Pay your fair share is Leftist BS propaganda

If every person ran their own business then it's all good. But some people who work for others have to face being poor.
So how many billion does one need to live in the lap of luxury forever?
Gimme a GD break! :rolleyes-41:
You're one of those morons who believe billionaires spend all their money on Champaign and caviar. However, contrary to your delusions, it's all invested. Those billions provide millions of people with jobs. The "soak the rich" meme is designed to appeal to morons like you.
So how many billion does one need to live in the lap of luxury forever?
Gimme a GD break! :rolleyes-41:
Well, yeah. Beyond a few hundred thousand a year, more income doesn't do much to improve quality of life. But the point of giving these people lots of money isn't so they can live in the "lap of luxury forever". We give them lots of money because we like the things they do with that money, and we want them to do it more.
Well, yeah. Beyond a few hundred thousand a year, more income doesn't do much to improve quality of life. But the point of giving these people lots of money isn't so they can live in the "lap of luxury forever". We give them lots of money because we like the things they do with that money.
We don't "give" them anything. They earn all the income they receive.
It's up to each individual to start their own business and earn a ton more. Working for another ensures a lifetime of lower class. No matter how good of job one does.
Give in the sense of trade. The market "gives" them lots of money via us buying what they're selling.
I think that's an unwise term to describe the process. It implies they didn't acquire what they have by working for it.
Business owners have zero to complain about as far as finding great workers. If they do they should look in the mirror for the problem. 100 percent on the owner
Disagree 150 thousand percent. Businesses need to stop their entitlement thinking that someone needs to be doing their jobs. Learn how to attract workers instead of crying like spoiled little kids.
"people don't want to work" is a fake lie excuse used by those employers who are being shunned because they are bad employers.
Well, yeah. Beyond a few hundred thousand a year, more income doesn't do much to improve quality of life. But the point of giving these people lots of money isn't so they can live in the "lap of luxury forever". We give them lots of money because we like the things they do with that money, and we want them to do it more.

Sooo they will reinvest those berzillions by hiring people? Bullshit X Infinity.
The wealth imbalance is historic. We are turning into a feudalism system of lords and serfs. The balance is unhealthy. The wealthy should be improving the national welfare for everyone for being able to live in a country that provides access to such wealth. If they don’t then once the bottom have nothing to lose they will take it from the top. Learn from your history. I’m all for more balance.


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