Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Happens all the time in Hollywood and business world. Stormy payoff was before Trump was even an announced candidate. She most likely approached Trump. Her and her ex-husbands m.o., it’s called “extortion.”
Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????


You mean like Republican Blake Farenthold?

I mean anyone of either party. Should they be prosecuted for campaign finance violations? They accepted money far beyond the donation limits to pay for what you and your ilk say is a campaign expense.


That money comes out of a fund for Congress, just like if a company has legal funds for settling cases of wrongdoing. I think it is ridiculous that any party should be getting their sexual harassment suits or whatever liability suit paid for with tax dollars. They rip off citizens enough already. The money should come out of their paychecks.

Since these funds are used to keep embarrassing situations quiet to keep a congresscritter more electable, how can they not be considered campaign contributions. Aren't they being spent to influence an election? You can't have it both ways, if Trump and Cohen are criminals, these congresscritter must be too, they're not reporting these contributions form the taxpayers.

Trump was not a politician when payments were made.
Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????


You mean like Republican Blake Farenthold?

I mean anyone of either party. Should they be prosecuted for campaign finance violations? They accepted money far beyond the donation limits to pay for what you and your ilk say is a campaign expense.


That money comes out of a fund for Congress, just like if a company has legal funds for settling cases of wrongdoing. I think it is ridiculous that any party should be getting their sexual harassment suits or whatever liability suit paid for with tax dollars. They rip off citizens enough already. The money should come out of their paychecks.

Since these funds are used to keep embarrassing situations quiet to keep a congresscritter more electable, how can they not be considered campaign contributions. Aren't they being spent to influence an election? You can't have it both ways, if Trump and Cohen are criminals, these congresscritter must be too, they're not reporting these contributions form the taxpayers.


Is this where you start calling a campaign contribution an 'expense' again?

You know you can actually read an article or two on the topic and get answers to these questions in a few minutes, right?
1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????


You mean like Republican Blake Farenthold?

I mean anyone of either party. Should they be prosecuted for campaign finance violations? They accepted money far beyond the donation limits to pay for what you and your ilk say is a campaign expense.


That money comes out of a fund for Congress, just like if a company has legal funds for settling cases of wrongdoing. I think it is ridiculous that any party should be getting their sexual harassment suits or whatever liability suit paid for with tax dollars. They rip off citizens enough already. The money should come out of their paychecks.

Since these funds are used to keep embarrassing situations quiet to keep a congresscritter more electable, how can they not be considered campaign contributions. Aren't they being spent to influence an election? You can't have it both ways, if Trump and Cohen are criminals, these congresscritter must be too, they're not reporting these contributions form the taxpayers.

Trump was not a politician when payments were made.

Trump was running for public office when the payments to aid his campaign were made.

Thus, they were campaign contributions.
1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????


You mean like Republican Blake Farenthold?

I mean anyone of either party. Should they be prosecuted for campaign finance violations? They accepted money far beyond the donation limits to pay for what you and your ilk say is a campaign expense.


That money comes out of a fund for Congress, just like if a company has legal funds for settling cases of wrongdoing. I think it is ridiculous that any party should be getting their sexual harassment suits or whatever liability suit paid for with tax dollars. They rip off citizens enough already. The money should come out of their paychecks.

Since these funds are used to keep embarrassing situations quiet to keep a congresscritter more electable, how can they not be considered campaign contributions. Aren't they being spent to influence an election? You can't have it both ways, if Trump and Cohen are criminals, these congresscritter must be too, they're not reporting these contributions form the taxpayers.

Trump was not a politician when payments were made.

A candidate is a politician.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Happens all the time in Hollywood and business world. Stormy payoff was before Trump was even an announced candidate. She most likely approached Trump. Her and her ex-husbands m.o., it’s called “extortion.”

Nonsense. Stormy Daniels was paid 11 days before the election.
Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????


You mean like Republican Blake Farenthold?

