Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

You sound very proud to be supporting an unindicted co-conspirator....What are you going to do when Mueller comes out with his report that squarely places trump in the lead for a treasonous endeavor with our greatest adversary? Are you still going to support a proven criminal.

Lanny Davis hinted that Cohen is prepared to provide evidence that not only did trump know about the June 2016 meeting....he knew about the Hacking before it happened and he cheered it on. He will soon be the 21st Century Benedict Arnold....He has already surpassed the criminality of Richard Nixon...Not only are the Feds after trump now, several states are lining up to take him and his criminal network down.

If I had a message for the Orange would be ENJOY THE ATTENTION AS president WHILE YOU CAN. Doomsday is just around the corner.
Look at the psychotic turd who doesn't give a hoot about the fact the Hillary hired Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump have a hissy fit about Trump's son having a perfectly legal meeting.

Let me give you a hint, dumbass: Even if Trump did everything you claim, he didn't break any laws. Furthermore, he sure as hell didn't tell anyone to hack anyone.

On the one hand, Hillary paid Russian spies $5,000,000 for dirt on Trump. On the other, the Trump sons listened to a Russian try to lobby them for some legislation. the former is a crime, while the latter is perfectly legal. I know it enrages you mentally disturbed snowflakes that anyone would be interested in learning about Hillary's dirty deeds, but it's not a crime.

The Intell Community hates trump. He chose Putin over their word on the word stage. They will find out his crimes and he will pay. Count on it....
Putin's word is more credible than the FBI's. They're really going to hate Trump when this is over and he starts cleaning house. All the refuse is going to lose their jobs and security clearances. 25 have already been fired, been demoted or quit. These are top echelon people. That's just the head of the rotten fish.
Amazingly...we never had to worry about paying Hush money to adult entertainers with previous presidents (in recent memory).
It's illegal if you don't report it.

When candidates use their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits. They must, however, be reported.

Contributions made from the candidate’s personal funds must be reported. The reporting varies according to whether the personal funds of the candidate were loaned or contributed directly to the candidate’s authorized committee, or whether the funds were spent by the candidate out-of-pocket.
Using the personal funds of the candidate -

It wasn't a campaign expense, moron.
Uh...yep it was if it was used to pay off a person to prevent her from divulging information that might damage your campaign.
Nope. The "information" would damage him personally.
According to know...Trump's was a campaign-related payment...
“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” about the payment.
Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.
In 1998 they were asking "what's a hummer?" What's semen? And turds like you defended Clinton to the last man.
“Trump gained a personal benefit, so it can't legally be a campaign expense. “

So theoretically every thing spent during a campaign could fall under personal benefit since the candidate and the candidacy cannot be divided. Such idiocy is straight from crazy Kookoo land.

Comrade, you are a communist, hence a fucking liar.

Still, what is the limit placed on a person spending their own money on their own campaign?

Standard Disclaimer: Knowing you'll just lie, I'll give the answer: There is no limit.

This is just this weeks Communist attack and attempt to push forward the coup you've engaged in for the last 2 years.

Remember comrade, IF you traitors ever succeed with your coup, the nation is over and this becomes a hot war. You won't though.

None...just has to be reported. I can see why they didn't; that line item of "paying hush money to porn star" probably wouldn't look too good on a an FEC form.

As for a war...yeah fuck stain; like you'd do anything.

An NDA certainly doesn't need to be reported.

If you HONESTLY (not that you're honest about anything) think this coup of yours will be bloodless (not that it will succeed) you are truly delusional.
I certainly plan to crack a few skulls, if I get the opportunity.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

That's telling them my dear Betty Boop, thanks for saving me the trouble:)
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

I don't know about the legality question. But he essentially lied at the job interview. He should be fired.
It's been entertaining watching these Leftists lose their MINDS finally and entirely over what is not even a campaign finance violation.

Trump makes them lose their minds.

Entertaining. To say the least.
And you guys were saying back in 1974, "It doesn't matter whether Nixon knew about Watergate." Trump's impeachment charges are going to include violation of campaign finance laws, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power and whatever else Mueller uncovers. Trump's only chance is to fire Mueller before he uncovers more crimes.

Don't forget... all those Trump supporters that say they believe in fair treatment under the law, are supporting a man that wanted to put innocent Black kids to death for rape... and even when DNA proved they were innocent, he still said they deserved the death penalty.
They weren't innocent, you fucking moron. They got a fair trial. They should still be in prison for what they did to that woman.
“Trump gained a personal benefit, so it can't legally be a campaign expense. “

So theoretically every thing spent during a campaign could fall under personal benefit since the candidate and the candidacy cannot be divided. Such idiocy is straight from crazy Kookoo land.

Comrade, you are a communist, hence a fucking liar.

Still, what is the limit placed on a person spending their own money on their own campaign?

