have wiggle room.

[Holding warming under two degrees Celsius is the goal. But is it still attainable?]

What’s the problem?

Scientists say we have already burned two-thirds of the amount of carbon the atmosphere can handle before the planet warms beyond the “danger zone,” which many consider to be two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above historical averages. Even a massive reduction in emissions now won’t help reduce what is already there, because some carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere for thousands of years.

How much is manmade vs nature? Why are you posting this on a US Messageboard?
Don't you understand the link? Are you people so illiterate that you cannot extract the information from what you are reading?
That is not an experiment and they have not cited a single thing that proves their claim. They simply listed data and provided NO connection via a valid experiment that connects the data. So much for science.
Lol! You are hung up on experiments as if 97% of the scientists who already did their experiments and concluded that industrial CO2 is the problem. They aren't the problem , you are.
Then cite all their experiments you loon.
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

Stop lying... The Arctic was once tropical

"OMG!" People, did you just read what I read from this poster? :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: WHY ARE TRUMP VOTERS SO FUCKING IGNORANT? If it was tropical dunce, it's because it was tropical and not cold. Meaning, that area wasn't the "ARCTIC" at that time period in our history. We are talking about the time period when the Arctic was the Arctic. Somebody help these people learn "something", please. My God these people are clueless.
Science is too hard for them. I don't think you can fix that. Seriously. They are too stupid.

You already know how this will end. When it's WAY TOO LATE too fix anything, they'll blame the libruls for not making them do something while there was still time.
Is there something here you are having trouble understanding? It's all about balance.
Carbon dioxide is the biggest problem



Atmospheric carbon dioxide

In parts per million








Oct. 2015

March 1958

Source: NOAA Earth System Research Lab.

Carbon dioxide is produced naturally by many sources — every time we exhale, for instance. Oceans absorb it, and plants use it during photosynthesis. That makes for a nice give-and-take called the carbon cycle. But carbon dioxide is also a huge byproduct of industry, and it accounts for about 82 percent of U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions. Oceans and plants cannot absorb that much.

What does this gauge show?

Before the Industrial Revolution, the atmosphere contained about 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide. By 2015, the annual average was above 400 ppm, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Some climate experts say that level is already too high to avoid grim repercussions from global warming; others say we still have wiggle room.

[Holding warming under two degrees Celsius is the goal. But is it still attainable?]

What’s the problem?

Scientists say we have already burned two-thirds of the amount of carbon the atmosphere can handle before the planet warms beyond the “danger zone,” which many consider to be two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above historical averages. Even a massive reduction in emissions now won’t help reduce what is already there, because some carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere for thousands of years.

How much is manmade vs nature? Why are you posting this on a US Messageboard?
Don't you understand the link? Are you people so illiterate that you cannot extract the information from what you are reading?
That is not an experiment and they have not cited a single thing that proves their claim. They simply listed data and provided NO connection via a valid experiment that connects the data. So much for science.
Lol! You are hung up on experiments as if 97% of the scientists who already did their experiments and concluded that industrial CO2 is the problem. They aren't the problem , you are.
Then cite all their experiments you loon.
Still stuck on stupid I see.
Highest level in ....Human history? Were they measuring the level of co2 when they were building the Pyramids? If MM global warming was fact they wouldn't call it a theory. Warming guru Al Gore predicted the end of the world by 2020 while he was making money off "carbon credits" and the crazy left picked up on it as a political issue.
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?
So, there was a solar flair the week the arctic hit 84-does that mean the arctic temp causes solar flares? You have faulty logic-climate change is planet driven-man can only seed clouds for weather change.
No, it just means Duh publicans are too ignorant to ask the right questions.
Here's the right question-Do you want to buy a bridge I have to sell?
Buy it for what? To see it sink into the ocean because there were too many Republican idiots who didn't care what happened to the planet? No thanks. You can sell it to some dumb ass Trump voter.
You are a serious poster? Get a grip.
Just to set the record straight, the US is still the biggest polluter in the world, and the Republican party doesn't give two shits.

ANOTHER lie! Why?
I already linked the truth that you have not debunked. What's your problem? You call me a liar, and I prove you wrong with links.


The U.S. Is the Biggest Carbon Polluter in History. It Just Walked Away From the Paris Climate Deal.

The US military is a bigger polluter than more than 100 countries combined

Anyone on this board want to contest this?
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?
So, there was a solar flair the week the arctic hit 84-does that mean the arctic temp causes solar flares? You have faulty logic-climate change is planet driven-man can only seed clouds for weather change.
No, it just means Duh publicans are too ignorant to ask the right questions.
Here's the right question-Do you want to buy a bridge I have to sell?
Buy it for what? To see it sink into the ocean because there were too many Republican idiots who didn't care what happened to the planet? No thanks. You can sell it to some dumb ass Trump voter.
You are a serious poster? Get a grip.
I wasn't the one who asked the stupid question, that deserved a stupid answer. I got a hold of myself from post #1 while presenting the facts. It's the Right who has failed getting a hold of themselves with their constant barrage of idiotic responses with no substance.
Highest level in ....Human history? Were they measuring the level of co2 when they were building the Pyramids? If MM global warming was fact they wouldn't call it a theory. Warming guru Al Gore predicted the end of the world by 2020 while he was making money off "carbon credits" and the crazy left picked up on it as a political issue.
You are so fucking ignorant you have no idea how they measure CO2.
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

Stop lying... The Arctic was once tropical

"OMG!" People, did you just read what I read from this poster? :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: WHY ARE TRUMP VOTERS SO FUCKING IGNORANT? If it was tropical dunce, it's because it was tropical and not cold. Meaning, that area wasn't the "ARCTIC" at that time period in our history. We are talking about the time period when the Arctic was the Arctic. Somebody help these people learn "something", please. My God these people are clueless.
Science is too hard for them. I don't think you can fix that. Seriously. They are too stupid.