I mean anyone of either party. Should they be prosecuted for campaign finance violations? They accepted money far beyond the donation limits to pay for what you and your ilk say is a campaign expense.


That money comes out of a fund for Congress, just like if a company has legal funds for settling cases of wrongdoing. I think it is ridiculous that any party should be getting their sexual harassment suits or whatever liability suit paid for with tax dollars. They rip off citizens enough already. The money should come out of their paychecks.

Since these funds are used to keep embarrassing situations quiet to keep a congresscritter more electable, how can they not be considered campaign contributions. Aren't they being spent to influence an election? You can't have it both ways, if Trump and Cohen are criminals, these congresscritter must be too, they're not reporting these contributions form the taxpayers.


Because they aren't right around the election... people deal with controversies all the time that people just forget, and it was actually a Congressional policy to make harassment settlements with government funds.
According to know...Trump's was a campaign-related payment...
“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” about the payment.
Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.
In 1998 they were asking "what's a hummer?" What's semen? And turds like you defended Clinton to the last man.
As the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right. What Clinton did 20 years ago was wrong but that is not justification for Trump's lifestyle of infidelity and promiscuous behavior.
It's not a crime when 2 consenting adults screw each other..............Ethically........pretty shitty thing to do to your wife..........but it's not a crime.........

They had sex for future cashing in on doing so with Clinton's case they accused him of sexual abuse............Not hardly the same......Stormy bragged about it............didn't say he FORCED ME as was with Clinton............Big difference..........

You can say.........ehtically is it wrong .............yeah......I'd never cheat on my wife.........but legally...........your full of shit......

Now you judge me..........I see what I see...........I see an establishment fucking the entire country..........getting away with massive abuse of power........Obama was one of the dirtiest dang jerks I've seen in my lifetime..........You can try to say I KNOW NOTHING........about what happened with Federal Agencies then and I could care less .............too dang much went on for that excuse............

IRS targeting costing citizens millions in defense when they committed no crimes.............These same people were also targeted by the FBI, ATF and intel agencies..............because they disagree...............Those doing this are TRAITORS to the Republic............and these leftover assholes are the same ones that took part in it............

Same ones who gave Hillary a pass before she even testified..........same ones who got financial gain from the lobbies of the dirty political gang of Democraps.........

Tired of me saying this.........I don't will continue to see these posts.
There's no evidence Trump has sex with Stormy other than her say-so.
That and her ability to pick trump out of a lineup.....

Cohen is not lying and the Feds are corroborating his words with facts from Pecker and his CFO. trump is a criminal....but that is just one of the crimes he has committed. There are much more serious felonies on the horizon.
1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????


You mean like Republican Blake Farenthold?

I mean anyone of either party. Should they be prosecuted for campaign finance violations? They accepted money far beyond the donation limits to pay for what you and your ilk say is a campaign expense.


That money comes out of a fund for Congress, just like if a company has legal funds for settling cases of wrongdoing. I think it is ridiculous that any party should be getting their sexual harassment suits or whatever liability suit paid for with tax dollars. They rip off citizens enough already. The money should come out of their paychecks.

Since these funds are used to keep embarrassing situations quiet to keep a congresscritter more electable, how can they not be considered campaign contributions. Aren't they being spent to influence an election? You can't have it both ways, if Trump and Cohen are criminals, these congresscritter must be too, they're not reporting these contributions form the taxpayers.


Because they aren't right around the election... people deal with controversies all the time that people just forget, and it was actually a Congressional policy to make harassment settlements with government funds.

OKT isn't making a good faith effort to understand the case. He's wasting our time with questions that could be answered by an article on the topic.
Cohen is not lying and the Feds are corroborating his words with facts from Pecker and his CFO. trump is a criminal....but that is just one of the crimes he has committed. There are much more serious felonies on the horizon.

And the paper trail. They have faked invoices, transfers from shell companies, fraudulent time lines and faked descriptions of work.

