Paying for infrastructure

Not even deficit hawks are complaining about the bipartisan deal because "actual" infrastructure is a one time deal over time that causes greated econ efficiency .... so long as it's not straight out graft for shit that never gets used. I would say building interstate charging stations for cross country travel in cars no one has yet stepped up to buy, or high speed trains when shuttle flights don't require new bridges, is a boondoggle.

The harder question is when one or the other party contemplates a sustained lessening of revenue (tax cut) or spending program like permanent expansion of the child tax credit. Mcconnell/trump proved yet again that you can't just cut taxes and have no increased deficits, esp when you increase spending. Or expanding the child tax credit permanently.

Oddly, while I wasn't crazy about Obama expanding Medicaid and having govt approved HC plans, Obamacare did have a funding stream with taxes, until the gop repealed them without repealing obamacare.

Is that tax cut still in effect?? Biden has undone all of what Trump did. I'd guess the tax cuts we all got are part of that.

You can bet your ass we will be paying more for everything. Your boy sure isn't doing we tax payers any favors.
faux conservatives only like the rich when they bitch about taxes and spending money on working people.
To them, we never have money to help struggling Americans but can always afford tax cuts

Is that tax cut still in effect?? Biden has undone all of what Trump did. I'd guess the tax cuts we all got are part of that.

You can bet your ass we will be paying more for everything. Your boy sure isn't doing we tax payers any favors.
The tax cuts are still in effect, why are they raising prices?
Corporations will pass those costs onto the consumer. We will all be paying more for everything.

So, let’s see how it works

We give a 40 percent tax cut to corporations and none of the savings get passed on in lower prices

But try to take it back and they pass it on to consumers
What were gasoline prices last year again?
faux conservatives only like the rich when they bitch about taxes and spending money on working people.
To them, we never have money to help struggling Americans but can always afford tax cuts
The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...

Maybe since we have spent over 28 trillion dollars on the poor and they are still poor, something is terrible wrong with the poor.
They pay the tax when they buy the stuff. Why do the poor who pay no taxes get to use the infrastructure the same as the rich people who pay most of the tax? Shouldnt the poor pay their fair share?
The wealthy profit off of infrastructure
They should pay for it
You don't?

You reap benefits for it, right? If not, then why are we doing it in the first place if the vast majority don’t reap benefits nor profit from it?
faux conservatives only like the rich when they bitch about taxes and spending money on working people.
To them, we never have money to help struggling Americans but can always afford tax cuts
The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...

Maybe since we have spent over 28 trillion dollars on the poor and they are still poor, something is terrible wrong with the poor.
View attachment 506465
Does that include our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror? Providing for the General Welfare is actually and expressly in our federal Constitution. There is no general warfare clause nor even any common offense clause.
Because they can see the writing on the wall. They know Biden will hose every tax payer in America.

They will pass all their costs to the consumer. That's what they all do. You shouldn't even have to ask.

You'd best laugh at Rwinger. He's a tried and true Dem idiot.

He see's nothing wrong with what Biden has done, yet he had no problem complaining about everything Trump did.

He's not looking at gas prices. Hell when Trump was POTUS gas was 1.50 or lower. Now with Biden its almost 3.00 a gallon.

With that idiot in the WH we will be paying more for everything. You can count on that.

Winger is good for a laugh though.
faux conservatives only like the rich when they bitch about taxes and spending money on working people.
To them, we never have money to help struggling Americans but can always afford tax cuts
The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...

Maybe since we have spent over 28 trillion dollars on the poor and they are still poor, something is terrible wrong with the poor.
View attachment 506465

So, let’s see
You are comparing the US spending money to help struggling Americans to spending money on wars half way across the world that cost trillions and kill hundreds of thousands
Since I paid it as did millions of others I'd say its true. Don't know where you live that you paid more but to bad for you.

Gas was much cheaper under Trump cause Trump never ended drilling on Fed lands for oil and he sure as shit never sought to end fracking.

Your boy Biden has done both. Lets hear you crow about your boy once again. LOL
Since I paid it as did millions of others I'd say its true. Don't know where you live that you paid more but to bad for you.

Gas was much cheaper under Trump cause Trump never ended drilling on Fed lands for oil and he sure as shit never sought to end fracking.

Your boy Biden has done both. Lets hear you crow about your boy once again. LOL
Show me any data of gas being $1.50 under Trump

You are making shit up again
So, who should pick up the cost of improving infrastructure in this country?

Corporations that make a profit off of that infrastructure or struggling Americans?
Without modern infrastructure including roads, bridges, ports, rail, communications and power……Corporations have no way of getting supplies or bringing their products to market

They exist because we provide infrastructure
They should pay for it

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