PBS Rise of the Drones

The prototype for the modern-day Drone (UVA) was built in a garage.
The Air Force is now training more Drone pilots than fighter and bomber pilots combined.
10 week conventional air flight training reduced to less than one week.
Hours over target for a fraction of the fuel.
Gee, I wonder what they're gonna' do with all those pilots when the AF goes to Drones ONLY? :confused:
368 cell phone camera-type elements per drone.
BTW, is it you who are mad or is it you are crazy?
"This PBS Broadcast brought to you in part by Lockheed Martin".

Oh look! Lockheed Martin builds drones! What a coincidence!

Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pubic Broadcasting is hard up for $.
What can ya say?
So is it a Report or a Commercial?

Good Q.

I saw it as an informative platform funded in part by a commercial concern and produced by an entity in dire need of funding.
"This PBS Broadcast brought to you in part by Lockheed Martin".

Oh look! Lockheed Martin builds drones! What a coincidence!

Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pubic Broadcasting is hard up for $.
What can ya say?
So is it a Report or a Commercial?

Excellent question. That's the pitfall of "underwriting". It puts public broadcasting in a position of somewhere between pandering and prostitution. And we already have a vast wasteland of commercial channels doing that full-time. This is the price of cutting back on public funding.
creepy shit. I want somebody to invent a device to bring them down at will
I think the Iranians already have that. Remember when they "took control" of one a while back and landed it?

not the way you are portraying it...

I'm talking about something as simple as the device that shuts off cell phones withing a certain distance

:clap2: Yesssss. Or jams its little communication system so it sends nothing but noise, or perhaps a message that looks like ":fu:" I'm sure somebody's already working on it -- perhaps the same innovators who came up with devices to evade traffic cameras. Keep an eye on eBay. Especially the Chinese sellers.

I'm working on the "VacuSonic laser beam". It sends a concentrated sucking vacuum in a straight line; you aim it at that annoying thump-thump car going by and it sucks the speaker cones out. I need some funding. Who's in?

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