Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

It's been entertaining watching these Leftists lose their MINDS finally and entirely over what is not even a campaign finance violation.

Trump makes them lose their minds.

Entertaining. To say the least.
And you guys were saying back in 1974, "It doesn't matter whether Nixon knew about Watergate." Trump's impeachment charges are going to include violation of campaign finance laws, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power and whatever else Mueller uncovers. Trump's only chance is to fire Mueller before he uncovers more crimes.

Don't forget... all those Trump supporters that say they believe in fair treatment under the law, are supporting a man that wanted to put innocent Black kids to death for rape... and even when DNA proved they were innocent, he still said they deserved the death penalty.
You’re stating that
An attorney plead guilty to a charge that wasn’t a crime.

Sell bullshit somewhere else.

You know full well he did - though you lie.

Cohen agreed to anything Torquemada said in exchange for dropping the real charges.

Consider this commie bastard, Cohen superstitiously recorded the President of the United States.

There is a term for that... Can you say "espionage?" I knew you could.

There is a penalty for treason..... Can you say "execution?" Cohen sure the fuck could.

Yours is a cartoonish understanding of the legal system. If you're over 8 years old, you should go back to elementary school and demand they better prepare you for the real world because you are clueless.
“Trump gained a personal benefit, so it can't legally be a campaign expense. “

So theoretically every thing spent during a campaign could fall under personal benefit since the candidate and the candidacy cannot be divided. Such idiocy is straight from crazy Kookoo land.

Comrade, you are a communist, hence a fucking liar.

Still, what is the limit placed on a person spending their own money on their own campaign?

Standard Disclaimer: Knowing you'll just lie, I'll give the answer: There is no limit.

This is just this weeks Communist attack and attempt to push forward the coup you've engaged in for the last 2 years.

Remember comrade, IF you traitors ever succeed with your coup, the nation is over and this becomes a hot war. You won't though.

None...just has to be reported. I can see why they didn't; that line item of "paying hush money to porn star" probably wouldn't look too good on a an FEC form.

As for a war...yeah fuck stain; like you'd do anything.

An NDA certainly doesn't need to be reported.

If you HONESTLY (not that you're honest about anything) think this coup of yours will be bloodless (not that it will succeed) you are truly delusional.

Campaign fraud is the least of Trump's worries.

I'm sure there will be a bunch of methed up Trump supporters (are there any that aren't on meth?) plowing into innocent folks with their cars and folks like you cheering them on from behind their keyboards.
It's been entertaining watching these Leftists lose their MINDS finally and entirely over what is not even a campaign finance violation.

Trump makes them lose their minds.

Entertaining. To say the least.
And you guys were saying back in 1974, "It doesn't matter whether Nixon knew about Watergate." Trump's impeachment charges are going to include violation of campaign finance laws, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power and whatever else Mueller uncovers. Trump's only chance is to fire Mueller before he uncovers more crimes.

If unemployment had dropped while Watergate was going on (not sure it did or didn't), would they be saying, "watergate and the other scandals do not effect me" then?
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
not yet--there wasn't trial--therefore NO crime

Cohen is going to be sentenced in December for no reason. You trump leg humpers CANNOT be this stupid.

You are making FOOLS of yourself! Stop posting stupid shit!
no trial--no crime
that's not the American way

There was a trial. It's called a bench trial. Both parties - prosecution and defense - are represented. A judge presides, charges are read, a plea is entered, and the Court makes its ruling. It's much more common than a jury trial.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Great, I'm sure Michael Cohen will be relieved to know.

Cohen is a lying scumbag. He plead to a ham sandwich in exchange for a lighter sentence.

That Torquemada used terms in the plea in no way indicates that the terms denote an actual crime. Torquemada crafted the plea deal to defame the President, not to serve justice nor because it denotes violations of law.

A former Vice-President and long-term employee of the Trump Organization is a lying scumbag? Jesus H, man, it was his primary qualification for the job! They don't hire honest men at Trump Org because then they'd have to waste time corrupting them.

You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. You lie down with Trump, you get up with sleaze.
Bottom line...YOUR president is an unindicted co-conspirator. The country has a criminal in the White House....This is worse than Watergate.

The GOP will do nothing until it is proven that trump not only knew about the Russian Hack of the DNC. He also "cheered it on." Mueller's final report that he will deliver to Congress will show them trump committed multiple crimes...including violation of election laws, money laundering, criminal collusion with a foreign adversary and the big one.....TREASON.

Let's see if the GOP can bury their heads in the sand on that one? If they do....they will be turning their back on the country. The United States has never had a more criminal individual in the White House. The man is a Mafia Boss....

Hey dumb ass, Cohen didn't plead to conspiracy, how could he have a co-conspirator?


Your brain begins to rot when you watch FIX news 24/7....

