Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

Campaign fraud is the least of Trump's worries.

What campaign fraud, Herr Goebbels? You toss about slander with no basis.

Molesting children is the least of Chuck Schumer's worries.

I'm sure there will be a bunch of methed up Trump supporters (are there any that aren't on meth?) plowing into innocent folks with their cars and folks like you cheering them on from behind their keyboards.

I'm sure there will be plenty of heroin addicted Trump haters (are there any not on heroin) out on Kristalnacht with ANTIFA like usual.

You didn't just lose an election, you lost your mind.

You're a vicious, evil little troll so consumed by rage and hatred that no reason can penetrate the boiling cauldron of shit between your ears.
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Campaign fraud is the least of Trump's worries.

What campaign fraud, Herr Goebbels? You toss about slander with no basis.

Molesting children is the least of Chuck Schumer's worries.

I'm sure there will be a bunch of methed up Trump supporters (are there any that aren't on meth?) plowing into innocent folks with their cars and folks like you cheering them on from behind their keyboards.

I'm sure there will plenty of heroin addicted Trump haters (are there any not on heroin) out on Kristalnacht with ANTIFA like usual.

You didn't just lose an election, you lost your mind.

You're a vicious, evil little troll so consumed by rage and hatred that no reason can penetrate the boiling cauldron of shit between your ears.

Ordering subordinates to break campaign finance laws is a felony. That fits well and actually goes far beyond "high crimes and misdemeanors....but that is only the beginning. The Intel Community hates the orange king. He will go down in shame....making Nixon look like a great president.
If unemployment had dropped while Watergate was going on (not sure it did or didn't), would they be saying, "watergate and the other scandals do not effect me" then?

If Watergate had happened after Bill Clinton rewrote the rules, Nixon would have served out his term.

What Clinton did was FAR worse than anything Nixon did. Hell, the worst infraction by Nixon was asking the IRS to harass political enemies.

Obama did that his whole term, with your loving approval. The IRS refused Nixon, Lois Lerner faithfully served her Fuhrer.
Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
not yet--there wasn't trial--therefore NO crime

Cohen is going to be sentenced in December for no reason. You trump leg humpers CANNOT be this stupid.

You are making FOOLS of yourself! Stop posting stupid shit!
no trial--no crime
that's not the American way

There was a trial. It's called a bench trial. Both parties - prosecution and defense - are represented. A judge presides, charges are read, a plea is entered, and the Court makes its ruling. It's much more common than a jury trial.

That's not a "trial," it is a ruling. The court ruled to accept the contract of the plea arrangement in lieu of a trial.
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
not yet--there wasn't trial--therefore NO crime

Cohen is going to be sentenced in December for no reason. You trump leg humpers CANNOT be this stupid.

You are making FOOLS of yourself! Stop posting stupid shit!
no trial--no crime
that's not the American way

There was a trial. It's called a bench trial. Both parties - prosecution and defense - are represented. A judge presides, charges are read, a plea is entered, and the Court makes its ruling. It's much more common than a jury trial.

That's not a "trial," it is a ruling. The court ruled to accept the contract of the plea arrangement in lieu of a trial.

Cohen is as guilty now as he would have if he had a trial. He spoke under oath on a courtroom saying trump ordered him to commit a felony.

Sooner or later trump will have to speak under oath about this crime and many more. Just a matter of time....
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Great, I'm sure Michael Cohen will be relieved to know.

Cohen is a lying scumbag. He plead to a ham sandwich in exchange for a lighter sentence.

That Torquemada used terms in the plea in no way indicates that the terms denote an actual crime. Torquemada crafted the plea deal to defame the President, not to serve justice nor because it denotes violations of law.

Yeah, yeah yeah the people that our peckerless president picks as the "best" people all are wrong. Even when peckerless president directs them to do the illegal actions.

Wrong about what, Comrade?

Did you think Trump picked Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada? :rofl:

The shit you commies spew...
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Great, I'm sure Michael Cohen will be relieved to know.

Cohen is a lying scumbag. He plead to a ham sandwich in exchange for a lighter sentence.

That Torquemada used terms in the plea in no way indicates that the terms denote an actual crime. Torquemada crafted the plea deal to defame the President, not to serve justice nor because it denotes violations of law.

Yeah, yeah yeah the people that our peckerless president picks as the "best" people all are wrong. Even when peckerless president directs them to do the illegal actions.

Wrong about what, Comrade?

Did you think Trump picked Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada? :rofl:

The shit you commies spew...

You are calling someone comrade after trump practically kissed Putin on the ass in Helsinki? You are a SLUG!
Campaign fraud is the least of Trump's worries.

What campaign fraud, Herr Goebbels? You toss about slander with no basis.

Molesting children is the least of Chuck Schumer's worries.

I'm sure there will be a bunch of methed up Trump supporters (are there any that aren't on meth?) plowing into innocent folks with their cars and folks like you cheering them on from behind their keyboards.

I'm sure there will plenty of heroin addicted Trump haters (are there any not on heroin) out on Kristalnacht with ANTIFA like usual.

You didn't just lose an election, you lost your mind.

You're a vicious, evil little troll so consumed by rage and hatred that no reason can penetrate the boiling cauldron of shit between your ears.
A former Vice-President and long-term employee of the Trump Organization is a lying scumbag? Jesus H, man, it was his primary qualification for the job! They don't hire honest men at Trump Org because then they'd have to waste time corrupting them.

You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. You lie down with Trump, you get up with sleaze.

Michael Cohen is a former Vice-President? :eek:

Did he serve under Obama? Does Biden know about this?

You rage filled Bolsheviks have no grip on reality.
A former Vice-President and long-term employee of the Trump Organization is a lying scumbag? Jesus H, man, it was his primary qualification for the job! They don't hire honest men at Trump Org because then they'd have to waste time corrupting them.

