Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

I didn't "make up shit." You already admitted it's a widely cited statistic. How can that be true if I made it up?

You aren't good at the logic thing.

Widely cited statistics are most often wrong.

Plus, you are wrong, it is not a widely cited statistic. The 50% number is how many marriages end in divorce, not how many people are like you and cheat on their spouse.
I have never cheated, asshole, and I have never been to a brothel or picked up a streetwalker like you.

Hard to believe someone that thinks cheating is normal has never done it, but I will take your word for it.

You do not know what you missed out on! Better looking than Stormy and did not cost me 150 grand! Ologopo was an amazing place back in the day!

The sources you cited show that cheating is normal.

Yes, normal for 30% of the country
In other words, it's normal, not "aberrant."
That's a LIE, you have been brainwashed by your new orange God like a good little minion....!!!!!!!!!
BS.........I've shown perjury evidence on this very thread to Clap Trap and Brennan.............

And you deny the other issues............they are well documented..............

Why don't you do this........get a supeona from a judge........then destroy the evidence....that is requested.....then walk into see the judge and say you destroyed it........................He will be understanding...........

Russia.................all that is laid out..................Your side is full of crap.....

It isn't a dang lie..........You think all those assholes in the FBI and intel are gone because they are angels......

Never fucking mind.........You don't give a shit on Americans attacked by the IRS.....FBI........ATF...........costing them millions...............

How about this.........fuck you........clear it up.........
After Trump declared bankruptcy 6 TIMES, US banks refused to loan him money, and a Russian Oligarch/Mobster showed up on his doorstep at Trump Tower and bought a handful of condos in Trump Tower for $6 million in CASH, in the 1980's.... and since then ALL of his money, has come in the form of CASH by the Russian mob buying Trump Condo properties throughout the country...

Over 1100 of them sold to Russians paying cash.

Trump became their crooked MONEY LAUNDERER.
Where do you get these statistics?
House of Trump/House of Putin

a new book just released on it.

About House of Trump, House of Putin

“The story Unger weaves with those earlier accounts and his original reporting is fresh, illuminating and more alarming than the intelligence channel described in the Steele dossier.”—The Washington Post

House of Trump, House of Putin
offers the first comprehensive investigation into the decades-long relationship among Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and the Russian Mafia that ultimately helped win Trump the White House.

It is a chilling story that begins in the 1970s, when Trump made his first splash in the booming, money-drenched world of New York real estate, and ends with Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States. That moment was the culmination of Vladimir Putin’s long mission to undermine Western democracy, a mission that he and his hand-selected group of oligarchs and Mafia kingpins had ensnared Trump in, starting more than twenty years ago with the massive bailout of a string of sensational Trump hotel and casino failures in Atlantic City. This book confirms the most incredible American paranoias about Russian malevolence.

To most, it will be a hair-raising revelation that the Cold War did not end in 1991—that it merely evolved, with Trump’s apartments offering the perfect vehicle for billions of dollars to leave the collapsing Soviet Union. In House of Trump, House of Putin, Craig Unger methodically traces the deep-rooted alliance between the highest echelons of American political operatives and the biggest players in the frightening underworld of the Russian Mafia. He traces Donald Trump’s sordid ascent from foundering real estate tycoon to leader of the free world. He traces Russia’s phoenixlike rise from the ashes of the post–Cold War Soviet Union as well as its ceaseless covert efforts to retaliate against the West and reclaim its status as a global superpower.

Without Trump, Russia would have lacked a key component in its attempts to return to imperial greatness. Without Russia, Trump would not be president. This essential book is crucial to understanding the real powers at play in the shadows of today’s world.
In other words, your source is tabloid trash.
nope, it ain't tabloid at all.... it is well researched with NO Lawsuit threats from Trump, and no tweets either...that would bring attention to it, the Sound of Silence.
Widely cited statistics are most often wrong.

Plus, you are wrong, it is not a widely cited statistic. The 50% number is how many marriages end in divorce, not how many people are like you and cheat on their spouse.
I have never cheated, asshole, and I have never been to a brothel or picked up a streetwalker like you.

