Payback! Barr assigns prosecuter!

“REMEMBERING NOTHING, LEARNING NOTHING:” How the FBI Broke the Rules Using Christopher Steele.

Attorney General Bill Barr recently asked a question that all Americans should be asking: “How did we get to the point where . . . the evidence is now that the president was falsely accused of colluding with the Russians and accused of being treasonous and accused of being a Russian Agent?” Barr added that the evidence now shows the accusations were “without a basis” and that “two years of his administration have been dominated by allegations that have now been proven false.”

To answer that question, we have to go back and look at two dysfunctional relationships the FBI had with confidential informants. In both cases, the FBI was duped into working for the informant rather than the other way around.

The FBI should have learned its lesson from the spectacular scandal surrounding Whitey Bulger, the kingpin of the notorious Winter Hill gang in Boston whose work as an FBI informant allowed him to expand his criminal empire. As we are now seeing with Christopher Steele, of “Steele dossier” infamy, the FBI learned nothing from the Bulger case and failed to follow the guidelines put in place to prevent what happened with Bulger from happening again.

Connolly went to prison for using federal government resources to abet Bulger’s crimes. But justice wasn’t served. Then-U.S. Attorney Robert Mueller prevented the release of evidence that would eventually lead to the exoneration and release of the wrongly convicted targets of the Connolly-Bulger conspiracy. Howie Carr of the Boston Herald has been warning Americans for some time that Mueller perpetuated the framing of four innocent men. Two of them died in prison. The other two were released from prison after 35 years for crimes they did not commit.

Carr credits Mueller with prolonging the cover-up of the Connolly-Bulger framing of these men, causing one judge to describe as “chilling” the FBI’s defense of its reputation over the interests of justice.

“This is a case about . . . informant abuse, about the failure to disclose exculpatory evidence bearing on the innocence of the four plaintiffs . . . about . . . not disclosing critical information that would have exonerated the plaintiffs, and not doing so, for 40 years,” wrote Federal District Judge Nancy Gertner.

Steele was also known to be politically biased against Trump and, “desperate that Trump not be elected.” Solomon has also reported that the FBI withheld (or at least significantly downplayed) those derogatory facts from the FISA court in much the same way Connolly used to paper over the record to make Bulger appear more credible than he really was.

Second, the post-Bulger guidelines also warn the FBI that the information obtained from the confidential informant “must be truthful.” And we now know Steele’s desperation, or perhaps his love of money, led him to pass on information that he would later admit could be untrue or even “deliberately false.”

Third, the guidelines require that the confidential informant must “abide by the instructions of the [FBI].” Steele was “suspended and then terminated” as an FBI source for what the bureau defined “as the most serious of violations”—an “unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI.” The FBI would later cite a news report sourced to Steele as a way of corroborating Steele—an echo chamber effect that further corrupted the investigation.

Thus, Steele not only helped trigger FBI-sponsored surveillance against his client’s political enemy, he also interfered in the ongoing presidential election by smearing candidate Trump with a public disclosure of the investigation.

Perhaps Donald Trump’s greatest unwitting accomplishment has been to shine public attention on the two-tiered justice system that, at its very center, seems to have become an instrument of political power over and against the people it is meant to serve.
Payback is not the AG's job.

That you think it is proves you don't understand US government.
No, it proves what Republicans believe that government is serve them and their interests...all else be damned.

They all do, from the peons like the USMB far rightwingers, right up to their Presidents, Bush II, Bush I, Nixon, Reagan and Trump, and everyone else in between.
Lol, coming from someone who supported a bogus investigation that tried to impeach a president. Just because you lost the election.
Bogus investigations do not get guilty pleas and indictments. Please stop repeating this lie.

But the dims are after the king, and came up with nothing. Investigate any member of government, no matter what their affiliation and you will find dirt. Maybe a lot more dirt than on members of the public that are convicted of crime. It is time to see where all this nonsense got started.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I bet ole crepus couldn't get by a week of investigation Trump did for over two years.

“It puts the lotion on it’s skin, or else it gets the hose again.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, it proves what Republicans believe that government is serve them and their interests...all else be damned.

They all do, from the peons like the USMB far rightwingers, right up to their Presidents, Bush II, Bush I, Nixon, Reagan and Trump, and everyone else in between.
Lol, coming from someone who supported a bogus investigation that tried to impeach a president. Just because you lost the election.
Bogus investigations do not get guilty pleas and indictments. Please stop repeating this lie.

