PBS says we must fear the "white Christian Nationalist"


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

The phrase white Christian nationalism has been in the headlines quite a bit recently, but what does it really mean?
Christian nationalism is an ideology that is based around the idea that this is a Christian nation, that this was founded as a Christian nation, and, therefore, it should be a Christian nation today and should be so in the future.
According to survey data, Christian nationalists agree with statements like the federal government should declare the United States of America a Christian nation. Our laws should be based on Christian values. being a Christian is important if you want to be a real American.
One, it's built around the idea that Christians are called to a new transformation or reformation of the United States. These are Christians who want to revolutionize the way that our country looks, and to make it great again in terms of being a Christian nation.
They were at the very avant-garde of trying to get the 2020 election overturned in the wake of Joe Biden's victory and mobilizing folks to be at January 6.
I think white evangelicals are the group we think of when we think of white Christian nationalism, and for good reason.
These are folks who, when we think about the Iowa caucuses, in 2016 Trump's white evangelical voters were about 20 percent of his share of voters in that cycle. Just a few weeks ago, in 2024, that grew to well over 50 percent.
White evangelicals remain committed to the MAGA movement.

This is Democrat boilerplate propaganda hate and fear mongering.
The Radical Left is using hate and fear for the Evangelicals as one of their campaign tools.
They are saying that we must fear the Evangelicals.
This is part of the pattern of the Radical Left's cultural loathing of Wasps.
Can you imagine using this sort of campaign hate mongering against any other religious group?
When the Radical Left uses their term "threat against democracy" it actually means a threat against the corrupt Democrat Party's quest for one-party hegemony.
Their version of "democracy" is one-party tyranny.

The phrase white Christian nationalism has been in the headlines quite a bit recently, but what does it really mean?
Christian nationalism is an ideology that is based around the idea that this is a Christian nation, that this was founded as a Christian nation, and, therefore, it should be a Christian nation today and should be so in the future.
According to survey data, Christian nationalists agree with statements like the federal government should declare the United States of America a Christian nation. Our laws should be based on Christian values. being a Christian is important if you want to be a real American.
One, it's built around the idea that Christians are called to a new transformation or reformation of the United States. These are Christians who want to revolutionize the way that our country looks, and to make it great again in terms of being a Christian nation.
They were at the very avant-garde of trying to get the 2020 election overturned in the wake of Joe Biden's victory and mobilizing folks to be at January 6.
I think white evangelicals are the group we think of when we think of white Christian nationalism, and for good reason.
These are folks who, when we think about the Iowa caucuses, in 2016 Trump's white evangelical voters were about 20 percent of his share of voters in that cycle. Just a few weeks ago, in 2024, that grew to well over 50 percent.
White evangelicals remain committed to the MAGA movement.

This is Democrat boilerplate propaganda hate and fear mongering.
The Radical Left is using hate and fear for the Evangelicals as one of their campaign tools.
They are saying that we must fear the Evangelicals.
This is part of the pattern of the Radical Left's cultural loathing of Wasps.
Can you imagine using this sort of campaign hate mongering against any other religious group?
When the Radical Left uses their term "threat against democracy" it actually means a threat against the corrupt Democrat Party's quest for one-party hegemony.
Their version of "democracy" is one-party tyranny.
I concur with most, maybe all, of your conclusions here. First you have to define 'nationalist' which Merriam Webster defines as national independence which is what Patriots want--OR--strong national government which is what Democrats/leftists want. So all politically minded people are nationalists in one way or another.

A white Christian nationalist is a Democrat/leftist who happens to be Christian and white or a Republican/Patriot who happens to be Christian and white.

As for this being a Christian nation, the Founders certainly saw that as the way things should be.

"While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian."--George Washington

"Now I will avow, that I then believe, and now believe, that those general Principles of Christianity, are as eternal and immutable, as the Existence and Attributes of God; and that those Principles of Liberty, are as unalterable as human Nature and our terrestrial, mundane System."--John Adams

"God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever..."

--Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XVIII, p. 237.--Thomas Jefferson
"I am a real Christian – that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ."--Thomas Jefferson

"Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. ... Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us."--John Hancock

"As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals and his religion, as he left them to us, is the best the world ever saw, or is likely to see;"--Benjamin Franklin

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”--John Adams​

And to a man, they were all keenly aware of the tyranny of a state religion, even a Christian one, as was the case in England and were adamant that the government of the United States of America would dictate no creed or doctrine and would not demand that any citizen embrace any particular religion nor forbid any citizen from being as religious or non religious as he/she chose whatever religion he/she embraced.

They believed religion should be part of all of us--they held Christian worship services in the chambers of Congress--but should never be policy or law at the national level.

I know of not one single 'white Christian nationalist', either left or right, who thinks Christianity or any other religion should be a state religion or that any religion should be outlawed. Many of us do believe we should be able to express our religious faith anywhere that is the desire of the people though.
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Are you a right wing christian nationalist and this bothers you?

I can understand why the atheist, socialist, globalists of PBS would want to spread hate and fear about Christians. Being white, christian, conservative, and patriotic to putting America first is the diametric opposite to everything their subversive heathen ideology represents! Worse, they are winning!


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This is all about extremist politicians attempting to make Christianity identify with the political divide. It can only become a negative factor for the churches if it has any success on driving the political left away.