Hard to believe someone that thinks cheating is normal has never done it, but I will take your word for it.

You do not know what you missed out on! Better looking than Stormy and did not cost me 150 grand! Ologopo was an amazing place back in the day!

The sources you cited show that cheating is normal.

Yes, normal for 30% of the country
In other words, it's normal, not "aberrant." go with that.
I didn't "make up shit." You already admitted it's a widely cited statistic. How can that be true if I made it up?

You aren't good at the logic thing.

Widely cited statistics are most often wrong.

Plus, you are wrong, it is not a widely cited statistic. The 50% number is how many marriages end in divorce, not how many people are like you and cheat on their spouse.
I have never cheated, asshole, and I have never been to a brothel or picked up a streetwalker like you.

Hard to believe someone that thinks cheating is normal has never done it, but I will take your word for it.

You do not know what you missed out on! Better looking than Stormy and did not cost me 150 grand! Ologopo was an amazing place back in the day!
Bario Berrett..........Subic City............were also there..................

Patya Beach Thailand................

In regards to points stand.............she did a one night stand for future money........and yeah..........she was trying to sell the story............for money.............the fact she got paid..................leads to my other point.....Extortion.

I did all I could to avoid ships, not my thing. People laugh when they see my DD-214...20 years 1 month of active duty service...3 days of being deployed at sea!
That is because you were in an air wing..............To us there was a legend...........DRY LAND..........
Widely cited statistics are most often wrong.

Plus, you are wrong, it is not a widely cited statistic. The 50% number is how many marriages end in divorce, not how many people are like you and cheat on their spouse.
I have never cheated, asshole, and I have never been to a brothel or picked up a streetwalker like you.

Hard to believe someone that thinks cheating is normal has never done it, but I will take your word for it.

You do not know what you missed out on! Better looking than Stormy and did not cost me 150 grand! Ologopo was an amazing place back in the day!
Bario Berrett..........Subic City............were also there..................

Patya Beach Thailand................

In regards to points stand.............she did a one night stand for future money........and yeah..........she was trying to sell the story............for money.............the fact she got paid..................leads to my other point.....Extortion.

I did all I could to avoid ships, not my thing. People laugh when they see my DD-214...20 years 1 month of active duty service...3 days of being deployed at sea!
That is because you were in an air wing..............To us there was a legend...........DRY LAND..........

I did swing with the wing, but half our squadron's were ship based, so I avoided them!
...Baloney............they don't care which party wins as long as they do their bidding......
No, unfortunately, it's not baloney... The Creature is not well.

...Koch Brothers being a prime example.......always big GOP bag men..........yet recently they showed their true colors on immigration......were pushing for amnesty...................because they were worried Trump might actually disrupt their cheap labor..........which uses Illegals for labor in some areas........

...2 parties same result............which is exactly why they will not fix immigration laws.........they want it just like it is..........


Trouble is, The Creature is too high a price to pay, for me to obtain what I want.
...Baloney............they don't care which party wins as long as they do their bidding......
No, unfortunately, it's not baloney... The Creature is not well.

...Koch Brothers being a prime example.......always big GOP bag men..........yet recently they showed their true colors on immigration......were pushing for amnesty...................because they were worried Trump might actually disrupt their cheap labor..........which uses Illegals for labor in some areas........

...2 parties same result............which is exactly why they will not fix immigration laws.........they want it just like it is..........


Trouble is, The Creature is too high a price to pay, for me to obtain what I want.
Not for me...........bought off politicians need to go...............they have been there 2 long.......and service to the country shouldn't be just to join the millionaires club.............

Our gov't leaders are full of corrupt self serving whores...........and you aren't gonna go against them and win being polite.
It's illegal if you don't report it.

When candidates use their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits. They must, however, be reported.

Contributions made from the candidate’s personal funds must be reported. The reporting varies according to whether the personal funds of the candidate were loaned or contributed directly to the candidate’s authorized committee, or whether the funds were spent by the candidate out-of-pocket.
Using the personal funds of the candidate -

It wasn't a campaign expense, moron.
Uh...yep it was if it was used to pay off a person to prevent her from divulging information that might damage your campaign.
Nope. The "information" would damage him personally.
According to know...Trump's was a campaign-related payment...
“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” about the payment.
Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.