More accurately they have *at least* that.
Fucking moron, I didn’t say Trump knew about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story. I said it’s ludicrous to assume he didn’t know about the In Touch story because he knew about the Inquirer story.
Who da fuck cares. Only reason you give a rats add about it is to get impeachment. If he fucked her itsi really not my dang business.

She said she did it for fitfut positions and dang money. She was trying to sell a story that did Trump for financial gain.

She wasn't accusing him of rape. She was bragging about it.

Russia my ass.
You imbecile, I’ve never called for trump’s impeachment. Not even for his campaign finance laws violations.

Try arguing with reality, not with the voices you hear only in your head.
The dang Democrap agenda is Impeachment..........that is what they are shooting for.........many have stated it...........including Waterhead ....go stalk those who you don't like Waters...........

And Mr. Imbecile..............You have to Impeach him for this so called crime...........duh........
You dumbfucking imbecileconservative. Let me remind you what YOU said...

”Only reason you give a rats add about it is to get impeachment.

See that, ^^^ moron? You were talking about me and not Congress.

Like I said, rightard, try arguing with reality, not with the voices you hear only in your head.

You filthy Communist traitors are trying to win a majority in congress to pursue you coup through an absurd impeachment.

We learned that from Republicans.
Nope, it’s not the same thing. Hillary paid an American firm for their services. People from Trump’s campaign are being investigated for direct links to foreign nationals who hacked the election.

Really fucking liar?

All I see from the Inquisition are investigations of bank fraud....

As if it matters what a raving lunatic like you "sees."

Uh...yep it was if it was used to pay off a person to prevent her from divulging information that might damage your campaign.
Nope. The "information" would damage him personally.
According to know...Trump's was a campaign-related payment...
“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” about the payment.
Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.

Kind of like in 1996 kids asking their parents "what's a blow job" "why does mr Clinton get them from the help?"

Anyone who would vote for Clinton (bet YOU did) or his crude and vicious wife after that would not be concerned with a Hollywood celeb paying off women.

Of course hacks gunna be hacks and turn it to 11 for the meltdown of the week.
It's quite amusing to revisit that old lie about how kids in the 90s didn't know about blow jobs until the Clinton Impeachment.....:71:
You think a 7-year old watching the news with his dad knew what a blow job was?
noun: scandal; plural noun: scandals
an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.

synonyms - impropriety, misconduct, shame, dishonor, disgrace, disrepute, discredit, infamy, ignominy, embarrassment

Oh, yeah, it's easy to see why Trumpeters are relieved.
You mean like Republican Blake Farenthold?

I mean anyone of either party. Should they be prosecuted for campaign finance violations? They accepted money far beyond the donation limits to pay for what you and your ilk say is a campaign expense.


That money comes out of a fund for Congress, just like if a company has legal funds for settling cases of wrongdoing. I think it is ridiculous that any party should be getting their sexual harassment suits or whatever liability suit paid for with tax dollars. They rip off citizens enough already. The money should come out of their paychecks.
If Trump paying Stormy to sign an NDA is a campaign expense, then all the douchebags who used the Congressional fund to pay off sexual harassment claims also received illegal donations.

I don't think you scumbags have thought this one out. If you insist and trying to skewer Trump by labeling his payment as a campaign expense, then a lot of Dim politicians will be wriggling on the same hook.

It's a campaign contribution not an expense. An expense is paying for the plane ride to rallies... a contribution is anything of value like a cash donation, if someone caters a rally for free, or something like this where they pay someone not to say something that would damage their chances of getting elected.

Lying again, huh Lewd.

How does one make a "contribution" to their own campaign?

Donald Trump can spend as much of his own money as he pleases to try and get elected.

You Communists are such foolish little scum...
Raving lunatic, no one is contending the amount he spent to silence a porn star is illegal.

Try arguing against reality, not what your mind-altering drugs lead you to believe is real.
You sound very proud to be supporting an unindicted co-conspirator....What are you going to do when Mueller comes out with his report that squarely places trump in the lead for a treasonous endeavor with our greatest adversary? Are you still going to support a proven criminal.