But the dims are after the king, and came up with nothing. Investigate any member of government, no matter what their affiliation and you will find dirt. Maybe a lot more dirt than on members of the public that are convicted of crime. It is time to see where all this nonsense got started.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I bet ole crepus couldn't get by a week of investigation Trump did for over two years.
That's a moronic comment. You should read the report, and I'm not a public figure.
Yes, we will be reading the report of democrats illegally trying to impeach a legally elected president. Thanks for keeping a Republican president in office for a LONG time!
Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry

Ask me how big a smile broke out on my face a few minutes ago?:113::113:


So great.....long time coming. Political eye poking is such a hoot to watch!
Because it's packed full of shit, and so is Barr's false investigation.

Barr said he had questions about spying, then in a tweet, he claimed spying. First off, we know he is lying once, but is he lying twice? Both certainly cannot be true.
No, it proves what Republicans believe that government is serve them and their interests...all else be damned.

They all do, from the peons like the USMB far rightwingers, right up to their Presidents, Bush II, Bush I, Nixon, Reagan and Trump, and everyone else in between.
Lol, coming from someone who supported a bogus investigation that tried to impeach a president. Just because you lost the election.
Bogus investigations do not get guilty pleas and indictments. Please stop repeating this lie.

But the dims are after the king, and came up with nothing. Investigate any member of government, no matter what their affiliation and you will find dirt. Maybe a lot more dirt than on members of the public that are convicted of crime. It is time to see where all this nonsense got started.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I bet ole crepus couldn't get by a week of investigation Trump did for over two years.
That's a moronic comment. You should read the report, and I'm not a public figure.

Registered sexual offenders count as public figures. Does your parole officer know about all your posting?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I would be interested to learn more about Russian interference and who helped them

Will Trump let us see the findings this time

What “interference” was that? How many votes were flipped?
We know this many; ttps://

We don't know how many from 868 polls that were closed in the south in mostly minority areas, but we can safely say it was in the millions; ttps://

And where did the illegally purged voters come from? From Kris Kobach. Trump's personal butt boy; ttps:// Kobach is nothing but an election stealing criminal. Kobach at some point was even held in contempt after the election; ttps://
Last edited:
Lol, coming from someone who supported a bogus investigation that tried to impeach a president. Just because you lost the election.
Bogus investigations do not get guilty pleas and indictments. Please stop repeating this lie.

But the dims are after the king, and came up with nothing. Investigate any member of government, no matter what their affiliation and you will find dirt. Maybe a lot more dirt than on members of the public that are convicted of crime. It is time to see where all this nonsense got started.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I bet ole crepus couldn't get by a week of investigation Trump did for over two years.
That's a moronic comment. You should read the report, and I'm not a public figure.
Yes, we will be reading the report of democrats illegally trying to impeach a legally elected president. Thanks for keeping a Republican president in office for a LONG time!
Trump was not legally elected. He is guilty of using finance campaign funds by paying off pornstars that Cohen is in jail for, he is guilty of using Kris Kobach to illegally purge millions of voters that swung the count in his favor, and Republicans swung the vote in the south by closing down 868 polls in mostly minority areas. That's how Trump won. He won it illegally, and you have zero evidence that what I just presented is false.
“REMEMBERING NOTHING, LEARNING NOTHING:” How the FBI Broke the Rules Using Christopher Steele.

Attorney General Bill Barr recently asked a question that all Americans should be asking: “How did we get to the point where . . . the evidence is now that the president was falsely accused of colluding with the Russians and accused of being treasonous and accused of being a Russian Agent?” Barr added that the evidence now shows the accusations were “without a basis” and that “two years of his administration have been dominated by allegations that have now been proven false.”

To answer that question, we have to go back and look at two dysfunctional relationships the FBI had with confidential informants. In both cases, the FBI was duped into working for the informant rather than the other way around.

The FBI should have learned its lesson from the spectacular scandal surrounding Whitey Bulger, the kingpin of the notorious Winter Hill gang in Boston whose work as an FBI informant allowed him to expand his criminal empire. As we are now seeing with Christopher Steele, of “Steele dossier” infamy, the FBI learned nothing from the Bulger case and failed to follow the guidelines put in place to prevent what happened with Bulger from happening again.