Watergate Prosecutor Hits Trump: 'The President Is An Unindicted Co-Conspirator' | HuffPost

Show me the conspiracy charge dumb ass.
In all, Cohen pleaded guilty to five counts of tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a financial institution; one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporation contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate.

Ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty to campaign finance violations
BTW I don't click on the puffington hoax.


Ha Ha simpleton don't even know what conspiracy is! Your ignorance is on full display. Stop please....You are embarrassing embarassing yourself....:21::21:

So you got nothing but blather and bullshit. Good job ignorant regressive.

Bottom line...YOUR president is an unindicted co-conspirator. The country has a criminal in the White House....This is worse than Watergate.

The GOP will do nothing until it is proven that trump not only knew about the Russian Hack of the DNC. He also "cheered it on." Mueller's final report that he will deliver to Congress will show them trump committed multiple crimes...including violation of election laws, money laundering, criminal collusion with a foreign adversary and the big one.....TREASON.

Let's see if the GOP can bury their heads in the sand on that one? If they do....they will be turning their back on the country. The United States has never had a more criminal individual in the White House. The man is a Mafia Boss....

Hey dumb ass, Cohen didn't plead to conspiracy, how could he have a co-conspirator?


Your brain begins to rot when you watch FIX news 24/7....

Watergate Prosecutor Hits Trump: 'The President Is An Unindicted Co-Conspirator' | HuffPost

Show me the conspiracy charge dumb ass.
In all, Cohen pleaded guilty to five counts of tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a financial institution; one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporation contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate.

Ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty to campaign finance violations
BTW I don't click on the puffington hoax.


Ha Ha simpleton don't even know what conspiracy is! Your ignorance is on full display. Stop please....You are embarrassing embarassing yourself....:21::21:

So you got nothing but blather and bullshit. Good job ignorant regressive.


You know they don't need to charge Cohen with the conspiracy charge... because he plead guilty to the crime they conspired on. They charge the co-conspirators with conspiracy because they didn't commit the actual crime that they conspired on.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

What are you talking about, Bill never paid any women off, [emoji854] he just redefined what sexual relations means, and had the government spend a [emoji817] mil or so investigating it. Sploogy Daniels would have had to hold a couple gang bangs to clear that much coin. And this is allegedly. We don’t have a video, or even any DNA. Tell me she wouldn’t have been smart enough to save some if her hearsay had any truth to it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey dumb ass, Cohen didn't plead to conspiracy, how could he have a co-conspirator?


Your brain begins to rot when you watch FIX news 24/7....

Watergate Prosecutor Hits Trump: 'The President Is An Unindicted Co-Conspirator' | HuffPost

Show me the conspiracy charge dumb ass.
In all, Cohen pleaded guilty to five counts of tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a financial institution; one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporation contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate.

Ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty to campaign finance violations
BTW I don't click on the puffington hoax.


Ha Ha simpleton don't even know what conspiracy is! Your ignorance is on full display. Stop please....You are embarrassing embarassing yourself....:21::21:

So you got nothing but blather and bullshit. Good job ignorant regressive.


You know they don't need to charge Cohen with the conspiracy charge... because he plead guilty to the crime they conspired on. They charge the co-conspirators with conspiracy because they didn't commit the actual crime that they conspired on.

Type slowly...this boy ain't so smart.....
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Flashback: Obama Offered $150,000 Bribe to Silence Crackpot Hate Preacher Jeremiah Wright

Not the first time legal hush money has been paid out.

It says that Obama's 'closest friends' offered the bribe. No actual names. And none of the money was actually paid.

Compare that to actual people with real names, backed by a verifiable paper trail and actual payments over $400,000.

But try to convince yourself they are the same.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Great, I'm sure Michael Cohen will be relieved to know.

Cohen is a lying scumbag. He plead to a ham sandwich in exchange for a lighter sentence.

That Torquemada used terms in the plea in no way indicates that the terms denote an actual crime. Torquemada crafted the plea deal to defame the President, not to serve justice nor because it denotes violations of law.

Yeah, yeah yeah the people that our peckerless president picks as the "best" people all are wrong. Even when peckerless president directs them to do the illegal actions.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Great, I'm sure Michael Cohen will be relieved to know.

Cohen is a lying scumbag. He plead to a ham sandwich in exchange for a lighter sentence.

That Torquemada used terms in the plea in no way indicates that the terms denote an actual crime. Torquemada crafted the plea deal to defame the President, not to serve justice nor because it denotes violations of law.

Yeah, yeah yeah the people that our peckerless president picks as the "best" people all are wrong. Even when peckerless president directs them to do the illegal actions.

They're going to increasingly rely on fantasy and imagination as the evidence against Trump and his campaign continue to mount. Its actually their undoing. As they have to keep ramping up the conspiracies they're huffing as the charges, evidence, guilt pleas and felony convictions stack up.