Lanny Davis hinted that Cohen is prepared to provide evidence that not only did trump know about the June 2016 meeting....he knew about the Hacking before it happened and he cheered it on. He will soon be the 21st Century Benedict Arnold....He has already surpassed the criminality of Richard Nixon...Not only are the Feds after trump now, several states are lining up to take him and his criminal network down.

If I had a message for the Orange would be ENJOY THE ATTENTION AS president WHILE YOU CAN. Doomsday is just around the corner.
Look at the psychotic turd who doesn't give a hoot about the fact the Hillary hired Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump have a hissy fit about Trump's son having a perfectly legal meeting.

Let me give you a hint, dumbass: Even if Trump did everything you claim, he didn't break any laws. Furthermore, he sure as hell didn't tell anyone to hack anyone.

On the one hand, Hillary paid Russian spies $5,000,000 for dirt on Trump. On the other, the Trump sons listened to a Russian try to lobby them for some legislation. the former is a crime, while the latter is perfectly legal. I know it enrages you mentally disturbed snowflakes that anyone would be interested in learning about Hillary's dirty deeds, but it's not a crime.

The Intell Community hates trump. He chose Putin over their word on the word stage. They will find out his crimes and he will pay. Count on it....
Putin's word is more credible than the FBI's. They're really going to hate Trump when this is over and he starts cleaning house. All the refuse is going to lose their jobs and security clearances. 25 have already been fired, been demoted or quit. These are top echelon people. That's just the head of the rotten fish.

If trump was a patriot...he would resign. The Vegas money is betting he won't finish his first term...the only house cleaning will be cleaning the trump scum out of DC...
Spare us your idiocies. Trump is doing exactly what I want him to do. You want him to resign because he is a patriot and not some loathsome swamp creature who places the welfare of politicians, bureaucrats and foreigners above the welfare of American citizens.
I mean anyone of either party. Should they be prosecuted for campaign finance violations? They accepted money far beyond the donation limits to pay for what you and your ilk say is a campaign expense.


That money comes out of a fund for Congress, just like if a company has legal funds for settling cases of wrongdoing. I think it is ridiculous that any party should be getting their sexual harassment suits or whatever liability suit paid for with tax dollars. They rip off citizens enough already. The money should come out of their paychecks.
If Trump paying Stormy to sign an NDA is a campaign expense, then all the douchebags who used the Congressional fund to pay off sexual harassment claims also received illegal donations.

I don't think you scumbags have thought this one out. If you insist and trying to skewer Trump by labeling his payment as a campaign expense, then a lot of Dim politicians will be wriggling on the same hook.

It's a campaign contribution not an expense. An expense is paying for the plane ride to rallies... a contribution is anything of value like a cash donation, if someone caters a rally for free, or something like this where they pay someone not to say something that would damage their chances of getting elected.

Lying again, huh Lewd.

How does one make a "contribution" to their own campaign?

Donald Trump can spend as much of his own money as he pleases to try and get elected.

You Communists are such foolish little scum...
Raving lunatic, no one is contending the amount he spent to silence a porn star is illegal.

Try arguing against reality, not what your mind-altering drugs lead you to believe is real.
Virtually every snowflake in this forum is arguing exactly that, including you.
It's not a crime when 2 consenting adults screw each other..............Ethically........pretty shitty thing to do to your wife..........but it's not a crime.........

They had sex for future cashing in on doing so with Clinton's case they accused him of sexual abuse............Not hardly the same......Stormy bragged about it............didn't say he FORCED ME as was with Clinton............Big difference..........

You can say.........ehtically is it wrong .............yeah......I'd never cheat on my wife.........but legally...........your full of shit......

Now you judge me..........I see what I see...........I see an establishment fucking the entire country..........getting away with massive abuse of power........Obama was one of the dirtiest dang jerks I've seen in my lifetime..........You can try to say I KNOW NOTHING........about what happened with Federal Agencies then and I could care less .............too dang much went on for that excuse............