Connolly went to prison for using federal government resources to abet Bulger’s crimes. But justice wasn’t served. Then-U.S. Attorney Robert Mueller prevented the release of evidence that would eventually lead to the exoneration and release of the wrongly convicted targets of the Connolly-Bulger conspiracy. Howie Carr of the Boston Herald has been warning Americans for some time that Mueller perpetuated the framing of four innocent men. Two of them died in prison. The other two were released from prison after 35 years for crimes they did not commit.

Carr credits Mueller with prolonging the cover-up of the Connolly-Bulger framing of these men, causing one judge to describe as “chilling” the FBI’s defense of its reputation over the interests of justice.

“This is a case about . . . informant abuse, about the failure to disclose exculpatory evidence bearing on the innocence of the four plaintiffs . . . about . . . not disclosing critical information that would have exonerated the plaintiffs, and not doing so, for 40 years,” wrote Federal District Judge Nancy Gertner.

Steele was also known to be politically biased against Trump and, “desperate that Trump not be elected.” Solomon has also reported that the FBI withheld (or at least significantly downplayed) those derogatory facts from the FISA court in much the same way Connolly used to paper over the record to make Bulger appear more credible than he really was.

Second, the post-Bulger guidelines also warn the FBI that the information obtained from the confidential informant “must be truthful.” And we now know Steele’s desperation, or perhaps his love of money, led him to pass on information that he would later admit could be untrue or even “deliberately false.”

Third, the guidelines require that the confidential informant must “abide by the instructions of the [FBI].” Steele was “suspended and then terminated” as an FBI source for what the bureau defined “as the most serious of violations”—an “unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI.” The FBI would later cite a news report sourced to Steele as a way of corroborating Steele—an echo chamber effect that further corrupted the investigation.

Thus, Steele not only helped trigger FBI-sponsored surveillance against his client’s political enemy, he also interfered in the ongoing presidential election by smearing candidate Trump with a public disclosure of the investigation.

Perhaps Donald Trump’s greatest unwitting accomplishment has been to shine public attention on the two-tiered justice system that, at its very center, seems to have become an instrument of political power over and against the people it is meant to serve.
Your first paragraph explains Barr lying to the American public. How do you square with that?
Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry

Ask me how big a smile broke out on my face a few minutes ago?:113::113:


So great.....long time coming. Political eye poking is such a hoot to watch!
Looks like the democrats have run out of rugs to sweep their dirt under.
the right wing has even less to work with.
I'm curious as to what you mean, please expound on your post so that we can understand what
you are talking about.
Barr lied either when he said he had questions about spying, or in a tweet he said there was spying? Which one do you think it is, or is it both? We know one of them is a lie for sure.
Payback is not the AG's job.

That you think it is proves you don't understand US government.
No, it proves what Republicans believe that government is serve them and their interests...all else be damned.

They all do, from the peons like the USMB far rightwingers, right up to their Presidents, Bush II, Bush I, Nixon, Reagan and Trump, and everyone else in between.
Lol, coming from someone who supported a bogus investigation that tried to impeach a president. Just because you lost the election.
Bogus investigations do not get guilty pleas and indictments. Please stop repeating this lie.

But the dims are after the king, and came up with nothing. Investigate any member of government, no matter what their affiliation and you will find dirt. Maybe a lot more dirt than on members of the public that are convicted of crime. It is time to see where all this nonsense got started.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I bet ole crepus couldn't get by a week of investigation Trump did for over two years.
And they found him guilty of campaign finance violations, charitable contribution violations, collusion, and obstruction. And tax evasion, tax fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, emoluments violations are next.
Lol, coming from someone who supported a bogus investigation that tried to impeach a president. Just because you lost the election.
Bogus investigations do not get guilty pleas and indictments. Please stop repeating this lie.

But the dims are after the king, and came up with nothing. Investigate any member of government, no matter what their affiliation and you will find dirt. Maybe a lot more dirt than on members of the public that are convicted of crime. It is time to see where all this nonsense got started.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I bet ole crepus couldn't get by a week of investigation Trump did for over two years.
That's a moronic comment. You should read the report, and I'm not a public figure.
Yes, we will be reading the report of democrats illegally trying to impeach a legally elected president. Thanks for keeping a Republican president in office for a LONG time!
Yeah, no.

That's a whole lotta wishful thinking and hope my friend.
Payback is not the AG's job.

That you think it is proves you don't understand US government.
No, it proves what Republicans believe that government is serve them and their interests...all else be damned.

