Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

Right, because people always pay off someone to keep quite about having sex with them when they did not have sex with them.

Damn, you are getting more desperate and more pathetic with each post.
Billionaires do it all the time. We understand that know one is going to hold a loser like you up for ransom. What could they get, a few CDs?

Can you provide some other examples of billionaires paying off people they did not even have sex with?

I do not cheat on my wife, so I do not have to worry such things. How many times have you been caught doing so?
Does he really think Donald didn’t bonk those women?????

Unlike you, dingbat fake lawyer, I don't assume what hasn't been demonstrated.

It has not been demonstrated that Trump is unfaithful to his wives, that he has cheated on all of them? Have you not been paying attention? Hell he left wife number 1 for wife number 2.
and wife number 2 for wife number 3....
You did not cheat on your wife because you never had the kind of opportunities shoved in your face that Trump has. He's a famous billionaire, and you're a loser posting on a bulletin board. How many gorgeous porno stars or beauty pageant winners have thrown themselves at you? We all know that none have. Your belief that you would not have indulged if you had been tested in such a way doesn't pass the laugh test.

I have been tested in ways even Trump would blush at. I take it you have never been to Thailand or Singapore or the Philippines.
...Isolated by a machine set to destroy him....
Isolated by his own aberrant behaviors.

He is not well.
There's nothing "aberrant" about his behaviors, other than that he has been wildley successful, far beyond your snowflake dreams.

It speaks volumes about you that you do not find adultery to be aberrant.
It's totally normal. At least 50% of all the married people in this country have committed adultery. It may not be admirable, but it's certainly not "aberrant."

Yeah, that is a bullshit number that you are using to justify your approval of adultery
You did not cheat on your wife because you never had the kind of opportunities shoved in your face that Trump has. He's a famous billionaire, and you're a loser posting on a bulletin board. How many gorgeous porno stars or beauty pageant winners have thrown themselves at you? We all know that none have. Your belief that you would not have indulged if you had been tested in such a way doesn't pass the laugh test.

I have been tested in ways even Trump would blush at. I take it you have never been to Thailand or Singapore or the Philippines.
West Pac
You did not cheat on your wife because you never had the kind of opportunities shoved in your face that Trump has. He's a famous billionaire, and you're a loser posting on a bulletin board. How many gorgeous porno stars or beauty pageant winners have thrown themselves at you? We all know that none have. Your belief that you would not have indulged if you had been tested in such a way doesn't pass the laugh test.

I have been tested in ways even Trump would blush at. I take it you have never been to Thailand or Singapore or the Philippines.
I have been to Singapore. I don't recall any gorgeous women throwing themselves at me there.
...Isolated by a machine set to destroy him....
Isolated by his own aberrant behaviors.

He is not well.
There's nothing "aberrant" about his behaviors, other than that he has been wildley successful, far beyond your snowflake dreams.

It speaks volumes about you that you do not find adultery to be aberrant.
It's totally normal. At least 50% of all the married people in this country have committed adultery. It may not be admirable, but it's certainly not "aberrant."

Yeah, that is a bullshit number that you are using to justify your approval of adultery
it's a commonly cited number.
You did not cheat on your wife because you never had the kind of opportunities shoved in your face that Trump has. He's a famous billionaire, and you're a loser posting on a bulletin board. How many gorgeous porno stars or beauty pageant winners have thrown themselves at you? We all know that none have. Your belief that you would not have indulged if you had been tested in such a way doesn't pass the laugh test.

I have been tested in ways even Trump would blush at. I take it you have never been to Thailand or Singapore or the Philippines.
West Pac

Yep, did a couple with an F-18 squadron, plus stationed in Oki for 4 years with lots of deployments around the region.

Also, my first 2 years in the Corps I was stationed in Oki and was not married, I took advantage of all of the local pleasures one could find.
You did not cheat on your wife because you never had the kind of opportunities shoved in your face that Trump has. He's a famous billionaire, and you're a loser posting on a bulletin board. How many gorgeous porno stars or beauty pageant winners have thrown themselves at you? We all know that none have. Your belief that you would not have indulged if you had been tested in such a way doesn't pass the laugh test.

I have been tested in ways even Trump would blush at. I take it you have never been to Thailand or Singapore or the Philippines.
I have been to Singapore. I don't recall any gorgeous women throwing themselves at me there.