Kind of like in 1996 kids asking their parents "what's a blow job" "why does mr Clinton get them from the help?"

Anyone who would vote for Clinton (bet YOU did) or his crude and vicious wife after that would not be concerned with a Hollywood celeb paying off women.

Of course hacks gunna be hacks and turn it to 11 for the meltdown of the week.

Don't forget... all those Trump supporters that say they believe in fair treatment under the law, are supporting a man that wanted to put innocent Black kids to death for rape... and even when DNA proved they were innocent, he still said they deserved the death penalty.

Lewd, you are a commie hack. I would never expect you to be rational or honest.

But this lie that "Trump want's to put innocent black kids to death for rape" is outrageously stupid even for a Joseph Goebbels clone like you.

What a lying fuckwad you are.

Sad thing is that you're typical of the hyper-slanderous left. You absurd pigs compete among yourselves to see who can come up with the most over the top lie to spew your hatred and rage.
It wasn't a campaign expense, moron.
Uh...yep it was if it was used to pay off a person to prevent her from divulging information that might damage your campaign.
Nope. The "information" would damage him personally.
According to know...Trump's was a campaign-related payment...
“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” about the payment.
Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.

Kind of like in 1996 kids asking their parents "what's a blow job" "why does mr Clinton get them from the help?"

Anyone who would vote for Clinton (bet YOU did) or his crude and vicious wife after that would not be concerned with a Hollywood celeb paying off women.

Of course hacks gunna be hacks and turn it to 11 for the meltdown of the week.
It's quite amusing to revisit that old lie about how kids in the 90s didn't know about blow jobs until the Clinton Impeachment.....:71:
Love it...make up shit and then challenge others to prove you wonder you are such a Trump ass sniffer.

Infidelity Statistics 2017: Why, When, and How People Stray

Latest Infidelity Statistics of USA

Just How Many Spouses Cheat?
I didn't "make up shit." You already admitted it's a widely cited statistic. How can that be true if I made it up?

You aren't good at the logic thing.

Widely cited statistics are most often wrong.

Plus, you are wrong, it is not a widely cited statistic. The 50% number is how many marriages end in divorce, not how many people are like you and cheat on their spouse.
I have never cheated, asshole, and I have never been to a brothel or picked up a streetwalker like you.

Hard to believe someone that thinks cheating is normal has never done it, but I will take your word for it.

You do not know what you missed out on! Better looking than Stormy and did not cost me 150 grand! Ologopo was an amazing place back in the day!
Bario Berrett..........Subic City............were also there..................

Patya Beach Thailand................

In regards to points stand.............she did a one night stand for future money........and yeah..........she was trying to sell the story............for money.............the fact she got paid..................leads to my other point.....Extortion.
She waited until 2011, that's 5 years, before trying to sell her story to InTouch magazine after her dalliance with Trump, of which they did a Catch and Kill for Trump. then waited another 6 years, before trying to talk again about it, during the campaign.

McDougal waited 10 years after her 9 month affair, before trying to sell her story during the campaign...

It's not like they rushed out to make a buck
Yours is a cartoonish understanding of the legal system. If you're over 8 years old, you should go back to elementary school and demand they better prepare you for the real world because you are clueless.


Says the hate filled hack just sure that this week's episode of "WE GOT HIM NOW" will turn out differently than the Roadrunner cartoons you and your treasonous party model your lives after?

I get it, hatred and rage rule your life. Hatred and rage are what the Marxist media spoon feed mindless drones like you 24/7.

You didn't just lose an election, you lost your mind. Oh and remember Comrade, I told you that you would lose that election - but the Marxist media was vomiting into your empty skull 24/7 and you refused to think.

You still refuse to think, strong emotion drives you.