You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. You lie down with Trump, you get up with sleaze.

Michael Cohen is a former Vice-President? :eek:

Did he serve under Obama? Does Biden know about this?

You rage filled Bolsheviks have no grip on reality.

"A former Vice-President and long-term employee of the Trump Organization is a lying scumbag"

Oh, so this is how the Resistance works. They think all "Trump supporters" are on meth. About half the nation is on meth.

Sure, that makes sense I guess. If your brain is eaten up with cockroaches infesting your brain (hat tip Mark Steyn)

Candy furiously rubbed her clit with delight when Hillary called us "deplorables," She thinks doubling down on that is a brilliant strategy.

Honestly, I think Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi should drape themselves in the Communist Chinese flag and do a propaganda spot where they say all Trump supporters are on meth.
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A former Vice-President and long-term employee of the Trump Organization is a lying scumbag? Jesus H, man, it was his primary qualification for the job! They don't hire honest men at Trump Org because then they'd have to waste time corrupting them.

You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. You lie down with Trump, you get up with sleaze.

Michael Cohen is a former Vice-President? :eek:

Did he serve under Obama? Does Biden know about this?

You rage filled Bolsheviks have no grip on reality.

"A former Vice-President and long-term employee of the Trump Organization is a lying scumbag"


Comrade what was Cohen charged with? I don't mean the inflammatory and slanderous plea contract from Torquemada; what was Cohen charged with?

A former Vice-President and long-term employee of the Trump Organization is a lying scumbag? Jesus H, man, it was his primary qualification for the job! They don't hire honest men at Trump Org because then they'd have to waste time corrupting them.

You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. You lie down with Trump, you get up with sleaze.

Michael Cohen is a former Vice-President? :eek:

Did he serve under Obama? Does Biden know about this?

You rage filled Bolsheviks have no grip on reality.

"A former Vice-President and long-term employee of the Trump Organization is a lying scumbag"


Comrade what was Cohen charged with? I don't mean the inflammatory and slanderous plea contract from Torquemada; what was Cohen charged with?


Michael Cohen Charging Documents

Knock yourself out. Once more won't hurt - I already foresee CTE in your future.
He's a billionaire. Women know there's always a chance to cash in when you sleep with a billionaire.

I'm surprised Candy didn't try to blackmail Trump for some cash? I mean candycorn is such a stripper/porn actress name......

Or maybe she did try to blackmail the President and he turned her down? :dunno:

Might explain the never ending hate and rage that rules her life...
Ordering subordinates to break campaign finance laws is a felony.

Good thing that never happened, Herr Goebbels.

That fits well and actually goes far beyond "high crimes and misdemeanors....but that is only the beginning. The Intel Community hates the orange king. He will go down in shame....making Nixon look like a great president.


When you turn the hate up to 11 every last time, it's hard to take you morons seriously.
Cohen is as guilty now as he would have if he had a trial. He spoke under oath on a courtroom saying trump ordered him to commit a felony.

Sooner or later trump will have to speak under oath about this crime and many more. Just a matter of time....

Cohen has agreed to the terms of the contract.

As for the Inquisition creating a perjury trap for Trump, you'll have to wait until he leaves office in 2025.
You’re assuming he didn’t know about it. In Touch did the same thing as the National Inquirer, sitting on the story; and Trump knew about that.

Link to what? That trump knew that the National Inquirer had her story and was sitting on it? It was revealed he knew about it on Cohen’s tape where they discussed buying the story from the inquirer.

Hey retard, you're mixing up the two whores.

Dumbfuck, I mixed up no one as I never said I was talking about only one porn star. I was clear, comparing the National Inqurier sitting on a story with In Touch sitting on a story. And we know for a fact that Trump knew the inquirer was sitting on a story even though the story wasn’t released to the public; meaning you’re assumption he didn’t know about the In Touch article stems only from your brain, which you’ve proven is deformed.

Poor little retard, there's nothing being reported or written, that I've seen, that says Trump was aware of the In Touch interview. If he were aware, why would he pay her to not give an interview that she had already given several years before? You're the one making assumptions against logic.

To buy her silence for the election. You’re not very bright.
Dumbfuck, I mixed up no one as I never said I was talking about only one porn star. I was clear, comparing the National Inqurier sitting on a story with In Touch sitting on a story. And we know for a fact that Trump knew the inquirer was sitting on a story even though the story wasn’t released to the public; meaning you’re assumption he didn’t know about the In Touch article stems only from your brain, which you’ve proven is deformed.
Trump knew about the National Enquirer story because the Publisher is a friend of his. Knowing about that story in no way implies he knew about the other story.
Fucking moron, I didn’t say Trump knew about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story. I said it’s ludicrous to assume he didn’t know about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story.
Who da fuck cares. Only reason you give a rats add about it is to get impeachment. If he fucked her itsi really not my dang business.

She said she did it for fitfut positions and dang money. She was trying to sell a story that did Trump for financial gain.

She wasn't accusing him of rape. She was bragging about it.

Russia my ass.
You imbecile, I’ve never called for trump’s impeachment. Not even for his campaign finance laws violations.

Try arguing with reality, not with the voices you hear only in your head.
The dang Democrap agenda is Impeachment..........that is what they are shooting for.........many have stated it...........including Waterhead ....go stalk those who you don't like Waters...........

And Mr. Imbecile..............You have to Impeach him for this so called crime...........duh........
You dumbfucking imbecileconservative. Let me remind you what YOU said...

”Only reason you give a rats add about it is to get impeachment.

See that, ^^^ moron? You were talking about me and not Congress.

Like I said, rightard, try arguing with reality, not with the voices you hear only in your head.

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