Probably because you were not a Marine
You did not cheat on your wife because you never had the kind of opportunities shoved in your face that Trump has. He's a famous billionaire, and you're a loser posting on a bulletin board. How many gorgeous porno stars or beauty pageant winners have thrown themselves at you? We all know that none have. Your belief that you would not have indulged if you had been tested in such a way doesn't pass the laugh test.

I have been tested in ways even Trump would blush at. I take it you have never been to Thailand or Singapore or the Philippines.
West Pac

Yep, did a couple with an F-18 squadron, plus stationed in Oki for 4 years with lots of deployments around the region.

Also, my first 2 years in the Corps I was stationed in Oki and was not married, I took advantage of all of the local pleasures one could find.
F/A 18 we had a personal experience with them near Diego..........dropped and egg on us.............
Isolated by his own aberrant behaviors.

He is not well.
There's nothing "aberrant" about his behaviors, other than that he has been wildley successful, far beyond your snowflake dreams.

It speaks volumes about you that you do not find adultery to be aberrant.
It's totally normal. At least 50% of all the married people in this country have committed adultery. It may not be admirable, but it's certainly not "aberrant."

Yeah, that is a bullshit number that you are using to justify your approval of adultery
it's a commonly cited number.

And it is a bullshit number.
You did not cheat on your wife because you never had the kind of opportunities shoved in your face that Trump has. He's a famous billionaire, and you're a loser posting on a bulletin board. How many gorgeous porno stars or beauty pageant winners have thrown themselves at you? We all know that none have. Your belief that you would not have indulged if you had been tested in such a way doesn't pass the laugh test.

I have been tested in ways even Trump would blush at. I take it you have never been to Thailand or Singapore or the Philippines.
West Pac

Yep, did a couple with an F-18 squadron, plus stationed in Oki for 4 years with lots of deployments around the region.

Also, my first 2 years in the Corps I was stationed in Oki and was not married, I took advantage of all of the local pleasures one could find.
F/A 18 we had a personal experience with them near Diego..........dropped and egg on us.............

Must have been a Navy bird! :21:
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
It’s getting harder and harder to pretend these freaks aren’t certifiably insane, isn’t it?
they've certainly sold their souls to Trump's lawlessness... :(
And your side looks the other way to the abuses under Obama that continues to today..........the attacks on citizens.........destroying evidence.........the lies under Oath...........

Don't see them going to jail now do you...........Perjury........unde Oath..........get cushy jobs at CNN after doing this..........leaked classified information to the news..........NOTHING.........

This thing stinks to the high heavens and you know it..................I want the establishment whores gone........and this isn't over.......not by a long shot...
That's a LIE, you have been brainwashed by your new orange God like a good little minion....!!!!!!!!!
How could Trump brainwash anyone? 90% of the media is hostile to him. If anyone's getting brainwashed, it's all the Trump hating psychos who consume a steady diet of 24 hours a day Trump hate fake news.
by repeating everything he wants you to believe.... over and over and over again, witch hunt witch hunt witch hunt, within a minutes time and then the next time he posts and next time he speaks, and then the next time he posts....

without ever explaining anything in depth, short term catch phrases, repeated, like crooked hillary, crooked hillary, crooked hillary....

deep state, deep state, deep state

Strzok Strzok Strzok

you are being manipulated, brainwashed by a black magic artist.... the power of persuasion.
You did not cheat on your wife because you never had the kind of opportunities shoved in your face that Trump has. He's a famous billionaire, and you're a loser posting on a bulletin board. How many gorgeous porno stars or beauty pageant winners have thrown themselves at you? We all know that none have. Your belief that you would not have indulged if you had been tested in such a way doesn't pass the laugh test.

I have been tested in ways even Trump would blush at. I take it you have never been to Thailand or Singapore or the Philippines.
West Pac

Yep, did a couple with an F-18 squadron, plus stationed in Oki for 4 years with lots of deployments around the region.

Also, my first 2 years in the Corps I was stationed in Oki and was not married, I took advantage of all of the local pleasures one could find.
F/A 18 we had a personal experience with them near Diego..........dropped and egg on us.............

Must have been a Navy bird! :21:
That is the line place you could get hit from a 500 pounder

Cut the centerline anchor............blew the quick acting hatch off the frame below........shrapnel took out the forward launcher, radio antenna........windbird on the mast......blew out windows on the bridge........