IRS targeting costing citizens millions in defense when they committed no crimes.............These same people were also targeted by the FBI, ATF and intel agencies..............because they disagree...............Those doing this are TRAITORS to the Republic............and these leftover assholes are the same ones that took part in it............

Same ones who gave Hillary a pass before she even testified..........same ones who got financial gain from the lobbies of the dirty political gang of Democraps.........

Tired of me saying this.........I don't will continue to see these posts.
So you're saying the NDA wasn't a campaign expense? And a personal loan, not used for a campaign expense, is still a campaign contribution. Did I get your sentiment correct there?

Contributions are monies paid into the campaign. Cohen paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to benefit the campaign. The was is gross excess of the federal contribution limits. The funds didn't come out of the campaign coffers. But from Cohen personally, at Trumps personal direction. Making your description of Cohen's payments as a campaign expense simply wrong.

Trump reimembursed Cohen AFTER the election. And it being Trump, of course it was done through fraud. Faked time lines, fraudulent invoices, faked work descriptions. And obviously without reporting any of it to the FEC.

All of which has been turned over to federal prosecutors and submitted to the court.

Cohen's money didn't go to Trump or the campaign, it went to finance the NDA.

IT went to immediately benefit the campaign. But came out of Cohen's pocket. Not the campaign's.

Thus, a campaign contribution. Not a campaign expense. You've literally got opposites confused with each other. You probably want to stop polishing that turd and just accept the fact that you used the wrong term.

Trump, not the campaign reimbursed Cohen, so how could Cohen's outlay been a contribution to the campaign, when the purpose it was used for wasn't a campaign expenditure? It was basically just a short term personal loan to Trump.

Trump reimbursed him after the election.....under fraudulent circumstances, as its Trump. So of course it involved fraud, lies, faked time lines, and false invoices.

Now for your 'short term loan' theory. Even by that logic, the short term loan was for the purpose of aiding his presidential campaign. And loans are subject to campaign contribution limits too. Says who? Says the FEC.

If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.

Personal loans from the candidate -

And of course, because its Trump none of this sizable transaction was reported to the FEC. It was all done through shell companies, using fake invoices and fraudulent time lines. With Trump trying backdate the reason for the payment from 2016, when the illegal campaign contribution was made to 2017.

And there's a paper trail for all of it. With Trump's own CFO now having an immunity deal. So we're likely to learn even more of the fraudulent and corrupt criminal practices within the Trump organization.

The NDA was executed in 2016, how could it have been considered a contribution in 2017?


How indeed.

And the deceit and fraud committed by Trump go further still. As when Trump reimbursed Cohen in 2017 for the illegal campaign contribution made in 2016......he also used a fraudulent description of work. With the faked invoices claiming it was for legal work Cohen did in February of 2017.

And the Feds have the entire paper trail now. Every last fraudulent scrap of it.
And publicly denied it until the truth emerged that he did in fact reimburse his attorney to silence a porn star.
Campaign fraud is the least of Trump's worries.

What campaign fraud, Herr Goebbels? You toss about slander with no basis.

Molesting children is the least of Chuck Schumer's worries.

I'm sure there will be a bunch of methed up Trump supporters (are there any that aren't on meth?) plowing into innocent folks with their cars and folks like you cheering them on from behind their keyboards.

I'm sure there will plenty of heroin addicted Trump haters (are there any not on heroin) out on Kristalnacht with ANTIFA like usual.

You didn't just lose an election, you lost your mind.

You're a vicious, evil little troll so consumed by rage and hatred that no reason can penetrate the boiling cauldron of shit between your ears.

Ordering subordinates to break campaign finance laws is a felony. That fits well and actually goes far beyond "high crimes and misdemeanors....but that is only the beginning. The Intel Community hates the orange king. He will go down in shame....making Nixon look like a great president.
You're a special kind of idiot. No campaign finance laws were broken. Obama ordered subordinates to break campaign finance laws. So did Hillary and so did Slick Willy. Who do you think you're fooling?

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