You already know how this will end. When it's WAY TOO LATE too fix anything, they'll blame the libruls for not making them do something while there was still time.
Yep! You are exactly right. They fell in line with cultism and make believe, facts, figures, science, the truth, and the law be damned. Like I said, it's as simple as this, they truly do not give a shit about the planet, and today, July 22, 2019, as long as they've got theirs, everybody else including the health of world, can kiss their asses. These are the kinds of deplorables we are dealing with.
Q. By how much must we lower CO2 to stop the climate from every changing again?

A. $93,000,000,000,000
We, meaning the world?

No just the USA. The rest of the world is harmless in this, only the bad, mean capitalist USA is to blame!
Just to set the record straight, the US is still the biggest polluter in the world, and the Republican party doesn't give two shits.

what does that have to do with the thread?
It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history It was only 84 degrees in the Arctic this past weekend, eclipsing record highs for the area. In known history that has never happened. In the mean time, Trump and the rest of these oil butt boys, are contemplating drilling for oil in the Arctic. You think they give a shit? Or Republicans? Or some Democrats? Hell no. People, the wealthy are stealing resources for short term gain at the expense of the planet, our lives, and the creatures that live here.. And we enable this insanity. When does it stop? Other countries are moving forward with green energy plans, and we are not. When does the madness end?

Stop lying... The Arctic was once tropical

"OMG!" People, did you just read what I read from this poster? :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: WHY ARE TRUMP VOTERS SO FUCKING IGNORANT? If it was tropical dunce, it's because it was tropical and not cold. Meaning, that area wasn't the "ARCTIC" at that time period in our history. We are talking about the time period when the Arctic was the Arctic. Somebody help these people learn "something", please. My God these people are clueless.
Science is too hard for them. I don't think you can fix that. Seriously. They are too stupid.

You already know how this will end. When it's WAY TOO LATE too fix anything, they'll blame the libruls for not making them do something while there was still time.
Yep! You are exactly right. They fell in line with cultism and make believe, facts, figures, science, the truth, and the law be damned. Like I said, it's as simple as this, they truly do not give a shit about the planet, and today, July 22, 2019, as long as they've got theirs, everybody else including the health of world, can kiss their asses. These are the kinds of deplorables we are dealing with.

translation you want money huh ?
Highest level in ....Human history? Were they measuring the level of co2 when they were building the Pyramids? If MM global warming was fact they wouldn't call it a theory. Warming guru Al Gore predicted the end of the world by 2020 while he was making money off "carbon credits" and the crazy left picked up on it as a political issue.
You are so fucking ignorant you have no idea how they measure CO2.
When you pass gas, it is measured by seconds!
How much is manmade vs nature? Why are you posting this on a US Messageboard?
Don't you understand the link? Are you people so illiterate that you cannot extract the information from what you are reading?
That is not an experiment and they have not cited a single thing that proves their claim. They simply listed data and provided NO connection via a valid experiment that connects the data. So much for science.
Lol! You are hung up on experiments as if 97% of the scientists who already did their experiments and concluded that industrial CO2 is the problem. They aren't the problem , you are.
Then cite all their experiments you loon.
Still stuck on stupid I see.

I am Not stuck on you?
So, there was a solar flair the week the arctic hit 84-does that mean the arctic temp causes solar flares? You have faulty logic-climate change is planet driven-man can only seed clouds for weather change.
No, it just means Duh publicans are too ignorant to ask the right questions.
Here's the right question-Do you want to buy a bridge I have to sell?
Buy it for what? To see it sink into the ocean because there were too many Republican idiots who didn't care what happened to the planet? No thanks. You can sell it to some dumb ass Trump voter.
You are a serious poster? Get a grip.
I wasn't the one who asked the stupid question, that deserved a stupid answer. I got a hold of myself from post #1 while presenting the facts. It's the Right who has failed getting a hold of themselves with their constant barrage of idiotic responses with no substance.
The question means you believe anything anyone tells you-geesh-that's an old saying. The rest is your over reaction to unproved theories.
Highest level in ....Human history? Were they measuring the level of co2 when they were building the Pyramids? If MM global warming was fact they wouldn't call it a theory. Warming guru Al Gore predicted the end of the world by 2020 while he was making money off "carbon credits" and the crazy left picked up on it as a political issue.
You are so fucking ignorant you have no idea how they measure CO2.
Why do lefties continue to use the "F" bomb when they are confronted with a simple challenge? Is that how they explain the facts of life to their kids?
Geoengineering is the major cause.

View attachment 270510

What the heck are you talking about?
He doesn't know. Every post is designed as a distraction.

BWK, aka "Fuckwad", you have come to a gunfight with a "Dennis the Menace" style slingshot. In short? You have no hope of winning this debate/discussion thus you are not going to "guilt" anyone into buying your IPCC bought and paid for "scientists" that work at the leisure of the U.N bullshit.

I know when the "Limits To Growth" agenda was first brought on the public scene, how the formation of the U.N offshoot group "Club Of Rome" piggybacked off of the ideas of the Iron Mountain Report. Maurice Strong? Ever heard of him? "Sustainable Development" ? U.N Agenda 21 that was passed at the 1992 Rio conference? Weather modification usings SAI of heavy metal nano-particulates has been global since 1997 along with ionospheric heaters using ELF waves to heat these particles to manipulate weather patterns and the jet stream.

Ever heard of the Hegelian Dialectic? Cause, Affect, Solution? Keep up your shit talking and I will bury you under an avalanche of evidence that will make you scurry away in shame. You are so fucking "small time" and I laugh at douchebag commie fucks like you that pretend to have even the slightest clue.
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