Only injuries were on the bridge.......5 wounded one with shrapnel in the shoulder.
Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
not yet--there wasn't trial--therefore NO crime

Cohen is going to be sentenced in December for no reason. You trump leg humpers CANNOT be this stupid.

You are making FOOLS of yourself! Stop posting stupid shit!
no trial--no crime
that's not the American way

There was a trial. It's called a bench trial. Both parties - prosecution and defense - are represented. A judge presides, charges are read, a plea is entered, and the Court makes its ruling. It's much more common than a jury trial.
I know what it is
he was under duress/''forced''
the more fair/equal/etc is a jury trial
That is the line place you could get hit from a 500 pounder

Cut the centerline anchor............blew the quick acting hatch off the frame below........shrapnel took out the forward launcher, radio antenna........windbird on the mast......blew out windows on the bridge........

Only injuries were on the bridge.......5 wounded one with shrapnel in the shoulder.

Damn! Lucky only 5 were wounded.

When was that?
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
It’s getting harder and harder to pretend these freaks aren’t certifiably insane, isn’t it?
they've certainly sold their souls to Trump's lawlessness... :(
And your side looks the other way to the abuses under Obama that continues to today..........the attacks on citizens.........destroying evidence.........the lies under Oath...........

Don't see them going to jail now do you...........Perjury........unde Oath..........get cushy jobs at CNN after doing this..........leaked classified information to the news..........NOTHING.........

This thing stinks to the high heavens and you know it..................I want the establishment whores gone........and this isn't over.......not by a long shot...
That's a LIE, you have been brainwashed by your new orange God like a good little minion....!!!!!!!!!
BS.........I've shown perjury evidence on this very thread to Clap Trap and Brennan.............

And you deny the other issues............they are well documented..............

Why don't you do this........get a supeona from a judge........then destroy the evidence....that is requested.....then walk into see the judge and say you destroyed it........................He will be understanding...........

Russia.................all that is laid out..................Your side is full of crap.....

It isn't a dang lie..........You think all those assholes in the FBI and intel are gone because they are angels......

Never fucking mind.........You don't give a shit on Americans attacked by the IRS.....FBI........ATF...........costing them millions...............

How about this.........fuck you........clear it up.........
After Trump declared bankruptcy 6 TIMES, US banks refused to loan him money, and a Russian Oligarch/Mobster showed up on his doorstep at Trump Tower and bought a handful of condos in Trump Tower for $6 million in CASH, in the 1980's.... and since then ALL of his money, has come in the form of CASH by the Russian mob buying Trump Condo properties throughout the country...

Over 1100 of them sold to Russians paying cash.

Trump became their crooked MONEY LAUNDERER.
That is the line place you could get hit from a 500 pounder

Cut the centerline anchor............blew the quick acting hatch off the frame below........shrapnel took out the forward launcher, radio antenna........windbird on the mast......blew out windows on the bridge........

Only injuries were on the bridge.......5 wounded one with shrapnel in the shoulder.

Damn! Lucky only 5 were wounded.

When was that?
Long time ago....right before the 1st Gulf War.........we had to go to Hawaii for overhaul...been 10 years since the rust bucket had one..........

if you had to get place you could get hit...............further back........I wouldn't be here today.
You did not cheat on your wife because you never had the kind of opportunities shoved in your face that Trump has. He's a famous billionaire, and you're a loser posting on a bulletin board. How many gorgeous porno stars or beauty pageant winners have thrown themselves at you? We all know that none have. Your belief that you would not have indulged if you had been tested in such a way doesn't pass the laugh test.

I have been tested in ways even Trump would blush at. I take it you have never been to Thailand or Singapore or the Philippines.
I have been to Singapore. I don't recall any gorgeous women throwing themselves at me there.

Probably because you were not a Marine
Right. I don't frequent brothels and street walkers.
No it isn't... they share information when doing investigations. The feds working on this also are smart enough to know that Trump can't pardon someone on state crimes, so those are the ones you can use to squeeze someone for information.

LMAO, the feds have made their deal, nothing the State does will effect that. Once sentenced Cohen can tell the feds to pound sand.

I got a question, how much money can the federal government donate to a campaign?


Deflection. The feds can give a sentencing recommendation to a state judge...

The sentencing recommendation was part of the agreement. Why did you avoid my question?

Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????

was it during an election cycle?

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