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Trump, during a campaign rally over the weekend, suggested Tehran’s attack on Israel, came as a direct result of what he described as the United States’ “weakness,” claiming “it would not have happened if we were in office.”

But Bolton said the former president is clueless about how to respond to international crises involving U.S. adversaries.

“I just think Trump is delusional on this point,” “It’s a point that nobody can refute or confirm one way or the other. He doesn’t have any idea what to do in the Middle East in this situation. Remember when he threatened fire and fury against North Korea? Within a year he had fallen in love with Kim Jong Un. So he’s not qualified to be president.”
You may not like his style, but trump got good results when he was in office

Ukraine for instance

I think putin believed that biden and NATO was weak and indecisive

To their credit they werent

If vladdy had known what he was up against I suspect he would have invaded

I believe trump could have prevented the war simply by being unpredictable

And he would have saved trillions of dollars
You may not like his style, but trump got good results when he was in office

Ukraine for instance

I think putin believed that biden and NATO was weak and indecisive

To their credit they werent

If vladdy had known what he was up against I suspect he would have invaded

I believe trump could have prevented the war simply by being unpredictable

And he would have saved trillions of dollars
I love when he said he is better than Lincoln because if he were president there would have been no civil war.
Trump, during a campaign rally over the weekend, suggested Tehran’s attack on Israel, came as a direct result of what he described as the United States’ “weakness,” claiming “it would not have happened if we were in office.”

But Bolton said the former president is clueless about how to respond to international crises involving U.S. adversaries.

“I just think Trump is delusional on this point,” “It’s a point that nobody can refute or confirm one way or the other. He doesn’t have any idea what to do in the Middle East in this situation. Remember when he threatened fire and fury against North Korea? Within a year he had fallen in love with Kim Jong Un. So he’s not qualified to be president.”

You forgot this one from Bolton:

I love when he said he is better than Lincoln because if he were president there would have been no civil war.
If there were a Deep State in 1860 controlled by democrats Lincoln would have died before reaching Washington
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