Tell me stupid fuck, if you Communists seize power in the house, what then? Yes, you'll draft articles of impeachment - you vile traitors do that weekly anyway. So what? Yes, you'll halt all business other than show trials for the delight of the Marxist media and to keep morons like you boiling over with hatred and rage, just as you do now.

So explain EXACTLY how you will remove the president short of an actual coup by the deep state operatives? How would you pull of this impeachment you masturbate to?
I didn't "make up shit." You already admitted it's a widely cited statistic. How can that be true if I made it up?

You aren't good at the logic thing.

Widely cited statistics are most often wrong.

Plus, you are wrong, it is not a widely cited statistic. The 50% number is how many marriages end in divorce, not how many people are like you and cheat on their spouse.
I have never cheated, asshole, and I have never been to a brothel or picked up a streetwalker like you.

Hard to believe someone that thinks cheating is normal has never done it, but I will take your word for it.

You do not know what you missed out on! Better looking than Stormy and did not cost me 150 grand! Ologopo was an amazing place back in the day!
Bario Berrett..........Subic City............were also there..................

Patya Beach Thailand................

In regards to points stand.............she did a one night stand for future money........and yeah..........she was trying to sell the story............for money.............the fact she got paid..................leads to my other point.....Extortion.
She waited until 2011, that's 5 years, before trying to sell her story to InTouch magazine after her dalliance with Trump, of which they did a Catch and Kill for Trump. then waited another 6 years, before trying to talk again about it, during the campaign.

McDougal waited 10 years after her 9 month affair, before trying to sell her story during the campaign...

It's not like they rushed out to make a buck
Her purpose for the one night stand was use it for financial or professional gain.......she has said so.........

Gold of course don't deny this..........
Widely cited statistics are most often wrong.

Plus, you are wrong, it is not a widely cited statistic. The 50% number is how many marriages end in divorce, not how many people are like you and cheat on their spouse.
I have never cheated, asshole, and I have never been to a brothel or picked up a streetwalker like you.

Hard to believe someone that thinks cheating is normal has never done it, but I will take your word for it.

You do not know what you missed out on! Better looking than Stormy and did not cost me 150 grand! Ologopo was an amazing place back in the day!
Bario Berrett..........Subic City............were also there..................

Patya Beach Thailand................

In regards to points stand.............she did a one night stand for future money........and yeah..........she was trying to sell the story............for money.............the fact she got paid..................leads to my other point.....Extortion.
She waited until 2011, that's 5 years, before trying to sell her story to InTouch magazine after her dalliance with Trump, of which they did a Catch and Kill for Trump. then waited another 6 years, before trying to talk again about it, during the campaign.

McDougal waited 10 years after her 9 month affair, before trying to sell her story during the campaign...

It's not like they rushed out to make a buck
Her purpose for the one night stand was use it for financial or professional gain.......she has said so.........

Gold of course don't deny this..........
Do you think that way about Melania?
We are all talking about the "side show" Trump wants us to be talking about and arguing over....

The REAL issue of him being corrupt, and in the pocket of the Russian Mafia, is what he is hiding or trying to hide... but revelation is occurring, it is ALL being revealed, to those who can see and hear.
You sound very proud to be supporting an unindicted co-conspirator....What are you going to do when Mueller comes out with his report that squarely places trump in the lead for a treasonous endeavor with our greatest adversary? Are you still going to support a proven criminal.

Lanny Davis hinted that Cohen is prepared to provide evidence that not only did trump know about the June 2016 meeting....he knew about the Hacking before it happened and he cheered it on. He will soon be the 21st Century Benedict Arnold....He has already surpassed the criminality of Richard Nixon...Not only are the Feds after trump now, several states are lining up to take him and his criminal network down.

If I had a message for the Orange would be ENJOY THE ATTENTION AS president WHILE YOU CAN. Doomsday is just around the corner.
Look at the psychotic turd who doesn't give a hoot about the fact the Hillary hired Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump have a hissy fit about Trump's son having a perfectly legal meeting.

Let me give you a hint, dumbass: Even if Trump did everything you claim, he didn't break any laws. Furthermore, he sure as hell didn't tell anyone to hack anyone.