They all do, from the peons like the USMB far rightwingers, right up to their Presidents, Bush II, Bush I, Nixon, Reagan and Trump, and everyone else in between.
Lol, coming from someone who supported a bogus investigation that tried to impeach a president. Just because you lost the election.
Bogus investigations do not get guilty pleas and indictments. Please stop repeating this lie.

But the dims are after the king, and came up with nothing. Investigate any member of government, no matter what their affiliation and you will find dirt. Maybe a lot more dirt than on members of the public that are convicted of crime. It is time to see where all this nonsense got started.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
See post #72, then let's see your rebuttal hot shot.
Payback is not the AG's job.

That you think it is proves you don't understand US government.
No, it proves what Republicans believe that government is serve them and their interests...all else be damned.

They all do, from the peons like the USMB far rightwingers, right up to their Presidents, Bush II, Bush I, Nixon, Reagan and Trump, and everyone else in between.
Lol, coming from someone who supported a bogus investigation that tried to impeach a president. Just because you lost the election.
Bogus investigations do not get guilty pleas and indictments. Please stop repeating this lie.
Lol, not one indictment on Russia collusion. You know what the investigation was all about? Know it's time to bring everyone involved in a made up investigation to discredit an elected president to justice. Your party is fixing to lose all credibility.
Collusion was proven, so it was not made up. Trump Jr. lying about Trump Tower was not made up. Trump inventing a story on Air Force One about adoptions was not made up. Trump paying Cambridge Analytica to steal FB accounts then spread them to Assange, Wikileaks, and the Russians was not made up.
Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry

Ask me how big a smile broke out on my face a few minutes ago?:113::113:


So great.....long time coming. Political eye poking is such a hoot to watch!
Payback is not the AG's job.

That you think it is proves you don't understand US government.
Payback for losing the election isnt the FBI's job.
When did the FBI lose an election?
What the hell kind of question is that? The FBI cant run for office. Democrats however used the FBI to go after Trump, so as i said, "payback isnt the job of the FBI".
How did the Democrats use the FBI?
All we need to know is that relentless attack on Barr was for one reason....the DUMS know what's coming so naturally, time to besmirch the guy that's about to deliver a huge bumpy.

If you're a conservative, indeed the worm has turned. We'll have a hoot in here in the coming months!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Barr got caught lying to the American people, to Congress, and he's still lying about spying. Tell me, was it a lie that Barr had questions about spying, or was it a lie that he tweeted that spying happened? Is he lying twice or once?
Bogus investigations do not get guilty pleas and indictments. Please stop repeating this lie.

But the dims are after the king, and came up with nothing. Investigate any member of government, no matter what their affiliation and you will find dirt. Maybe a lot more dirt than on members of the public that are convicted of crime. It is time to see where all this nonsense got started.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I bet ole crepus couldn't get by a week of investigation Trump did for over two years.
That's a moronic comment. You should read the report, and I'm not a public figure.
Yes, we will be reading the report of democrats illegally trying to impeach a legally elected president. Thanks for keeping a Republican president in office for a LONG time!
Trump was not legally elected. He is guilty of using finance campaign funds by paying off pornstars that Cohen is in jail for, he is guilty of using Kris Kobach to illegally purge millions of voters that swung the count in his favor, and Republicans swung the vote in the south by closing down 868 polls in mostly minority areas. That's how Trump won. He won it illegally, and you have zero evidence that what I just presented is false.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bogus investigations do not get guilty pleas and indictments. Please stop repeating this lie.

But the dims are after the king, and came up with nothing. Investigate any member of government, no matter what their affiliation and you will find dirt. Maybe a lot more dirt than on members of the public that are convicted of crime. It is time to see where all this nonsense got started.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I bet ole crepus couldn't get by a week of investigation Trump did for over two years.
That's a moronic comment. You should read the report, and I'm not a public figure.
Yes, we will be reading the report of democrats illegally trying to impeach a legally elected president. Thanks for keeping a Republican president in office for a LONG time!
Trump was not legally elected. He is guilty of using finance campaign funds by paying off pornstars that Cohen is in jail for, he is guilty of using Kris Kobach to illegally purge millions of voters that swung the count in his favor, and Republicans swung the vote in the south by closing down 868 polls in mostly minority areas. That's how Trump won. He won it illegally, and you have zero evidence that what I just presented is false.
You mean the porn star that paid him?

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