Standard Disclaimer: Knowing you'll just lie, I'll give the answer: There is no limit.

This is just this weeks Communist attack and attempt to push forward the coup you've engaged in for the last 2 years.

Remember comrade, IF you traitors ever succeed with your coup, the nation is over and this becomes a hot war. You won't though.

None...just has to be reported. I can see why they didn't; that line item of "paying hush money to porn star" probably wouldn't look too good on a an FEC form.

As for a war...yeah fuck stain; like you'd do anything.

An NDA certainly doesn't need to be reported.

If you HONESTLY (not that you're honest about anything) think this coup of yours will be bloodless (not that it will succeed) you are truly delusional.
I certainly plan to crack a few skulls, if I get the opportunity.

And I plan to draw and quarter the likes of you alive, google it.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Great, I'm sure Michael Cohen will be relieved to know.

Cohen is a lying scumbag. He plead to a ham sandwich in exchange for a lighter sentence.

That Torquemada used terms in the plea in no way indicates that the terms denote an actual crime. Torquemada crafted the plea deal to defame the President, not to serve justice nor because it denotes violations of law.

A former Vice-President and long-term employee of the Trump Organization is a lying scumbag? Jesus H, man, it was his primary qualification for the job! They don't hire honest men at Trump Org because then they'd have to waste time corrupting them.

You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. You lie down with Trump, you get up with sleaze.
Do you psychotic turds do anything besides constantly spew baseless ad hominems at Trump??
“Trump gained a personal benefit, so it can't legally be a campaign expense. “

So theoretically every thing spent during a campaign could fall under personal benefit since the candidate and the candidacy cannot be divided. Such idiocy is straight from crazy Kookoo land.

Comrade, you are a communist, hence a fucking liar.

Still, what is the limit placed on a person spending their own money on their own campaign?

Standard Disclaimer: Knowing you'll just lie, I'll give the answer: There is no limit.

This is just this weeks Communist attack and attempt to push forward the coup you've engaged in for the last 2 years.

Remember comrade, IF you traitors ever succeed with your coup, the nation is over and this becomes a hot war. You won't though.

None...just has to be reported. I can see why they didn't; that line item of "paying hush money to porn star" probably wouldn't look too good on a an FEC form.

As for a war...yeah fuck stain; like you'd do anything.

An NDA certainly doesn't need to be reported.

If you HONESTLY (not that you're honest about anything) think this coup of yours will be bloodless (not that it will succeed) you are truly delusional.
I certainly plan to crack a few skulls, if I get the opportunity.

And I plan to draw and quarter the likes of you alive, google it.
I am so scared!
It's been entertaining watching these Leftists lose their MINDS finally and entirely over what is not even a campaign finance violation.

Trump makes them lose their minds.

Entertaining. To say the least.
And you guys were saying back in 1974, "It doesn't matter whether Nixon knew about Watergate." Trump's impeachment charges are going to include violation of campaign finance laws, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power and whatever else Mueller uncovers. Trump's only chance is to fire Mueller before he uncovers more crimes.

If unemployment had dropped while Watergate was going on (not sure it did or didn't), would they be saying, "watergate and the other scandals do not effect me" then?
The country was in a recession from 73-75.
Unlike today, we expected moral leadership from the president and unlike today we expected truth from the president and we usually got it.

For the first time in history, we have a pathological liar in the White House who says whatever is needed to make his point regardless of the truth. I don't think Trump realizes he is lying because this is the way he's been all of his life. A Trump lie is just his version of the truth.
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I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Great, I'm sure Michael Cohen will be relieved to know.

Cohen is a lying scumbag. He plead to a ham sandwich in exchange for a lighter sentence.

That Torquemada used terms in the plea in no way indicates that the terms denote an actual crime. Torquemada crafted the plea deal to defame the President, not to serve justice nor because it denotes violations of law.

A former Vice-President and long-term employee of the Trump Organization is a lying scumbag? Jesus H, man, it was his primary qualification for the job! They don't hire honest men at Trump Org because then they'd have to waste time corrupting them.

You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. You lie down with Trump, you get up with sleaze.
Do you psychotic turds do anything besides constantly spew baseless ad hominems at Trump??
I spew twice a day, doctor's orders.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Flashback: Obama Offered $150,000 Bribe to Silence Crackpot Hate Preacher Jeremiah Wright

Not the first time legal hush money has been paid out.

It says that Obama's 'closest friends' offered the bribe. No actual names. And none of the money was actually paid.

Compare that to actual people with real names, backed by a verifiable paper trail and actual payments over $400,000.

But try to convince yourself they are the same.
It doesn't matter whether the bribe was accepted. If it was illegal, then simply offering it would be a crime. Of course, it's perfectly legal to pay people to shut up. You must believe Obama is a shitty fucking lawyer if he would do such a thing without knowing whether it was legal or not.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Flashback: Obama Offered $150,000 Bribe to Silence Crackpot Hate Preacher Jeremiah Wright

Not the first time legal hush money has been paid out.