The phrase white Christian nationalism has been in the headlines quite a bit recently, but what does it really mean?
Christian nationalism is an ideology that is based around the idea that this is a Christian nation, that this was founded as a Christian nation, and, therefore, it should be a Christian nation today and should be so in the future.
According to survey data, Christian nationalists agree with statements like the federal government should declare the United States of America a Christian nation. Our laws should be based on Christian values. being a Christian is important if you want to be a real American.
One, it's built around the idea that Christians are called to a new transformation or reformation of the United States. These are Christians who want to revolutionize the way that our country looks, and to make it great again in terms of being a Christian nation.
They were at the very avant-garde of trying to get the 2020 election overturned in the wake of Joe Biden's victory and mobilizing folks to be at January 6.
I think white evangelicals are the group we think of when we think of white Christian nationalism, and for good reason.
These are folks who, when we think about the Iowa caucuses, in 2016 Trump's white evangelical voters were about 20 percent of his share of voters in that cycle. Just a few weeks ago, in 2024, that grew to well over 50 percent.
White evangelicals remain committed to the MAGA movement.

This is Democrat boilerplate propaganda hate and fear mongering.
The Radical Left is using hate and fear for the Evangelicals as one of their campaign tools.
They are saying that we must fear the Evangelicals.
This is part of the pattern of the Radical Left's cultural loathing of Wasps.
Can you imagine using this sort of campaign hate mongering against any other religious group?
When the Radical Left uses their term "threat against democracy" it actually means a threat against the corrupt Democrat Party's quest for one-party hegemony.
Their version of "democracy" is one-party tyranny.
More MAGA projection.

Anyone who doesn’t toe the MAGA line or drink the MAGA koolaide is considered “radical” in your book.
More MAGA projection.

Anyone who doesn’t toe the MAGA line or drink the MAGA koolaide is considered “radical” in your book.
Maga or otherwise, it calls for the Christian churches to speak out against the politicization of religion. And when they do, it will be interpreted as taking sides.
Just what IS the MAGA line and the MAGA Koolaid? And just how did making America great get morphed in so negative a thing?

Didn't Joe run on Build Back Better? How is that not making America greater?
At one tone…MAGA was just a campaign slogan, now it is a cult.

The phrase white Christian nationalism has been in the headlines quite a bit recently, but what does it really mean?
Christian nationalism is an ideology that is based around the idea that this is a Christian nation, that this was founded as a Christian nation, and, therefore, it should be a Christian nation today and should be so in the future.
According to survey data, Christian nationalists agree with statements like the federal government should declare the United States of America a Christian nation. Our laws should be based on Christian values. being a Christian is important if you want to be a real American.
One, it's built around the idea that Christians are called to a new transformation or reformation of the United States. These are Christians who want to revolutionize the way that our country looks, and to make it great again in terms of being a Christian nation.
They were at the very avant-garde of trying to get the 2020 election overturned in the wake of Joe Biden's victory and mobilizing folks to be at January 6.
I think white evangelicals are the group we think of when we think of white Christian nationalism, and for good reason.
These are folks who, when we think about the Iowa caucuses, in 2016 Trump's white evangelical voters were about 20 percent of his share of voters in that cycle. Just a few weeks ago, in 2024, that grew to well over 50 percent.
White evangelicals remain committed to the MAGA movement.

This is Democrat boilerplate propaganda hate and fear mongering.
The Radical Left is using hate and fear for the Evangelicals as one of their campaign tools.
They are saying that we must fear the Evangelicals.
This is part of the pattern of the Radical Left's cultural loathing of Wasps.
Can you imagine using this sort of campaign hate mongering against any other religious group?
When the Radical Left uses their term "threat against democracy" it actually means a threat against the corrupt Democrat Party's quest for one-party hegemony.
Their version of "democracy" is one-party tyranny.
I don't understand why evangelical nationalists call themselves "christian" when they are so hostile to all the teaching of Jesus
More MAGA projection.

Anyone who doesn’t toe the MAGA line or drink the MAGA koolaide is considered “radical” in your book.
The MAGA vision is a strong, independent, prosperous America that promotes maximum possible liberty, choice, option, and possibilities for all Americans.

If that is MAGA koolaid in your eyes, I want every citizen to drink it. And I concur with the Founders that it is best accomplished with Christian principles of fair play, justice, honor, integrity, personal responsibility, compassion.
The MAGA vision is a strong, independent, prosperous America that promotes maximum possible liberty, choice, option, and possibilities for all Americans.

If that is MAGA koolaid in your eyes, I want every citizen to drink it. And I concur with the Founders that it is best accomplished with Christian principles of fair play, justice, honor, integrity, personal responsibility, compassion.
I (respectfully) disagree. MAGA, integrity and compassion do not co-exist in the political sphere nor does it come down from the leadership.
At one tone…MAGA was just a campaign slogan, now it is a cult.

Only made so by the leftwing media and politicians as a means of advancing identity politics toward their own ends by making "MAGA" something for their base to hate and fear and to work against rather than just being a campaign slogan. In fact, the left are what took Make America Great Again and shortened it into 'MAGA," as often repeated by Joe Biden.

And that cult thing--- MAGA is no more a cult than the efforts to defeat Trump. Indeed, isn't the real cult those who have spent BILLIONS of dollars trying to defeat a guy who simply wants to put America first?

But I finally figured out the pejorative against MAGA being a cult--- what it is really about is the growing hatred of the Trump movement supporting him despite all that the left have thrown at him! It isn't MAGA they hate and fear, it is the fact that Trump has endeared so loyal and unshakable a following, something they envy and wish they could instill in a democrat--- ANY democrat--- but can't. The left would KILL to have a cult around one of their own like Trump has.

So when I hear "Cult," what I really hear is envy.

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