Where at first they were offering us conspiracy'esque claims ("Someone who was politically biased was part of the Hillary investigation") their claims have collapsed in shrill conspiracy batshit (Obama's secret shadow government has ordered the Deep State to begin a coup against Trump!").

And that kind of hapless irrationality really turns off most voters.
Last edited:
Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
not yet--there wasn't trial--therefore NO crime

Cohen is going to be sentenced in December for no reason. You trump leg humpers CANNOT be this stupid.

You are making FOOLS of yourself! Stop posting stupid shit!
no trial--no crime
that's not the American way

There was a trial. It's called a bench trial. Both parties - prosecution and defense - are represented. A judge presides, charges are read, a plea is entered, and the Court makes its ruling. It's much more common than a jury trial.

You might want to look up the procedure in a bench trial vs. a jury trial. Hint, a plea hearing ain't no bench trial.

That's still his money, moron.

No it isn't, it is his BUSINESS'S money. So now I know you don't have a clue about law OR business.
He's the business owner. I have a corporation. That corporation bought a laptop. You're trying to tell me it's not my laptop. Wrong.

It's not YOUR laptop. It's the business's laptop. I sure hope you don't run your own business.
I own the business, moron. I own everything the business owns. There are no other shareholders, and that's exactly how Trump's business operates.

IT'S STILL SEPARATE! You file taxes on your business, and you file separate personal taxes... Jesus Christ if you don't know better I sure the fuck hope you never get audited otherwise you are going to own a shit ton of money. You are supposed to track the income and expenditures of your business, you can't use it like a personal checking account.
You can as long as you account for everything, moron. My accountant keeps me out of trouble. But then, I don't have a witch hunt after me.
Hey dumb ass, Cohen didn't plead to conspiracy, how could he have a co-conspirator?


Your brain begins to rot when you watch FIX news 24/7....

Watergate Prosecutor Hits Trump: 'The President Is An Unindicted Co-Conspirator' | HuffPost

Show me the conspiracy charge dumb ass.
In all, Cohen pleaded guilty to five counts of tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a financial institution; one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporation contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate.

Ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty to campaign finance violations
BTW I don't click on the puffington hoax.


Ha Ha simpleton don't even know what conspiracy is! Your ignorance is on full display. Stop please....You are embarrassing embarassing yourself....:21::21:

So you got nothing but blather and bullshit. Good job ignorant regressive.


You know they don't need to charge Cohen with the conspiracy charge... because he plead guilty to the crime they conspired on. They charge the co-conspirators with conspiracy because they didn't commit the actual crime that they conspired on.

So you think a member of the bar telling the judge the devil made me do it, automatically implicates the devil in the charges. Grow the fuck up man. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Great, I'm sure Michael Cohen will be relieved to know.

Cohen is a lying scumbag. He plead to a ham sandwich in exchange for a lighter sentence.

That Torquemada used terms in the plea in no way indicates that the terms denote an actual crime. Torquemada crafted the plea deal to defame the President, not to serve justice nor because it denotes violations of law.

Yeah, yeah yeah the people that our peckerless president picks as the "best" people all are wrong. Even when peckerless president directs them to do the illegal actions.

They're going to increasingly rely on fantasy and imagination as the evidence against Trump and his campaign continue to mount. Its actually their undoing. As they have to keep ramping up the conspiracies they're huffing as the charges, evidence, guilt pleas and felony convictions stack up.

Where at first they were offering us conspiracy'esque claims ("Someone who was politically biased was part of the Hillary investigation") their claims have collapsed in shrill conspiracy batshit (Obama's secret shadow government has ordered the Deep State to begin a coup against Trump!").

And that kind of hapless irrationality really turns off most voters.
There is no evidence, dumbass. Mueller is casting his net wider and wider, and going after anyone who ever said hello to Trump, and so far he has nothing. He's ruined a lot of lives for no good purpose whatsoever other than to slake the blood lust of a lot of psychotic deranged Trump hating snowflakes who can't live with the knowledge that the voters rejected their idiotic agenda in the last election.
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So while Trump INC. May not be able to donate, Trump the man, can self finance to his hearts content.
yes, Trump personally can donate as much as he wants out of his own personal funds, but NOT his business's funds.

His business can LOAN the trump campaign as much as they want, but they can not donate to it, is what I've read when looking it up during his campaign....
It's not a donation, turd.
Of course it is. “Anything of value for the purpose of influencing an election” is a contribution.
Wrong. You keep ignoring all the examples I've supplied that prove you wrong. Of course, you aren't interested in the facts. You're only interested in advancing your narrative.

Hillary Hillary Hillary....yet whose people are pleading guilty and being convicted....Cause you really don't know what you are talking about.
They are pleading guilty because Herr Mewler is using all the resources of the federal government to destroy their lives if they don't, you fucking scumbag.
Amazingly...we never had to worry about paying Hush money to adult entertainers with previous presidents (in recent memory).

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