It says that Obama's 'closest friends' offered the bribe. No actual names. And none of the money was actually paid.

Compare that to actual people with real names, backed by a verifiable paper trail and actual payments over $400,000.

But try to convince yourself they are the same.
It doesn't matter whether the bribe was accepted. If it was illegal, then simply offering it would be a crime Of course, it's perfectly legal to pay people to shut up. You must believe Obama is a shitty fucking lawyer if he would do such a thing without knowing whether it was legal or not.
If we're talking about campaign contributions, of course it matters if it was actually paid. As there's nothing illegal about making campaign contributions. What's illegal is if you go over specific amounts.

If you don't make the contribution, there's no way you can go over campaign contribution limits. don't actually know what you're talking about.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
So you STILL don’t understand what has been explained to you hundreds of times.
Bob Mueller has the authority and latitude to prosecute crimes he uncovers.
Let me explain it so even a deplorable can understand it.
Police are investigating a murder. They go to a murder suspect’s home and notice 3 lbs of heroin sitting next to the suspect.
So you’re staying the police can’t bust him for the heroin?
Maybe now you and your kind will stop asking this stupid ass question as the Fox syncopants do every night.
“Trump gained a personal benefit, so it can't legally be a campaign expense. “

So theoretically every thing spent during a campaign could fall under personal benefit since the candidate and the candidacy cannot be divided. Such idiocy is straight from crazy Kookoo land.

Comrade, you are a communist, hence a fucking liar.

Still, what is the limit placed on a person spending their own money on their own campaign?

Standard Disclaimer: Knowing you'll just lie, I'll give the answer: There is no limit.

This is just this weeks Communist attack and attempt to push forward the coup you've engaged in for the last 2 years.

Remember comrade, IF you traitors ever succeed with your coup, the nation is over and this becomes a hot war. You won't though.

None...just has to be reported. I can see why they didn't; that line item of "paying hush money to porn star" probably wouldn't look too good on a an FEC form.

As for a war...yeah fuck stain; like you'd do anything.

An NDA certainly doesn't need to be reported.

If you HONESTLY (not that you're honest about anything) think this coup of yours will be bloodless (not that it will succeed) you are truly delusional.
I certainly plan to crack a few skulls, if I get the opportunity.

And I plan to draw and quarter the likes of you alive, google it.

Cool keyboard warrior rhetoric there dudette. LMAO

It's been entertaining watching these Leftists lose their MINDS finally and entirely over what is not even a campaign finance violation.

Trump makes them lose their minds.

Entertaining. To say the least.
And you guys were saying back in 1974, "It doesn't matter whether Nixon knew about Watergate." Trump's impeachment charges are going to include violation of campaign finance laws, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power and whatever else Mueller uncovers. Trump's only chance is to fire Mueller before he uncovers more crimes.

If unemployment had dropped while Watergate was going on (not sure it did or didn't), would they be saying, "watergate and the other scandals do not effect me" then?
The country was in a recession from 73-75.
Unlike today, we expected moral leadership from the president and unlike today we expected truth from the president and we usually got it.

For the first time in history, we have a pathological liar in the White House who says whatever is needed to make his point regardless of the truth. I don't think Trump realizes he is lying because this is the way he's been all of his life.
Oh puhleeze. Slick was one of the biggest liars to ever inhabit the Oval Office. Hillary was even worse.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
So you STILL don’t understand what has been explained to you hundreds of times.
Bob Mueller has the authority and latitude to prosecute crimes he uncovers.
Let me explain it so even a deplorable can understand it.
Police are investigating a murder. They go to a murder suspect’s home and notice 3 lbs of heroin sitting next to the suspect.
So you’re staying the police can’t bust him for the heroin?
Maybe now you and your kind will stop asking this stupid ass question as the Fox syncopants do every night.

Also, Cohen wasn't prosecuted by Mueller. This was handled by local federal prosecutors.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
So you STILL don’t understand what has been explained to you hundreds of times.
Bob Mueller has the authority and latitude to prosecute crimes he uncovers.
Let me explain it so even a deplorable can understand it.
Police are investigating a murder. They go to a murder suspect’s home and notice 3 lbs of heroin sitting next to the suspect.
So you’re staying the police can’t bust him for the heroin?
Maybe now you and your kind will stop asking this stupid ass question as the Fox syncopants do every night.
Mueller never visited any crime scene. There was no crime. A better analogy would be if he picked your name out of the phone book at random, and then started investigating everyone you ever know or worked with. The fact that Mueller has such wide latitude is what makes this farce a witch hunt. Prosecutors are supposed to investigate crimes, not people he doesn't like.

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