On the one hand, Hillary paid Russian spies $5,000,000 for dirt on Trump. On the other, the Trump sons listened to a Russian try to lobby them for some legislation. the former is a crime, while the latter is perfectly legal. I know it enrages you mentally disturbed snowflakes that anyone would be interested in learning about Hillary's dirty deeds, but it's not a crime.

The Intell Community hates trump. He chose Putin over their word on the word stage. They will find out his crimes and he will pay. Count on it....
Putin's word is more credible than the FBI's. They're really going to hate Trump when this is over and he starts cleaning house. All the refuse is going to lose their jobs and security clearances. 25 have already been fired, been demoted or quit. These are top echelon people. That's just the head of the rotten fish.

You are taking a murdering liars word over the FBI....YOU ARE A TREASONOUS FOOL or A Putin Troll....probably both.
I have never cheated, asshole, and I have never been to a brothel or picked up a streetwalker like you.

Hard to believe someone that thinks cheating is normal has never done it, but I will take your word for it.

You do not know what you missed out on! Better looking than Stormy and did not cost me 150 grand! Ologopo was an amazing place back in the day!
Bario Berrett..........Subic City............were also there..................

Patya Beach Thailand................

In regards to points stand.............she did a one night stand for future money........and yeah..........she was trying to sell the story............for money.............the fact she got paid..................leads to my other point.....Extortion.
She waited until 2011, that's 5 years, before trying to sell her story to InTouch magazine after her dalliance with Trump, of which they did a Catch and Kill for Trump. then waited another 6 years, before trying to talk again about it, during the campaign.

McDougal waited 10 years after her 9 month affair, before trying to sell her story during the campaign...

It's not like they rushed out to make a buck
Her purpose for the one night stand was use it for financial or professional gain.......she has said so.........

Gold of course don't deny this..........
Do you think that way about Melania?
I don't cheat.......and you are playing the moral side of the story........when some refuse to buy into this investigation isn't tainted to hell and back...........

She has the right to leave him.....that is their decision......

My points stand.............unwavering on what the left overs of Obama have done..........

I've made that very clear.................even as your side dances around those issues like a soldier in a mine field...well.........tip toes............dancing might set them off.
You sound very proud to be supporting an unindicted co-conspirator....What are you going to do when Mueller comes out with his report that squarely places trump in the lead for a treasonous endeavor with our greatest adversary? Are you still going to support a proven criminal.

Lanny Davis hinted that Cohen is prepared to provide evidence that not only did trump know about the June 2016 meeting....he knew about the Hacking before it happened and he cheered it on. He will soon be the 21st Century Benedict Arnold....He has already surpassed the criminality of Richard Nixon...Not only are the Feds after trump now, several states are lining up to take him and his criminal network down.

If I had a message for the Orange would be ENJOY THE ATTENTION AS president WHILE YOU CAN. Doomsday is just around the corner.
Look at the psychotic turd who doesn't give a hoot about the fact the Hillary hired Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump have a hissy fit about Trump's son having a perfectly legal meeting.

Let me give you a hint, dumbass: Even if Trump did everything you claim, he didn't break any laws. Furthermore, he sure as hell didn't tell anyone to hack anyone.

On the one hand, Hillary paid Russian spies $5,000,000 for dirt on Trump. On the other, the Trump sons listened to a Russian try to lobby them for some legislation. the former is a crime, while the latter is perfectly legal. I know it enrages you mentally disturbed snowflakes that anyone would be interested in learning about Hillary's dirty deeds, but it's not a crime.

The Intell Community hates trump. He chose Putin over their word on the word stage. They will find out his crimes and he will pay. Count on it....
Putin's word is more credible than the FBI's. They're really going to hate Trump when this is over and he starts cleaning house. All the refuse is going to lose their jobs and security clearances. 25 have already been fired, been demoted or quit. These are top echelon people. That's just the head of the rotten fish.

If trump was a patriot...he would resign. The Vegas money is betting he won't finish his first term...the only house cleaning will be cleaning the trump scum out of DC...

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