Paying refugees to come to the United States

Wish you had recorded it. Public space and all.
On a related vein...

One day this past week, I traveled by train. Seated near me was an incredibly loud and obnoxious attorney who, judging from her comments, works for the CA state government. She spent most of the trip on a long conference discussing how to devise ways for undocumented people (illegal aliens) to stay under the radar of the Trump Administration while still getting free benefits from government. Their plan was to come up with how to guides to enable such fraud. She has an upcoming meeting scheduled to review the plans with a CA Assemblywoman, hence the urgency to have the how to guides.

In hindsight, I do too. It was disgusting.
And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased ~ Hebrews 13:16
That's a command to the Christian BRETHREN, not Muslim invaders or Democrats.

Good Allah, I hate when libs quote scripture out of context. They do it just like Satan -- the goal is to deceive.
Random commentary - I have to agree with Death Angel comment about taking scripture out of context. I admit I'm guilty of having done that in the past myself. However, a while back I did a writing project challenging myself to "reinterpret" common quotes, scripture, and myths to fit alternate and opposite definitions. I made some seriously twisted connections which I guarantee that no religious person would /ever/ agree with... To include the general over-arcing concept that the fallen were the true saviors of mankind because Hell was the only eternal realm - based entirely on, "35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24, KJV I believe it was)

Relevant Snips said:
"There are sayings; that faith is reason grown courageous, that faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future, that faith is the confidence to think, speak, and act upon the words God has already spoken. What if it were true? What if it were set askew from conventional interpretations? What if faith were a more rebellious substance?"
They, the fallen, had the thankless task of keeping more of these human souls out of Heaven than they let in, to maintain the balance of good and evil, or all of these supposedly “chosen” children would cease to exist, and by extension, the fallen as well. It was the fallen who were the true saviors of mankind. It was their rebellion, their devotion, and their dedication to the cause that kept the game going, it was their hand that freed the humans from eternal servitude, from the loss of independence, and ultimately from destruction. From the beginning until infinity he would reject the idea that this game /should/ end, that these human’s existence was never “real,” that not /all/ of His children deserved to experience eternity.

Yet, the ungrateful human wretches hated them for their efforts because they only had half the picture; knowledge of good and evil sure, and even the idea of eternal life after their mortal vessels returned to whence they came, though they fought for mortal “survival” none-the-less, but they had no understanding that the final battle would save NONE of them if they pledged themselves to Father... The idiot humans missed the point even after that snippy little shit Jesus laid the game out for them; after the final battle Earth AND Heaven would be destroyed. Heaven was a god damned Titanic, doomed to sink into oblivion and there weren’t enough fucking lifeboats for everyone. Hell on the other hand was protected by Lucifer, and would be allowed to continue by Father if only because of His terrible wrathfulness; it was the only eternity anyone could ever hope for, humans or angels alike. It was a hard pill to swallow, the torment of His punishment for defying His oppressive will; damned to saving the eternal lives of those that despised you...

In the course of the project I blasphemed around 40 quotes from the bible, wrecked 30 common sayings, and flipped a bunch of other quasi-religious/belief based myths from all over the world completely on their head. It was surprisingly easy...

One has to look deeper, at the underlying principles and concepts, in order to truly get the picture of what was being told/said by biblical tales and myths. In almost every case I've investigated since the folks using bible quotes to back up a political argument was roughly equivalent to meaningless babble because the 'principle' of the quoted scripture was misused or warped in some way. Personally I'd suggest avoiding the practice, if one cares to be genuine anyway. For trolls, of course, it's a valid, and rather effective, way to piss off religious folks and get the desired reaction. (So too, I would suggest that religious defenders not let such things piss them off, after all, faith is in ones heart - the meaningless words of disbelievers are useless to ever change that.)
Every refugee cost us $20,000.

Oh please.

OP - do you realize employers advertise in Mexico for migrant farm workers?

Not to worry though. The way drumpf is going, the only thing you fools will be qualified for is picking produce and flipping burgers for the Carl's Jr. slimeball. And, at well under minimum wage, it will pay a lot more than you're used to getting.

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And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased ~ Hebrews 13:16

sharing: A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a person or group.
theft: the action or crime of stealing.

^ There is a difference. No one asked me if they could give my income to someone else.

Even though you're WAY under qualified, I'll bet you could get a job if you'd get off your butt and go stand in front of the Home Depot at dawn.

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No need. I don't have to get up at dawn to make money. My rental properties work for me. Gas and oil leases don't hurt either. So what time do you have to get up? Sometimes if I wake up and I am still tired, I just go right back to sleep. :eusa_dance:
I've seen a source verifying the $15,000 to refugees to start small businesses in one of my business mags - afraid I can only see the article though not what mag. I get a bunch.

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